Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-04-25

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal and undisturbed. Closing your eyes, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, releasing anything that is stressful or that you would like to release. And allow the breath to be easy, very easy. In through the nose and out through the mouth. And with each breath, experience that the divine is coming through the breath and moving through your body. And as it moves through your body, you release tension. Your mind quiets, and you feel the boundary of your body.
The skin makes the boundary of your body. And as you breathe, feel that the breath can move beyond the boundary of the body, filling your complete aura 7ft in every direction. Feel the breath move in front of you, behind you, above you, and beneath you, creating a bubble within which you reside.
As you breathe into this bubble, recognize that at its boundary, you have a choice. You can allow things into your energy field, or you can prevent anything from coming through that boundary. It’s a question of the intention that you set. Just take a moment to breathe and release.
And then notice. Just notice the body, your body. Notice how it feels. Notice if there’s any tension in your neck or your throat. If there’s tension in your neck or throat, ask, is there something you’ve wanted to say that you didn’t say? Or is something happening around you you’d like to address for yourself? Words spoken to the self are very crucial. And something we’re going to focus on today.
Notice places in your body that feel especially relaxed and good. Also, notice some areas that may have some tension and release. Set your intention for what you’d like to happen today in this webinar. What would you like to accomplish for yourself? We’re going to focus today on the Physical World, the world of the body, the world that you move around in.
So, set your intention on something physical for yourself. As you set your intention, let go of it and trust that everything you need will be provided. From this place, set your intent to support the people in this group as they support you. Wiggle your fingers and toes as you come back into an awake state, fully alert and ready to go to work.


Dr. Eleanor
Does anyone want to share anything from the past week or anything that you’d like to address today regarding the Physical World?
Thank you, everyone. It’s great to be here. What a gorgeous attunement. Thank you, Dr. Eleanor. Yes. I’m so glad we’re focusing on the Physical World today.
I have, unfortunately, a neck thing, and it’s like old whiplash that is now causing problems back there, and it affects everything I do. So I’m really working on trying to transform that injury. So my intention…
Dr. Eleanor
Elizabeth, may I make a suggestion?
Yeah, I do. I get an intention from the work, but go right ahead, please.
Dr. Eleanor
If you put your hands on the implant band, the area of the head, Marvin’s going to demonstrate where the two indentations occur. What I’ve experienced is when I spend 20 minutes working on the implant band, and I usually lie down to do it because otherwise, my arms get really tired. But if you keep your hands, four fingers on that implant band and say, POC and POD, point of creation and point of destruction, it’s part of the access consciousness positions, and it’s one of the most powerful ones. When I do that on my head, my atlas always goes back into place, and you might just try it.
I will do it for sure. I will do that. And I want to transform this injury into a powerful, healthy neck.
Dr. Eleanor
And it has already begun.
It has already begun. I am with you.
Dr. Marvin
So anatomically, if you feel behind your ears, right behind your ears, there’s a kind of a bump. And that bump is part of the mastoid bone used to get infected when I was an infant. Doesn’t happen much anymore with antibiotics. But if you keep going away from the external ear, away and beyond that bump, you find a little valley. That’s the implant band. There’s a little valley in there. Anytime you touch something on your body that’s particularly sensitive, that’s where you want to stay. That’s like a signal that it needs the energy from your hands, and that will help release a lot of different things. And that has to do with the arms, too. If you have a sore spot, don’t just go away from it or take a pill. Rub it, touch it, love it.
Dr. Eleanor
Also, in the area of Jin Shin Jitsyu, which is a healing tool, all you need to do is hold each finger and send the energy through each finger, and it has the capacity to heal things in the body for about a minute or two.
Dr. Marvin
Each one, each hand. So you have ten positions.
All right. I’m so enlightened by this, and I will be doing it every day.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you very much, everyone.

Dr. Eleanor
Yes. So, Marvin and I visited our daughter in Texas over the weekend, and I’m not fond of traveling because I like my routines. But the night before we came back, which was after a seder, Passover seder, which lasted a long time, we went to sleep. As I was falling asleep, I was overtaken by such gratitude for my body, and I realized that most of my language toward my body is very empowering. And I realized at that moment that that was what I needed to talk to all of you about.
Today is putting your attention on how you communicate to yourself about your own body. So many people, when they look in the mirror, are critical, or when they get dressed in the morning and look in the mirror, are critical about their body, and that diminishes the love that the body needs. So, one of the goals that I have today is to wake you up to how you actually are communicating with your body and whether or not your words are empowering your body and its health rather than disempowering it. Does anyone have any comment about what I just said or any awareness of how you communicate with your body?
Hi. Yeah, that definitely speaks to me. I’ve really been working on that mindset shift because I’ve previously been very hateful towards my body and what I deal with any kind of this, like, oh, this is, like, not what I want. So I’m. I’m trying to shift that, and I’ve been trying to shift that through meditation and breathwork exercises, but it’s difficult because it’s so present. If you’re day after day, you’re dealing with something that’s physical that you feel is hindering your goals or hindering what you envision.
Dr. Eleanor
Adrienne, what are you dealing with that’s hindering your goals?
I mean, I guess it is like the day to day of, you know, my lower back, my lower back pain, and that most of my day is focused around, how do I tend to this? How do I tend to this? Like, that’s most of what occupies my plans, you know, throughout the day, which I don’t necessarily isn’t, like, a bad thing, I don’t think, but, you know, in terms of, like, moving forward.
Dr. Eleanor
When your back is free of pain and discomfort, what words and language do you use to acknowledge it and express gratitude for releasing the discomfort?
It’s been a long time since I’ve been free from any sort of discomfort, but that does bring up a good point that even in those improved moments, I need to reaffirm the improved moment.
Dr. Eleanor
Yes. Thank the higher self for releasing because the more you use empowered statements in your self-talk, the more change you can bring about in your aura and in the unconscious, that is, reacting in the Noble Energy Mapping Human Design System. The Physical World has no mind.  So what you bring to your physical body in your language and your thoughts are coming from, ideally, spirit and secondarily, the Mental World.
If, for example, you know, and I’ve been very aware that I tend to move a little bit forward on my chair, I slide, and I catch myself, and many times a day, I put myself back so my back is supported, and I’m sitting up straight, and I’m aware of my posture. And then when I am aware of it, I express great gratitude because it’s strengthening my muscles and my body. And as you are aware of your posture, you’re exercising muscles that could get lazy. So wanting to move you into an awareness of consciousness instead of taking the physical body for granted, does that make sense to you, Adrienne?
It does. I mean, that’s precisely where I’m at right now, in my consciousness of, like, I’m really trying to make that shift because I’ve done it already with my, you know, my mental health. I’ve made those shifts already with my mental health coming off of SSRIs and being able to guide me into a better state of mind through meditation in my mindset. So the physical is like this, the next – the next summit.
Dr. Eleanor
We tend to take the physical for granted, and we tend to use language that is not empowering because, you know, most people have one or two things in their physical body that they’re critical about. So we need to change that because every human being is made in the image of God and is divine, and we need to see that divinity and that light in ourselves as we see it in other people. And the other thing to pay attention to is what foods you put in your body and how they affect you. Does anyone else want to comment or talk about their own process or get some help with it? Kathy?

Yeah. Hi. So, I wanted to comment on one thing that came up for me as you were doing the centering. You said something about realizing that we could choose what we allow into this bubble, and it made me cry. I realized, okay, so this is definitely okay because you talk about how emotional reactivity only exists in the Mental World. And I realized I had this mental idea that if I don’t let that in, that’s not; I’m not loving like that.
There is a mental idea that if my daughter’s pain, which I just dealt with before we got on this call, and it was centering, if I don’t let that affect me and impact me, do I really love her? And I know that’s a mental construct. Right. But, yeah. So that’s what came up for me. And I also want to add and then allow you to bring it together for me, which I’m sure you’ll be able to.
I have been dealing with an old knee situation that has not bothered me in decades, really. I mean, I would occasionally I’d have a bad day, but I’m going on a month of it being the worst it’s been for a while, and I’ve told people all along I know how to deal with this when it comes up. I just do x, y, z, and I’m good. But none of those things are happening. They’re not. It’s not working. But I know in every core of my being that this is energetic, that this has to do with my relationships, and it doesn’t have any logical sense that I can make of it. Still, I know this has to do with me moving forward in how I am dealing with my relationships and my emotions.
And so my intention for my body was that I love my knee and send love to it and appreciate the improvements it has made. And, oh, as I’m saying this, I’m realizing that I need to do the same for myself in my relationships, that I appreciate the improvements that I’ve made, but this has been, you know, the energies of the last week have been really strong of trying to clear what’s there. So, so many things have come up that have moved me through stuff where I’m like, oh, I thought I did this already. I thought I’d done this work. And so it’s almost exasperating to deal with again, you know, so that’s where I’m at.
Dr. Eleanor
And what does your knee want to have happen?
It wants me to be free of everybody else’s burdens. It wants me to dance, be outside, and do all these things that I’m not doing because I’m sitting in some kind of little bubble in my house.
Dr. Eleanor
So when your knee wants you to be outside and free of all the burdens, is there anything else?
Okay, can you say that again? I’m not sure I understood the question.
Dr. Eleanor
So, when your knee wants you to be out and free from the burdens, dance and do all that. Is there anything else about those things?
Wow. Yeah. I want someone to do it with me.
Dr. Eleanor
And you want someone to do it with you.
Wow. Okay. Sorry.
Dr. Eleanor
No, no, no.
This is very unexpected.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay. One of the things that might be helpful for you is that emotional reactivity and emotional reactions exist in the Mental World but also exist in the Physical World. Emotions are part of the Physical and Mental Worlds, not the spiritual and emotional transformative. So what does your knee… your knee is saying to you… it wants you to transform into a light-hearted spiritual place.
Yes, absolutely.
Dr. Eleanor
What’s in the way?
My daughter, her troubles, her failure to launch her. You know, she’s 23, and she wants us to fix everything that goes wrong in her life, and we’re enabling her when we do that. And so now we’re having to be a little bit more (ELEANOR—tough love?). Yeah. And it doesn’t feel very loving, even when I try to do it in a loving way.
Dr. Eleanor
And when setting boundaries for your daughter, have you talked to your daughter about the need for that and the transformation that you would like to have happen when that is fulfilled?
Yes, I’ve tried to. She’s very much caught in her victim narrative that won’t allow her to listen to that because it’s too. And it’s because she’s afraid, and I understand that.
Dr. Eleanor
And Kathy, when she’s in that mentality and afraid, and you get afraid, then what happens?
I wind up getting… we both wind up emotionally reactive.
Dr. Eleanor
So, what difference would it make if you did not get emotionally reactive?
I guess I’d have to be able to do it to know, but I feel like there are times when I do that, and then she gets into the victim story of me being cold or not being there for her. Right. So. But, you know, that’s her victim story anyway, so. And that’s.
Dr. Eleanor
Are you there for her? Are you there for her?
Oh, so much. Too much.
Dr. Eleanor
So when she lays that on you, you don’t need to take it on because, you know, you’re clean.
Dr. Eleanor
So, what could you say to your daughter from a place of clarity and spiritual love that might give her a different message?
I don’t know what to say any different than what I’ve said, which is that you know, you can. We believe that you have this in you, that you can do this. We know that it’s hard financially, and it’s not that we don’t want to help you, but we need to see you helping yourself and making choices and decisions and not just continually expecting us to jump to bail you out. That’s not good for you. And that’s the only thing I know to say, you know.

Dr. Eleanor
And do you stay by, stick to that boundary?
In the past? Probably not. We have taught her in the past that the more broken and desperate she is, the quicker we will jump. And that has been really hard. And I feel like I’m taking everybody’s time into my little personal therapy here. But, you know, when you have a child who is super, you know, she’s always been very strong-willed, but she also has had anxiety because, and this is where it is, I think I take on blame because I did not understand how to parent a strong-willed child. And I listened to the people around me who kept saying, you need to shut that down. You need to control that. And she is meant to be very, you know, she’s in Human Design terms, she’s very, she’s got a lot of instinctual impulses, you know, spleen.
Dr. Eleanor
Kathy, send me her birth data. And, you know, schedule a time so I can look at her chart. Maybe I will able to give you some ways though because, remember, it’s multidimensional. So it’s possible that she’s picking up energy from people around her. That she’s very open and that she doesn’t know how to navigate the Four Worlds.
Yeah, she does not.
Dr. Eleanor
So if I don’t either. Well, you know, that’s why I’m teaching it because none of us have learned in the field of psychology that we actually live in multiple dimensions. And it’s very hard. I mean, you were not in the class where I shared an experience with a seven-month-old who I was sitting at lunch, and the baby was across from me, and we had a very strong connection. And at one point, I said to the parents, are you aware that your baby sees energy? And they were completely unaware of her watching the energy of the people around and connecting energetically, not mentally, not emotionally.
I believe my daughter has had that ability that she’s since shut down. But I knew that was in her as a child.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, as parents, we need to empower that in people. So, part of her difficulty may be her sensitivity. When she tries to go out in the world, it’s a frequency that doesn’t resonate with her. And so beginning to teach her how to navigate that or at least acknowledge it may be the key to turning it around.
Dr. Eleanor
You know, if we stay stuck in the mental and Emotional World, we can’t deal with Spirit. The spiritual world is the unifying, integrative field of consciousness.
Dr. Marvin
So since Eleanor has been teaching and talking about the Four Worlds, talking to me about the Four Worlds, which I’ve known about because of the tree of life for, you know, 35 years or so, but now it’s come into focus.  Just focusing, just knowing about the Four Worlds, what happens to me is I begin to notice what world I’m in.
If I’m in some pain from past injuries —sports injuries, stupid injuries, the usual kind of things—I can notice when I shift into being concerned about it, worrying about it, and then aware of how I can bring spirit in to transform that. It’s really an amazing experience because the spirit transforms all of the worlds. You can always get yourself balanced by connecting with the spirit, and that connects, and the breath connects with the spirit.
So one of the things that we’re going to be teaching about more of is that the only way that most humans, not yogic, you know, masters who are yogis, or other kinds of advanced masters, but most humans can just affect their internal physical functions only through the breath. The breath will connect with the autonomic nervous system, in which there are major nerves that come out of the head, twelve cranial nerves that feed all the way down to the intestine and the bladder, and so forth. And then there are nerves that come out of the spine, mostly the autonomic, mostly the sympathetic system. So these nerve systems can be modulated by the breath so that you can, if you’re hyperactive or stressed, calm yourself by breathing more out than in, etcetera. And there’s a whole science to it, which could take weeks to just talk about.
Dr. Eleanor
Kathy, Sean put something in the chat.
I just downloaded it, so I can look at it later. I have not read it yet, but I will look at it.
Dr. Eleanor
Good. For those of you who know Human Design, the Solar Plexus is related to the Mental World. The pathway through which the breath comes would be through the Heart Center, and then it could either go through the Emotional Channels, the 12/22, or through the 40/37. So, it may be important for your daughter to learn how to breathe.
Yes, I have actually talked to her about that, and I was interested in what you just said about breathing more out. I recently told her that she worries about hyperventilating if she tries to do deep breathing. And I recently told her to blow out first. Blow all the air out first, and then…
Dr. Eleanor
Then tell her, tell her to breathe in through the nose. And out through the mouth with a longer breath than what she takes in. And then she won’t need to worry about hyperventilating.
Yeah. Part of the problem is that she doesn’t want to listen to anything she thinks is woo. So I will talk to you about the chart, and I will take that in. Then, I will have to figure out how I can translate that into non-woo or wait for her to be ready for… she thinks, you know, she’s too intellectual for all this.

Articles On Breathing

Dr. Marvin
So, I put a lot of what I just said on Recently, I put a number of articles on breathing and breathing under health and things like that on So go to my name, Marvin Portner, MD. Anyway, there’s a lot out there, and it’s in now.

Dr. Eleanor
What is it? Doctor Marvin?

Dr. Marvin
I think it’s if they put my name and they’ll find it.

Dr. Eleanor 
Okay, I’m just going to put a map, and I have a page that’s Doctor Eleanor. And Marvin’s page is probably Doctor Marvin’s. Well, it has my name, Marvin Portner, MD, or doctor; I’d like for you to read the Cosmo. For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a book called Cosmic Guidance, and it has a statement for every day of the year based on astrology, and it’s done in all Four Worlds. So Marvin will read today’s which is relevant. And then Kathrine, I’ll go to you.



Mental World

Piece some new ideas together without needing to understand the whole picture.


Spiritual World

Remaining receptive to new perspectives and to the inner stirrings of your heart opens you to realignment.

Emotional World

Social situations that validate your experiences and connect you to your deepest sense of self are ones you can trust.

Physical World

Be wary of overextending yourself. Conserve your energy.


Because you are a multidimensional being, it is important to recognize how you balance your Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Worlds or layers of consciousness. Taking time to meditate daily and tune into your deep self allows the worlds to unify and balance effortlessly. A few moments to re-enter during the day helps this process.

Dr. Eleanor
The statements realign as you read them. Katherine, your hand is up.
Yes. And can you hear me? Okay, excellent. So I really resonate in my own life recently with my son, with Kathy, because I made… there’s been communication, lack of communication for a long time. He’s approaching 50 years old, and so he’s a Taurus. And it’s just like I’ve been communicating with my granddaughter, and she’s even having issues with him talking to her. And as a parent, that’s not cool. So there’s that.
And behind that, before Kathy spoke, something I like to share about my physical for most of my life than I can think of. Even when I was little, maybe I didn’t know, but I can kind of place that because my lower back pain is right behind my second chakra, and now I have a bit of scoliosis behind my heart chakra. And so the lower back pain has been exacerbated, I believe, to some accidents, and so. But it’s slowly unwinding now, and I’m grateful for that. But every and most of my life, I pushed myself through so much and was hurting myself unknowingly.
And now I’m being more aware of that and resting and not pushing myself. And it feels like I’m coming more into balance after being like, pardon me? I was, like, really dead and asleep for years. And now I’m coming out of that, and it just feels so great. And I have had periods of time where this part of my chest is tingling, and I feel like I’m opening. Is such a nice experience. I love it.
Dr. Eleanor
You look so different than you did when you first came on the webinar. Very nice to see and very beautiful.
Well, I’m being my fairy self a lot more, and I’m feeling more comfortable with myself, including that. The discordant situation here at the house. And what’s really lovely is that the lady of the house and her two sisters are really helping me a lot. They’re praying for me a lot. They’re very Christian-based, but that’s okay. I’m learning that the stuff about Christianity I was telling myself was a bunch of bunk.
Dr. Eleanor
Great. That’s a really good report. Thank you, Dirk.

Yes, thank you for being here. I wanted to begin with the question: What if your body is too sensitive, and if you raise your breathing even more, it gets in?
Dr. Eleanor
When you’re breathing, set your intent to keep the energy inside your energy field so that you, if you put a boundary. You keep anything that does not belong to you outside of it, you can set up that you stay within the boundary of that bubble instead of going out to the collective and connecting, which, you know, in somebody who’s as open and tuned in as you are to energy and to perceiving the energy of other people. You need to put a boundary around yourself when you want to be protected and not be tuning in and so.
That others don’t feel uncomfortable when I protect myself because it’s been felt.
Dr. Eleanor
No. You know, we’re each an individual who has the right to our own individual integrity and boundedness, and at the same time, we can expand and perceive and let people in as a healer.
Yeah, because if I breathe, it expands.
Dr. Eleanor
Even more, you can pull it in and protect yourself, using the Mental World to put the boundary.
I’m not going to take much time here.
Dr. Eleanor
Experiment with it. It took me about five years to learn how to turn on my psychic perceptiveness or not let it intrude. I choose when to turn it on, when to see, and when not to see, and when to heal and not to heal.
And you do that with the mental chart.
Dr. Eleanor
The Mental sets the intention for the spirit, and the spirit complies. You’re asking for spiritual protection for yourself.
So, not really. Yeah, it’s boundaries, but it’s spiritual protection. It’s a little bit different. Yeah.
Dr. Eleanor
You could say higher self, divine, or God; however, you speak to a higher consciousness; now is my time. Protect me and keep me safe while I explore my own self, free of anybody else’s energy.
I’m going to try that. Thank you.

Dr. Eleanor
Good. Nao –  Hi, did I say your name right?

Yep, perfect. Yeah, there’s. I was just noticing a question in the chat. It’s not mine, but Raven asked which Multidimensional Human Design charts represent the physical body, which is also something that I’m interested in because I’m just coming into Multidimensional Human Design.


Dr. Eleanor
There are four matrices. The Mental World matrix is the Human Design chart that most people have learned. There’s a 15-gate matrix that was identified as the sleep design or the dream design. In fact, the dream design is a 15-gate matrix that is turned vertically because when we dream, there’s carryover between the sleeping cortex and the waking cortex, so there’s carryover between those worlds.

I put the dream design in a 64-gate matrix, recognizing which world is which. The Biologic Physical World is a 25-gate matrix. It does not have the Crown or the Ajna center, and it does not have, so it’s, you know, there are a lot of gates missing in a 25-gate matrix, which is the Physical World. The Emotional world is a 33-gate matrix that, interestingly enough, has no Solar Plexus. It is the Emotional World that is there to transform emotional reactivity from the Mental and Physical World to a higher octave of understanding and spirituality.

We live in those Four Worlds and integrate all of them. When you combine all of the matrices and calculations for all of the critical times that a baby is influenced by cosmic energy, we become an integrated human being capable of functioning in all dimensions, in all worlds. The body map shows us where things turn on and off and how we can navigate the pathways to being an integrated human being. Does that answer?

Yeah. Perfect. And if we want to know more about the theories, we can go to your book.

Dr. Eleanor
Okay, my book. You can also come to the webinars, or I’ll be teaching starting in June. Okay. I’m going to teach a class on Human Design using the 13 books I wrote with Ra and discussing what holds scientifically and what does not. So I’ve written commentaries for all 13 books, and I will republish them.

Dr. Marvin
In your spare time?

Dr. Eleanor
In my spare time, I’ve written the Integrated Channels in all Worlds and am in the process of getting those ready for publication. I’ll teach the Four Worlds as a separate class from the Human Design classes. Then, there will be a mentorship program for Human Design Practitioners who would like to learn how to read the multidimensional. They will get all of the courses that I’m teaching as part of that program.

Right. That’s exciting.

Dr. Eleanor
It’s very exciting, yeah. And it’s a lot for me to be taking on. Luckily, I have a lot of help from above.

Personally, I’ve been doing a dive into the official Human Design Dream Rave materials, so now I’m kind of looking to.

Dr. Eleanor
Ra did not know anything about the dream rave. I taught the first class on the Dream Rave in November 1999. And it was in Santa Monica at that building on Santa Monica on whatever. And when we left to have lunch that day, and Ra got into our car because we lived nearby, he said to me, okay, now I know something about the dream rave. Now, I can make up the keynotes.

Later in some of the, when I was teaching what I called the Triple Design Matrix, Ra said in the book on the Triple Design Matrix, which I will be republishing, that he owed it to me to understand the dream and sleep designs because he didn’t have the sleep design of a mammal.

I got those calculations and knew that my animals didn’t just dream; they also slept and had Rem. So, there was more than one layer. Ra acknowledged that in order to really understand the physical matrix and the spiritual or dream matrix, you needed to integrate them with the other matrices. I also confirmed with him that the voice told him that there was another matrix, and that’s the emotional matrix that I downloaded.

Great, excellent. There are so many questions I could ask, but I’ll save them for, save them for later.

Dr. Eleanor
What Ra said about the dream design is not exactly true because he didn’t fully understand the architecture of sleep and the layers of depth that we get to in sleeping and how that interfaces with the dream and sleep design and then how it carries over into spirituality.

Dr. Marvin
And there’s a lot of scientific information about that.

I have just one quick question if you can. If we are going through Ra’s material on the dream rave, what would you recommend we look out for? Just if we’re studying that.

Dr. Eleanor
Wait until I release the triple design books. Don’t do it. There’s too much faulty information. You know my background. For those of you who don’t know it, I have my PhD from the University of Chicago in basically the Four Worlds. For the research on the Human Design System, I had 30,000 cases statistically and 15,000 cases clinically. So, there’s a lot of data that needs correction. A lot of what Ra said about health and medicine is faulty.

Dr. Marvin
And we tried to make it work, but it didn’t work over many with many cases.

Dr. Eleanor
So it’s time for the truth to come out and for everyone to be empowered by recognizing that they’re multidimensional beings. And here 95% of the population are Manifesting Generators in their composite. So, in my view, we’re all designed to manifest our fullest potential, and we function in each world in unique ways. But ultimately, it’s about being empowered and being able to manifest who we are in the world fully. So, there is no limitation; all possibilities are yours to have.

Thank you.

Dr. Eleanor
So, Kathy, the mentorship program will start. I may start it a little sooner, but I haven’t decided yet. Is there anybody else?

So, I’d like you to take a few minutes and write down a few things that you really love about being in your body. I want you to do this so you can use them when we do the final attunement.

Finish up, and let’s move to an attunement. Keep your statements about what you love about your body. 


Find a comfortable place where you can be internal and undisturbed. Close the eyes and breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, letting the exhale be a little bit longer than the inhale.
On the exhale, release any concerns that you have about your day, your life, your family, or the world, and just be with yourself, your body, and your soul. Allow your mind to serve your spirit. Your spirit is beyond your body, beyond your mind, and beyond the life you live in your small space in the world.
And from this place here, allow anything that stresses you out to release so you can have some time to be fully with yourself.
And let the breath cleanse. As you begin to repeat those statements about your body that you wrote down. Eat those statements that you wrote about what you love about your body so that those statements nurture you and release any stuck places in your body. Love that clears out debris.  So breathing, as you state what you love about your body, I’ll be silent so that you hear your thoughts and let them wash over your body like you’re in the shower and they’re cleansing all the negativity away as the love envelops you there.
Blow it out. Any negativity, blow it out. Allow yourself to be enveloped by the love of your higher self. Recognize that you chose to be. You choose and choose to be who you are, and you choose that in every moment of every day. So, as you want to change, you can change with your mind, setting the tone and your spirit, using those words to transform your life.
Emotional World and Spiritual World are connected through the process of transformation. Say to yourself, I am a transformational being. I can think, I can feel, I can act, and I can be. It is my choice where I put my energy and whom I relate to. And from this place, recognize and say, I am complete and I can manifest my fullest potential. And in the process, I can empower those around me to manifest their fullest potential.
So let it be. I am sending energy, love, and support to everyone in this webinar. Let the collective energy of this group grow and support your process. Send love to the group and to yourself, knowing that you’re receiving and sending simultaneously and from this place. Wiggle your fingers and toes, open your eyes, and come back to the room fully awake, alert, and ready to move on with an empowered day.
Thank you, everybody. Many blessings. Hope to see you all next week.

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