Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-05-02

We also, I think, have to assume that we’re beginners. No matter how much we know, we know nothing. And so we’re explorers. And the more open we are to explore and to allow in new information and new ideas and new creativity, the broader and wider our spiritual dimensionality becomes and then our Mental World also expands.

MYD: 2024-04-25

Because you are a multidimensional being, it is important to recognize how you balance your Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Worlds or layers of consciousness. Taking time to meditate daily and tune into your deep self allows the worlds to unify and balance effortlessly. A few moments to re-enter during the day helps this process.

MYD: 2024-04-18

Figure8 With Feet Position

What I want to focus on today is how to navigate that kind of angst that’s going on around you and recognize communication that’s coming from each world so that you understand what communication skills you can use in order to stay balanced and to avoid your own emotions getting in the way of clear perception.

MYD: 2024-04-11

Dr. EleanorHi, everybody. Welcome. Let’s start with an attunement. Find a comfortable place where you can be internal and undisturbed. Close your eyes and get yourself comfortable, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, and allowing all of the tension and thoughts that are rolling around inside of you to release. And […]

MYD: 2024-04-04

Page From Cosmic Guidance for April 4, 2024

Integration of the Worlds. You are likely to feel most empowered when you send time with yourself internally prior to going about your day. Time to recognize your deep self is time that empowers you at your core.

MYD: 2024-03-28

Multidimensional Human Design Chart-April 8, 2024 Eclipse

Feelings are felt in terms of who you are instinctively, and then your mind interprets it. When you have physical sensations, again, they come into your body instinctively, and your mind interprets them. And what’s so critical over the next couple of weeks and into the next three months is that what you set your intention for over the next couple of weeks is what you’re going to live out.

MYD: 2024-03-21

Astrology Chart for Eclipse 2024-04-08

Reading about the Saros cycle, it’s telling us that we’re waking up. We’re waking up to ourselves.

MYD: 2024-03-14

In the body map, 2/14 is a Channel—the Trial/Probation Channel. It’s also Key 14. The important thing for all of you to learn is that you can’t hold on to old belief systems and expect yourself to transform.

MYD: 2024-03-07

What and how you think is important in how you feel and what happens in setting and reaching your goals.

MYD: 2024-02-29

Path Between

“I am a multidimensional being, and I move seamlessly between the worlds as I integrate the information from each World into my daily life. And from each day, I grow in integration as I move between the Worlds because the more adept, I become at navigating the Worlds, the bigger and bolder and more empowered I am in living as a divine being.”

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