Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-03-07

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal and undisturbed by anything around you, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Close your eyes and allow yourself to release anything that is stressful, any thoughts that bog you down. And just for the moment, realize that there is nowhere to be and nothing to do other than where you are and what you’re doing right now.

You’re going internal. Allowing the worlds to balance. 


The Mental World is informing your position. Listening to the words that are coming into your ears and registering the meaning of what is being said.


The Physical World is your comfort. Check out your position. Is your body relaxed? Is it comfortable? If not, adjust your body so you’re physically at ease and physically comfortable.

Emotionally, release any stress that you brought into this meeting and allow yourself for this hour to be free of stress, free of any energy that bogs you down, deflates your field and gives you some worry on an emotional level.


And allow the primary energy to be Spiritual, breathing in through the nose and allowing the divine to radiate through your body, expanding your energy field 7ft in every direction. Above you, below you, in front of you, behind you, all around you, allowing a release of anything that is not aligned.

You are now aligning with your spirit, with your soul, with who you are in all aspects of yourself. And just breathe, allowing the breath to cleanse your aura and, allow your mind to release thoughts, and be free to go where your spirit tells you to go. I’ll be silent for a little bit while you allow yourself to be.
And from this relaxed and centered spiritual place, set your intention to accomplish what you want to accomplish in this hour for yourself and to be supportive to the other people in the webinar who can use your support and your love in working through whatever is their agenda for today. From this place here, wiggling your fingers and toes, coming back to the room, fully alert, awake, and ready to get to work.

Dr. Marvin
Happy spring, everybody. Where we are. It’s very springy today.
Dr. Eleanor
With pollen everywhere.
Dr. Marvin
Yellow pollen.
Oh, this is Elizabeth. I just wanted to say we’re having an extended winter.
Dr. Eleanor
Oh, where do you live?
On the other side of the country, in Bellingham, Washington, in the four corners.
But it’s sunny, so that’s nice.
Hello, everyone. This is Kathryn. It’s been raining here in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Dr. Eleanor
I see Sarah has her hand up.

Yeah, I would love to.

In the Mental World, Action honors what you know about yourself and your inner resources. It’s action well spent.
In the Spiritual: Reflect on times you took inner authority that triggered other people.
In the Emotional: How you react to others is how you react to yourself.
Dr. Eleanor
Isn’t that beautiful?
Yeah, baby. And then in the Physical: You are likely to physically overextend yourself if you succumb to outside pressures and be protective of your health. Do you want me to read the whole integration part?
Dr. Eleanor
Oh, yes. It’s really a good one today.
This is kind of the kicker because I had such a great experience. I can tie to this.
Integrated World. What and how you think is important in how you feel and what happens in setting and reaching your goals. Before you take any action, it is important that you make sure you are in the “right” space and facing in the “right” direction. Consider all possibilities for your future before you determine how you want to move forward. You can tune in to your senses and to how you experience the impact of others on you if you take the time to do so. Remember that energy follows thought. If you do not already do so, it is a good time to begin writing down what you are grateful for AND use an “I” statement to express the because part of the gratitude statement… Wow.

Well, we recently started ballroom dancing again, which is something we haven’t done for ages because it is really expensive right?
Well, Jay found a place where we can take weekly lessons for $10 apiece. So that was manifested into greatness. So, it’s really good. But last night we were doing the cha cha, which is a little bit complicated, but we had so much fun. We were just giggling like silly little kids, and we’d mess u,p and who cares, right? And I don’t know, we just got in a fit of giggles.
And then, at one point when she was playing a song, you just felt yourself, like, float away because it was just enjoying the moment. And I thought, with all that’s going on around us, many times we fail to just pursue joy and the simplicity of that in happiness, and we can find that in the smallest, silliest little areas, but so impactful.
The funny thing about it is there were probably ten couples in there, and our joy and our fun just hit everybody like a rock. And next, the tension dropped with the complication of the steps, and people were just being silly and having fun. And it’s like, oh, wow, I miss that so much. And I just was thinking about, like, with your guidance, your Cosmic Guidance, how do we pull that in? Or do we just many a times disregard it? What direction are we facing? What direction are we choosing and how choose to impact with other people.
Dr. Eleanor
I’ve said many times that the Spiritual World is the Integrative Field of Consciousness. So, when you stay connected to the inner self and to your own spirit, and you don’t get caught up in what you should be doing. Ought to be doing, and how you should be doing something, then you can be in your own joy. And if you mess up, you mess up. So what? Who cares?

I’m just going to say what I’m feeling I need to say. It’s been brought to my attention that I’ve been dealing unknowingly, dealing with some addictions, eating disorder and It’s called kleptomania. But the kleptomania is like, I haven’t done that a long time. So, it’s very perplexing.
I have been encouraged; I essentially feel like I’m being made to address these issues because of the living situation I’m sharing here in the house. And that in order to address these things, if I don’t, then I need to move. And that’s like; it feels like an ultimatum. And all this stuff is very uncomfortable.
I have stepped into a twelve-step program that I like, and it’s comfortable, and so I’m like, I’m starting over with a lot of this stuff, and underneath all of this. I’ll just back up here a moment. So, last night, I had a healing session with a very dear person that I trust, and that was about victimhood, which I believe has a very strong connection to addictions.
That was last night, so I’m still integrating that right now. And that underneath all of this, I really do believe that rage and anger is deeply underneath this because I was not allowed to express my anger and many of my feelings in my childhood. So that’s kind of wrapping it up in a nutshell.
And that now I feel willing to address this and at my own pace and not by somebody else’s good ideas. The eating disorder has evidently been going on most of my life, unknowingly. And it became more apparent about 18 months ago where I am seriously underweight. So, thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Excellent. That you’re working on it and that you joined a twelve-step program and we will support you energetically and with healing, and we will watch for the transformation in you as it occurs.
Thank you. And I get pretty wrapped up in a spin in various degrees when you do.
Dr. Eleanor
Kathryn, breathe, settle breathe. Do an attunement like what I did at the beginning, where you put a bubble around yourself and you clear all the Worlds so that the energy of emotion can transform. It’s very interesting to begin working with the Four Worlds in your day-to-day life. And when you have a reaction to something, to ask yourself which World am I in.
Marvin and I had an interesting experience on Tuesday. We took our two dogs to the vet, one for his physical therapy and one for a cardiology appointment. And we were there for quite a while. And Sam, the younger dog, gets upset when I’m holding his leash and he sees another dog. He gets very protective of me and he can easily pull me over and has.
There was the Mental World, the Emotional World of concern about whether anything was going to show up and the sense of trust. And as we were driving to the animal hospital, we were listening to a beautiful Jonathan Cahn video about what’s going on in the world. And it was very spiritual. But as the day progressed and the dogs barked – Sam’s heart is perfect. Everything worked out fine. But on the way home, we were discussing the Worlds and how our stress level during the visit was a different World than where we wanted to be. And we could watch it and identify it and transform it. So don’t expect that this is simple. It’s not because we’re complex beings.
Dr. Marvin
Right, it’s not fixed – it changes moment to moment.
Dr. Eleanor
It was very fluid. And we used the time because we were together for how many hours? Maybe 4 or 5 hours in the car. And we took my car because I thought I would drive. And it’s a small car, whereas Marvin has a big car. So, it was a little cramped and the dogs got a little wild when the cardiologist walked Sam out with me because I said to her, “I need help walking out because if there’s a dog, he’s going to pull me over”.
The cardiologist walked out and got to talking to Marvin, and then the dogs got wild. It was a typical, unanticipated, eventful day. But what we did was to go into ourselves and look at how we navigated all of the elements of the World as it was going on. Very interesting. Have any of you done that with a day in your life or could you do it now?
Hi. Good evening, everyone. I’ve been trying to do it on a daily basis. Like every time I encounter something, I ask myself, what world is this? And this past week, for myself, I’ve been really focused on consciously engaging in the Mental World, because I feel there is my biggest struggle, because I tend to be in the Spiritual World and approach everything from that spiritual point of view. What I often don’t realize, it’s something I think you said last week in the attunement. We don’t have to put our soul in everything. And it made the past week a lot easier, because when I was encountering with people who just started talking to me, I could recognize this is a conversation in the Mental World. And I don’t mean it negative in a negative way, but I can stay superficial in the answers I give, and I don’t have to put soul in it to try and make them understand how I feel and see it.
Dr. Eleanor
That’s a very critical point, isn’t it? To recognize that the Mental World is the world of the mind. And even when you’re in sync spiritually in the Mental World, it’s still the Mental World.
Yeah, exactly. And it’s like a switch that I’m putting on and off right now. I don’t have to put my switch on. I can just take in, respond. But I don’t have to make it as difficult as I used to make it by trying to pull the others into the Spiritual World.
Dr. Eleanor
When you recognize your own sense of spirit and you are anchored in that in a secure way, then when it’s not perceived around you, you don’t care.
Exactly. That’s what I’m feeling now for recognition anymore outside of myself.
Dr. Eleanor
Because you’re anchored and secure within your spirit, and nobody can take that away. Whereas when we’re children and we want to be recognized spiritually and we’re not, then we feel hurt, and that hurt becomes a conditioned response. Excellent!
This is more of a little story that happened this morning similar to what you had, but it might help people to remember how quickly you can go back to that spiritual place. But I was out back this morning, and I was doing my walk in the practice with Tai Chi Gung, and I noticed a pair of red-tailed hawks and then a pair of crows, and everyone was battling. Usually, it’s very quiet, and I’m in that place that is just peaceful.
They were fighting with each other, chasing each other around, and then they ended up finding an owl in one of our trees. And they decided they were going to attack the owl. And it was like a battle, just all-out war. And then the dogs decided to take off because they thought this was something pretty bad. So, they started chasing them all and ended up close to a road that’s not too far.
So spiritual was gone. I’m running in the Mental World, emotional, trying to calm everything back down. And then I brought everything back, and I’m back to the practice and trying to get back into the spiritual part, and life happens. But if you can just have that almost immediate reaction, to train yourself almost like it’s there and just get right back into that place you need to be. It doesn’t have to be a disruption like that. It could be a phone call or a family member or anything happens in life, in your daily going about, whatever your routine, immediately just take yourself right back to that peaceful spiritual place, and you can do it. We can all do that. Don’t let this emotional or mental take you away and not be able to train yourself back there.

Dr. Eleanor
It’s much easier to do if you meditate or do things like Tai Chi Gung that put you into the spiritual dimension. I’ve been a meditator since 1974 doing Transcendental Meditation(TM) and I do other meditations, but I always come back to my TM.

What I noticed in my practice was that the people who did TM, (I became a big advocate of Transcendental Meditation after I started, because within a week of starting Transcendental Meditation, I went from being stuck at swimming eight laps to within a week swimming thirteen. And I went,” okay, this tells me there’s something real”.

I recommended to all of my clients that they do TM instead of other meditations, because what I noticed was the people who did TM kept doing it, and the people who chose to do other meditations fell off the wagon pretty quickly. And it’s up to all of you what practice you do spiritually every day. But I certainly advocate for doing regular spiritual meditation, because that becomes your home, the place you go to rebalance.

Dr. Marvin
And I would add the same kind of experience that you could have being internal doing a meditation or Tai Chi Gung some people can have out in nature. The other day I was in a park, and this bird of prey came flying right near me with a fish in its mouth and sat on a branch and was eating the fish. And it was right near a little swamp and a creek and just seeing that beautiful experience, or sometimes a sunset or something beautiful in nature or a nice breeze that clears the air. These are all kinds of ways that I personally love to connect to spirit. I also meditate.

Dr. Eleanor
When you meditate, you can go back to that place easier than if you don’t meditate, because you’re giving yourself a carved-out period of time that you dedicate to being internal and you access who you are when you’re meditating. Very different than if it’s a verbal meditation.

I got your book, Cosmic Guidance. I just started that a couple of days ago, just doing the readings and doing the reflections at night. And it has helped to try to, again, I mentioned in recovery, trying to mend the mind, body, spirit connection that was severed for me for so long. It is helpful to kind of break it down that way, because what I struggle most with is getting bogged down in the Mental and the Physical, because I do deal with a lot of chronic pain. And then I get in my head about the pain.

And the Spiritual World really is very raw and fresh for me because obviously, maybe not obviously, but pre recovery and an addiction, I had a very nihilistic, negative view of the world, and I didn’t believe in God, and I didn’t believe in anything at all. I’m also a recovering atheist, I guess you could say. So, a lot of this is very difficult.

A lot of the Spiritual World is very new to me. I mean, I am meditating. I have a pretty robust meditation practice every morning. I’ve been doing dynamic breath work practices, which has been life changing in terms of my anxiety. So, I guess what I’m getting at is being such a… trying to cultivate faith and trying to cultivate this seedling of spirituality where there wasn’t really anything before. And getting out of the Mental World is what I’m struggling with these days.

Clean Language Questions

 Dr. Eleanor
If you have a pen and pencil handy, I’m going to ask you some questions. All of you. I’m going to ask you

Spiritual World Questions:

  • When most true to yourself, that’s like, what?
  • Are you in your life going in the right direction?
  • Are you in the right space?
  • When spiritually aligned on all levels, what difference does it make?

And shifting to the Emotional World Questions:

  • What do you know about how other people impact your emotions?
  • Think of a time when you were emotionally agitated or reactive, ask yourself if expressing your emotions aligned with your desired outcome.


Going to ask you a Mental World Questions:

In what ways can reframing your story about yourself open new possibilities in your life?

In the Mental World, you know yourself better than anyone knows you. What do you know about your strengths and your talents in the Mental World?

In the Emotional World:

  • When most balanced and in alignment with your deepest passions, what kind of goals are most important to you?

In the Physical World:

  • How do you know what’s healthy for you?
  • What do you know now about the shifts that you can make internally to care for yourself better?

In the Integrated World:

  • Think about the people with whom you associate. Do you enjoy their company? Do they enhance your sense of ease and confidence in the world and in yourself? And do you feel healthy when in their presence?
  • What do you know now? Or ask it a little bit differently. Ask what do I know about myself now and whereabouts is the I, I am?

Transcendental Meditation

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

For Transcendental Meditation, go to the web and look up Maharishi, Mahesh Yogi and look for a Transcendental Meditation Center near you. They’re all over the world. They’re accessible. They have a sliding scale so it’s affordable. And once you get initiated as a Transcendental Meditator, you are in the organization for your life and you can go back and get rechecked anytime.

Dr. Marvin
There are advanced trainings also.

Dr. Eleanor
One of our participants is in fact a TM teacher.   

I found it interesting because I got a lot of really positive answers. And the last one, what do I know about myself now? Was really surprising when I was reading it again because it said, I am ready to receive and enjoy the results of all my hard work.
Dr. Eleanor
Excellent. All of the questions I asked were clean questions. The clean questions are especially useful for putting people into depth. When a question uses visual, auditory, or kinesthetic language, it slants the Mental World, Emotional World in a certain direction. Whereas when being asked a clean question, there is no language that predisposes you to answer it in a certain way. So that’s great. Charlotte, were you finished or you have more to say?
Yeah, I just wanted to add that I notice when I get these positive answers that part of me starts doubting, like, am I just making this up because I want this to be the answer? But that’s the thing about, I think, trusting that inner voice that just knows because it knows.
Dr. Eleanor
Let’s say you are making it up. What difference does it make?
None, I think.
Dr. Eleanor
Another clean question. “What do you know now and what difference does it make?” In the work that David Grove did when he was developing the clean language, he believed that you could just ask the same question, “and what do you know now six times” and you’d get a full answer. And he was the innovator of six degrees of separation. In defining a space, you need six points to define the space. And so repeating “what do I know now?” can be very useful. And instead of using the word positive, try using the word empowered. My daughter is very adamant about this. Dyan is a very skilled hypnotherapist.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, the reason she is careful about the word positive is because in the medical field, you do not want a positive test. And she deals a lot with chronic illness. If you are talking to yourself, think about being empowered, because we don’t know what the unconscious association to a positive outcome thing is. It could be a negative from past experience.
That’s very interesting. Thank you.
Yes. Thank you very much. I enjoyed this. I wanted to make sure I got all the questions down, because I’m sure I’ll be contemplating these in my travels throughout the next week. I deal with chronic illness, chronic pain, and a lot of these questions were very empowering. And I’ve been using that word a lot more. Dr. Eleanor, as a result of working, it’s really been like a fountain of remembering to use that word, even in my relationships. If you can empower me, I would love to do that stuff like that. So anyway, it’s practical.
And I’m going to answer one question. What do I know now about the shifts I can make internally to care for myself better? And what came up was the use of water as a spirit guide. The use of water as a spirit guide. I’ve been listening to my inner voice a lot, and I’ve been wanting to impregnate the water that I drink with intention, because I’m actually dealing with some sort of important physical stuff right now, some pain. And I am going beyond the expected reaction to a diagnosis.
I am believing through this work that I can heal anything, and that is exactly what I want to do. And so, I’ve been saying things to the water like, “thank you for helping me clear my blocks” and things like that. And also, when I just had a bath, the spirit of the water, I got in and I said, “thank you for helping me transform my emotional life, and thank you for being with me as a spirit element in my body as I travel”.
So, yes, I’m actually consciously integrating around my own, maybe I’m dehydrated, right, and I need more water. So, I mean, that is a real Physical World thing, but I think that my health is a priority right now.
Dr. Eleanor
Dr. Marvin
Water may be that you’re thirsty, but it also may be that you’re seeking something that also happens in a spiritual aspect of water, which is baptism. And we are 75% water. So, when the spirit comes into us, it comes in through our water, unless we’re baptized by fire, which we cannot do for ourselves. But the baptism for water is something that can happen theoretically and symbolically every time we drink water.
Dr. Eleanor
And you’re doing that.
I’m up for that. It’s a new life right now. I’ve shifted something, especially last night. And, yeah, I thank you so much for your response. I don’t want to take up a lot of time, but you’re welcome. I’m going to see you, Dr. Eleanor, so we’ll talk more.
Dr. Eleanor
We will, yes. Thank you.
Yes. Hi. I want to say a little bit more about the water. I mean, as a fetus, we develop in water, and mom’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions are embedded in that frequency in the water and how we internalize that. So, I think for a lot of us, that connection that we have with water from the beginning may not always been as supported as we would have liked it to have been. Right? Thank you.
Yes. So, detoxing through the water and kind of purifying, I think, is my response to that.
Dr. Eleanor
And make sure you’re using water that’s good water, yes.
Dr. Marvin
And not water that sits in plastic either?
No. And there’s water in the air as well?
Dr. Eleanor
To me, there’s a lot of spirit in water, and I know that it also relates to the emotions. Water as a symbolic element.
Just because you’re speaking of water. I’m not trying to promote anything. I’m not selling. Just I’m always fascinated by all the new technologies that come out, and there seems to be more and more every day. So, it’s really wonderful, all the things that are coming forward. But this company called Lumibate out of Europe. There are many hydrogen water bottles out there, tons of them. This is the only one that I’ve come across that has a lot of reports to back up their science and the geniuses behind it. So, I’m open minded because I do believe that water is also a healer, because it’s one of the natural things for us to ingest on the daily.
I believe in all things simple. I think we make things too complicated. So going back to simplicity, it’s not very cheap. But I got this from a pre-launch because I wanted to be on the ground floor. I wanted to just kind of experiment with this myself. But from the first moment that I drank from it and I drink bottled water I thought I was imagining something. I felt tingling in my body and a little bit, almost like little pins and needle shocks, like when your foot goes to sleep and wakes up and you get that little irritating thing. But I was amazed by that. And then that went away. I am feeling some slight detoxing happening. Nothing uncomfortable, but I’ve also joined some groups to where I can hear other people’s testimonials, and they seem to just be across the board. People are having so many different things.
Dr. Eleanor
Would you put the company in the chat?
Sure, and everybody can look it up, and they have the site, and then there’s Facebook groups that you can join. You don’t have to buy the bottle. You can go on there and check things out. Water is a vital resource for all of us, right. And I also believe that the sun, they talk about the sun, structures, water. Well, the sun is healing, too, right. And I just think it’s all a good thing. I can keep people posted if they want to know but check it out if you can.
Dr. Eleanor
Some of us will check it out and we can all give feedback.

Future Classes Beyond Human Design

Yeah, I have a question. It might be off topic, but I remember a while ago that you said starting from March you would be starting to teach some Human Design Basic. Is there already something we can learn or subscribe to?
Dr. Eleanor
I am getting ready to teach. I haven’t decided exactly when. And we’re also considering switching this. I want to continue to do the free Thursday webinars, but I’m thinking of the possibility of teaching, making it a membership site, and offering classes, because there’ll be, I believe, three levels of classes.
Classes for people who’ve never studied any Human Design and might want to, people who already know the body map and the gates and the channels and some of that stuff, but need to understand the dimensional stuff that I do and to also learn what is scientific in Human Design and what’s misinformation. And then teaching the Four Worlds, which is completely separate and also merged with the Human Design material.
Cindy and I are working pretty hard to get it all ready. You know, in the interest of disclosure, I’ve just, in the last week, finished writing all of the materials for the programmer. One document was 270 pages. The real document I have to write is 25,872 items because I have to write every planet, in every sign, in every hexagram, and that comes to 25,872. I have 1000 of those written, but I’ve gotten all of the programming documents done now. And now Cindy and I are turning our attention to designing the classes and also figuring out how to charge for them.
So, yes, soon.
Dr. Marvin
All in God’s time.
I’ll be patient.
Dr. Eleanor
Yes. Over the last few weeks, there have been some very interesting developments that have made it much clearer as to how we need to proceed. So very soon, let’s do an attunement. I will try to make it a Four World balancing attunement.

Closing Attumement

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal. There’s nowhere you need to be other than with yourself right now. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth and allowing all stress and all thoughts to dissolve so that you can be internal in yourself without a care for anything other than who you are and how you are.
And from this place within yourself, release any concern for what other people think or what other people want you to do or be. And the words internally would be:

I am who I am. I know who I am and I am here to live my truth. My truth belongs to me and exists between me and the divine.

I am perfect as I am, and only I determine the path and trajectory of my path as I live. My mission divinely imparted to me and to no one else. I am a being of light and I radiate light and love to everyone I meet. And I hold that love sacred within myself as I move through the world and I give thanks to the divine that guides me.

From this place here, notice, just notice, that you have a mind, you have a body, and you have emotions. You are in control of how you navigate those worlds.
From this place here, set your intention to live from the core of your being, to live your truth with courage and use nature as your template. The trees don’t care what anybody thinks of them, nor do the birds, nor does the ocean or the land. And you are part of nature, made in the image of God as a divine being. Set your intent to claim your birthright unapologetically and with courage.
And from this place here, envision having a most glorious day, having some fun, and doing some things that will make your soul sing internally, joyously, and bring an inner smile to yourself. Feel the smile widening through all your organs and let that smile go with you, sending love and light to everyone in the webinar, especially to yourself. Wiggling your fingers and toes, coming back to full consciousness, but remaining in the place of joy and bringing that joy throughout your day, fully awake and alert and ready to do what you need to do for yourself today. Thank you everybody. See you next week.

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LumiVitae Hydrogen Water Bottle

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