Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-05-02

Dr. Eleanor
We’ll start with an attunement.
Find a comfortable place where you can be internal. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth and allowing the energy to move through your body, coming in through the top of your head and moving down through your body, relaxing you, and releasing any stress or tension that you may have picked up from your day to day life.

Going internal brings you into your spiritual being. And in this place, set your intention for what you’d like to have happen today in this webinar, what do you know about what you want to have happen today?

And as you set your intent, allow yourself to imagine it is already done. You know what you know, and that knowing empowers you. When you live in alignment with your higher self, and you visualize and imagine and experience as though that goal is real, it manifests.
Goals take three months to manifest. So what you set your intention for today will play out over the next three months, allowing you to self correct. Your brilliance, will find nuances of change to bring into your goals. And as you live in that spiritual realm, recognize that that anchor for yourself keeps you in line and aligned with your values.
Set your intention also over the next few days to do some work around your inner values and just be for the moment with yourself. Clear of any outside influences, clear of any agenda that anybody has placed on you.
Feel the spirit.
 And as you come back into awareness of the world around you, recognize that you live in the world, but you are not attached and of the world.  You are a spiritual being. And spirit integrates all Four Worlds, the Mental World, the Emotional World, which is a part of being in the Mental World, the Physical World, and of course the Spiritual World. The Unified Integrated Field of Consciousness is your spiritual being.
We’re going to talk today about the Mental World, and that’s why I want you to stay anchored in your physical beingness. So, staying within your spiritual physical being, wiggle your fingers and toes, and as you do, send energy to everyone in the group, supporting their process for wherever they are, and sending them love and healing as they send it to you. So, wiggling your fingers and toes, opening your eyes, fully alert, awake and ready to work.

Dr. Eleanor
I see some new faces today, so if any of you want to introduce yourself or bring up anything, feel free. The webinar is an open forum, and I usually come in with an agenda, something that I have in mind to talk about in terms of consciousness. But I’m always open to the input of anyone in the group. So if anyone has anything they want to bring up, please do; otherwise, I’ll bring up what I have in mind. Heather?
Try to get myself unmuted. I know that we’re trying to stay in the mental today, but there is something I’d like to share that happened Sunday evening that really considers all the worlds, I believe, but it’s a very odd thing that occurred. I don’t know how often this happens, but I was writing one of the children’s books, and it was a very strong spiritual connection to what I’m doing with children. In this particular book, it’s about meditation and calming the nervous system down. And it’s just something that was gifted to me. And so I’m writing, and it was just getting dark, you know, it’s just a little bit of, you know, pink in the sky. And a UFO showed up.
Dr. Eleanor
Heather M.
I mean, this was, like, right in front of me, you know, in the sky. Very unusual. And the whole thing lit up. Every surface of it just lit up, and it communicated. It was just so clear. And then it blinked off and boom, it was gone. And immediately I knew it was for me. It was there, speaking to me, and it said, this is what the world needs. They said, you’re right on target with this. Keep going with it and make sure that, you know, this is complete. And it was like a high five, you know, like a wink. It was amazing. And it was gone. And I thought, did I actually see this? But I know I did, and I heard it. You know, it was like telepathic. Just boom.
And so it just gave me so much confirmation about this project I’m working on. And I thought, wow, they might… And I was, you know, really vibrating high, you know, it was just pure joy. As I was writing down what was being sent to me, like you have probably experienced, and I thought, oh, my goodness, this is incredible. And I guess that’s what was being sent to me. So, anyway, I just want to share that because I thought that was just so amazing.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you. Those experiences are profoundly life changing. And the energy. I mean, I had a similar experience with the UFO, and there’s no words.
Heather M.
No words. You’re absolutely right. No words.
Dr. Eleanor
It’s telepathic communication. And actually, one of my clients has contact, extraterrestrial contact daily. And he sent me, and I don’t communicate with him that often, but this week, he sent me a note, said, things are going to be okay. And in the past, he’s been worried and that it’s been very dark. And now he said, you know, I think it’s going to be okay. And that’s the communication he’s getting.  Charlotte?

Hi. Thanks for sharing, Heather. I’ve been having my own very insightful experiences this past week. It’s like, I don’t know, people have been showing me mirrors and all of a sudden everything has become clear, especially for me, about my mission and my purpose here. I’m Realizing that I’m here. I spend my entire life looking for my voice and being seen and heard. And I learn to see and hear myself.
And I feel now that I’m ready to go and empower children to find their voice. Mainly teens, because starting from the age 14-15, they lose themselves. And there’s nobody telling them that they can just be in the here and now and follow their higher self. And it’s so clear and it’s so beautiful. And all kinds of opportunities are falling in my lap. And I feel that I am struggling with… I can’t say it otherwise than putting my spiritual self in the Mental World. There’s this fear of almost like someone is handing me my dream and I’m afraid to take ownership of it. I’m like, no, just let it be a dream. I’m afraid I’ll break it once I accept it and I go put it in the world, if that makes sense.
Dr. Eleanor
And where did all of that come from?
It came from this opportunity where I’m doing this mentorship for artists. And we’re only with six people who got selected. And I’m getting all this confirmation that they believe in me as an artist. I believe in my vision. And then all three of the persons who are guiding me asked me, now, how do you sell yourself? And it’s on the selling myself that I feel there’s this gigantic fear.
I can relate it back to my father, who was a fraudulent businessman and who could really sell himself, but then took money from people. And I have this fear that if I start selling myself, I become like my father.
Dr. Eleanor
You’re not, Charlotte. Change your words. You’re not selling yourself. You’re selling your wisdom. Yes?
Yes. I’m selling words that come through me that are amazing. But I can. I own it. And I don’t know, I feel like It should be free for everybody. So that’s where I struggle with the Mental World, because I do need an income to live. And it has value. I know that.
Dr. Eleanor
But it’s very often when people don’t pay something, they don’t value what they get. So an exchange of some kind increases value.
Dr. Marvin
It’s an energetic exchange.
Dr. Eleanor
It’s an energetic exchange. And when you started talking, your energy was very clear. And then as you got to the mentorship and thinking about charging, a little bit of gray came in.
Dr. Marvin
Now she’s better.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you for pointing that. It’s exactly what I feel, and I want to break that.
Dr. Eleanor
So do a little bit of work on values. And one of the things I do want to get into today is, in the Mental World, the issue of authority and the issue of dissonance, because that’s a worldwide situation we’re confronted with right now.
So as long as you’re coming from spirit and you’re honoring the spirit and other people, then an exchange is respectful. If you do not honor the spirit of the other people and their integrity, then it’s not aligned. So the tricky thing is to live in the Mental World in alignment with your spiritual, emotional and physical beingness. And that they all. It’s like you write poetry, Charlotte. Imagine the Four Worlds as a perfect poem.
That’s beautiful.
Dr. Eleanor
And if that word is wrong, it’s not exactly going to flow. So that’s how it is inside of you.
Wow. That’s exactly how it feels for me. My poetry, it flows, it comes easy. And part of me doesn’t believe that I’m allowed to do that in the Mental World because I’ve been taught it has to be hard. You have to put effort in it. I think there’s a thing that when.
Dr. Eleanor
The Mental World is aligned with values and spirit, it flows seamlessly.
So it can be that easy?
Dr. Eleanor
It’s easy. Okay, anyone else? Okay, I wanted to talk a little bit today. You know, I said I wanted to talk about the Mental World today because so many people are being confronted with other people in their life who have different views, and not just from an emotional standpoint, but also the Physical World, the political views, the world is a mess. And I was reminded, as I was thinking about today, of the social psychological study that is a basic in understanding dissonance, which is when the worlds don’t actually feel congruent. And I studied, it’s the Milgram study, and I’m sure many of you have heard about it.  It was a study done by a psychologist who wanted to see, he was very upset about how could moral people in Germany during the war follow orders and kill people and torture people when they knew better. And the study showed that when an authority figure told somebody to do something, their ability to discern and stand up for what they knew was right was compromised.
It points out that when people have different points of view that don’t really agree with their own morality, they tend to defer to someone in authority who they believe. And we’re seeing this on the world stage now. Some of it we saw with the vaccine and mask mandates during COVID that even, I mean, I still see people walking around with masks outside, outside alone, and people in a car alone wearing a mask. And there’s no discernment of their own values, their own perception of the reality that’s going on around us. And so many people are terrified that if they don’t follow what the authority tells them to do, something terrible is going to happen to them, even though they know better than that.
So let’s, you know, open the door to your experiences with the Mental World and what that is bringing to you and where you want consciously to put your awareness. I personally stay with my spiritual values and the integrity that they bring to clients, to friends, to family, rather than imposing anything on anybody.
I could say the same thing about, as a psychologist, about the DSM, the diagnostic manual, and the way when somebody is labeled with a term, they tend to take it on and become it. So if we respect freedom, we need to move inside to ourselves spiritually and look at our own values, our own agenda for ourselves, and get rid of the things from outside that make us question who we are and what we’re doing. Any comments on what I’ve said so far? Does it touch anybody? Pamela and then Charlotte and then Noa?

Yeah, it definitely touches base. I mean, now more than ever before. It’s like the clarity is coming through at deeper levels. It doesn’t mean it’s fun at all sometimes because the contrast is so boom, in your face sometimes. That’s what’s happening. And we knew that we were going to see more and more of this contrast. Right. I’m seeing more, more of it in more personal situations, family, acquaintances, the differences, the fear. It can feel quite overwhelming, but yet still, that’s why I think what we do here and in our own personal practices is so important for that connection to spiritual. Because that literally is my saving grace. Right?
Because when you have it kind of coming at all different angles, it’s… I mean, I faltered a few times too. And I kind of like became like them and argumentative. And then I just know that’s not who I really am. I got to just cocoon myself and pull away. And that’s what I did. And I realized that I don’t have the control how others are going to be or react or do or say. I only have it over myself. And so I need, everything comes back to me, comes from me, through me, as me. And so I know that I have to return back to spirit in me to find my space again and be in that grace.
But that contrast is extreme sometimes and scary. And I could see how if people are new on the path, it could maybe scare the bejesus out of them, because when it comes in your own personal space, right, you still stand in your truth. And sometimes standing in your truth means you just might be standing alone, and that is scary. But it’s…  in facing that, and some people are coming around and they’re respecting that, so it’s working out. It’s just respecting each other’s space. But I understand how people could be fearful in that spot because you may be standing alone, but still, I’d rather be standing alone and knowing, you know, my compasses there.
Dr. Eleanor
So, Pamela, what you’re raising is the courage it takes.
Dr. Eleanor
On the Inner plane, to go against the outside forces that, you know, do not honor your inner values. You know, most of the people here in this webinar have experienced that at one level or another. And so that’s why I say in all the attunements, send love and healing and support to everyone in the group.
All of us are wanting to have the courage to stay out of the mental power struggles that go on. Stay with spirit as the beacon through. And expect, as Heather described, to have more otherworldly experiences as some of the good guys tap us on the shoulder and say, we’re here. Yeah, you’re not alone.
And that’s why I cocoon myself when I see that I am taking on some traits of others that are, I’m in their firing field, you know, coming from all angles, and then I don’t feel good. I feel yukkk. So that’s. I have to just cocoon, kind of turn the phone, everything off, and I’m in my own space. I have to return to that. But I. I really can see and have empathy for other people because I knew that things were going to get pretty extreme. I just wasn’t so good about recognizing that there was a great possibility that that was going to hit closer and closer to home. And so many of this, I felt like in a firing squad, like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, you know? Bu It’x okay.
You know, it is okay. It is scary, but it’s okay. And I might have to come in and out several times. I don’t know. But knowing that that’s okay, too, you know, it’s I am human. I’m living in this world as a human. And you don’t have to be perfect. But there’s something inside of me that no matter how bad it gets on the outside, there’s something knowing in me that knows that I am loved and protected and guided, even though I can’t, you know, like, have a really big visual of that. I know that in my knowing, I know what I know what I know what I know, as you said. And I can’t, you know, nobody can argue that from me. And that’s my saving grace. And we all have that.
Dr. Eleanor
We all have that. And that place inside of all of us is the pain. As a clinician, when that inner knowing is not honored, that’s the pain that I could say every single patient I’ve ever had has come to resolve. And it gets resolved when someone sees and acknowledges the integrity and the wisdom of the self and recognizes it.
Yeah. And I think that… that is seeking the truth of who we are. That is the love that we are seeing us as that love. And so, Charlotte, when you’re talking about your value and everything. We are all. Completely worthy just merely because we exist. We are that. But this part gets in our way of all of it.
Dr. Eleanor
The Mental World is what we’re here to master, but do it, we must remain in the Spiritual World.
Yeah. And doing all that work is the most loving thing I think we can do, because that’s what we’re all doing. We’re falling deeper and deeper in love with ourselves, and we’ve been brought up pretty much to think that that’s a bad thing, but it’s not.
Dr. Eleanor
That was a good thing.
Thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Let’s move to Charlotte. I’m going to move to Nao because you’ve had a turn already. Okay.

Am I on now?
Dr. Eleanor
You’re on. Yeah.
I just wanted to add to the chain of thought here, is that we have to allow everyone in our sphere, even if they don’t agree with us, we have to allow them their own truth. Right? And so, for me, you know, I. How do I word this? I’m responding. I feel like, you know, this, what we’re saying, it’s very true. I just want to add that we can’t be positioning ourselves in opposition to those who disagree with us. That’s just my view. I don’t think that energetically really helps. We do have to allow others.
Dr. Eleanor
So if you separate spirit from Mental, Emotional, Physical World, then what somebody says in the Mental World is not really the truth of who they are. So there’s no need to be attached or take it as gospel. And that allows exactly the attitude that you’re talking about. Respect everybody for their point of view. And you can always say to somebody, if you’re centered in the Spiritual World, what do you know about that? Where does that idea come from? And that is completely clean.
Dr. Eleanor
Whereas if you engage on the mental level, you can get into an argument. But that’s beautiful. Yes. Everybody has a right to their own views, their own belief systems, and we need to support their process with the understanding that everybody is in process and we’re in a body for a reason.
And I feel like they’re… just speaking for myself, I never want to have an agenda with respect to what someone should or shouldn’t believe or what their value should be. That’s the point I’m trying to get across. I think it’s just very easy to fall into that trap if, you know, we are on the receiving end of it, It’s just very easy to get caught up and oppose, oppose, oppose.
Dr. Eleanor
We also, I think, have to assume that we’re beginners. No matter how much we know, we know nothing. And so we’re explorers. And the more open we are to explore and to allow in new information and new ideas and new creativity, the broader and wider our spiritual dimensionality becomes and then our Mental World also expands.
Dr. Marvin
So we’re all here on our own journey, and we all have to live through the consequences of our choices. And that’s giving that gift to whoever you care about and even to people you don’t care about. That’s giving them a great gift because it’s pushing them to their own inner self. And that’s a great. Because that’s the only. That’s the only path that will take people to their connection to their higher self. Okay.

I’ve had so many thoughts since I put my hand up. I don’t know if I remember what my original hand up thought was, but I’m going to trust that whatever is supposed to… go with whatever comes out.
Recently, you know, you were talking about the whole thing of, like, people just going along with authority. You talked about the mask type things, and I was thinking about how much of that also can be about here. I just put my hand. My hand went down, so I’m not moved. But, you know, it can also be this way that we people, as us and them.
So if I’m one of us, I wear a mask or I don’t wear a mask or whatever it is, and this tribal thinking type of idea. And I remember reading something or looking at something that was about, I don’t know, some sort of spiral dynamics where it talked about, you know, how we’re in this tribal thinking. And then when we start to think above, there’s this isolationism, and it’s very scary. So you have to be in this really, like, this place of strength to be able to have this different way of thinking, and then you’ll draw those other people to you.
But there is this moment of I’m going to lose everybody that is around me, you know, by really standing out for what I do. So here’s where I’m at with or part of where I’m at because I don’t know where I’m at, really. I am really a big believer that we’re wherever our vibration, you know, where focus goes, energy flows and all of that, you know, keeping my vibration at a point that draws higher vibration things to me. And so because of that, I don’t just say a lot of the things that I would have in the past.
In the past, I would have worn my beliefs, like, as a badge of honor, you know, like, I would have just been like, you know, the heck with what you think. Here’s what I think, you know, because I’m going to show that I’m part of this tribe or whatever, and now I’m in this place where there are things going on that I have opinions about, but I don’t know that that’ll be my opinion even in a week or whatever, because I don’t know what I don’t know. Right. And I’m very open to different ways of thinking, and so I feel like sometimes I’m coming across as very passive, and I don’t know if I should care about that.
I don’t most of the time care about it, but sometimes I think maybe I should speak out against this or maybe, and, you know, by speak out, I mean stupid stuff that probably isn’t really important, like, maybe I should respond to that person on Facebook or whatever and tell them that they’re wrong or. I don’t know. And I’m just wondering as far as… at what point are we too cocooned and too just, like, worrying about our own vibration and not. But I do think the best way we impact the planet is through our vibration. So I’m just wondering your thoughts on that.
Dr. Eleanor
Taking responsibility for speaking your belief  when you have the opening. You need to judge the situation and the energy of it. And you can certainly seed information. You don’t have to be confrontive. You can just ask a key question that gets someone thinking.
But if you see something that you find offensive or wrong or goes against your real values, then by all means, it’s, I think, the responsibility we each have to speak for honesty and integrity and truth and kindness. And, you know, to see violence, for example, and not say it’s wrong or to let it happen and expand, then we have to ask, are we like those people who follow an authority mindlessly?
So we’re all facing these questions nowadays because in the world situation, things have gotten out of hand and it’s serious. We could be in a world war if the violence doesn’t stop and the hatred. So, you know, Kathy, you have to judge each situation for itself and you have to judge the people you’re around. Because if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time in this climate, you could be abused.
So, you know, in the Tree of Life, the channel of judgment, which in human design is the 58/18, is frequency and vibration, and it’s a frequency of alignment between the worlds. It’s part of the Emotional Matrix, which is a transformative matrix. It moves toward the higher octaves and the Angelic Realm. So when you see somebody, and I know a number of people on this call, feel very alienated from family members, from friends, from people they used to associate with because their viewpoints have diverged so much. And in situations like that, a few well chosen questions and words might open somebody’s eyes to the misalignment of the spiritual and Mental World energy.
Dr. Marvin
So what are some good questions in the Mental World?
Dr. Eleanor
In the Mental World, well, you wouldn’t ask… well, if you were going to stay in the Mental World, you use Active Listening, you take your own feelings, it’s not about you. And then you’re just asking the other person and about this, you know, is there more, for example, or what do you, I would ask a clean question which takes it more spiritual, which is, and when you say this, what do you know about where it comes from? Or what do you know?
Dr. Marvin
Is there anything else about it?
Dr. Eleanor
Yeah, is there anything else? Or is there more? And what do you want to have happen? Or what do you imagine could happen from this place here? So those questions open the door to input without you giving any input.
Dr. Marvin
And it puts someone inside.
Dr. Eleanor
It puts the other person in their own process. And so being supportive of the other person’s process can always serve you well. Does that make sense for you? Kathy.
Yes, it does. And, you know, I wanted to also add that, you know, I was thinking when you were talking about all this, about last week, when I was talking about all this stuff with my daughter and I got very emotional and stuff, and I was really thinking about this last week, I was, like, remembering more than thinking, like, you know, this, you know, that this is her process, and the more you focus on the problem, the more you give energy to that frequency and focus on her ability to find the right path of her journey, whatever that is, and just be there with love in that process. And that is really where I feel like, in a lot of ways, I am that person who’s standing so alone because everybody says we’re supposed to do all these things for our kids, especially our adult kids right?
And so it’s. There’s this fear of, like, you know, what if the tribe is right? What if I… And I know in every ounce of my being that she’s here to have her own journey and to find her own strength…
Dr. Eleanor
And so asking her questions that put her inside of herself can open a door to her getting clear on what she really loves and wants to do with her life. And it may be that the Mental World was so impinging on her core self that she lost touch with what really brought her joy and energy. And you can be her facilitator.
I’ll share a story about my daughter. My daughter was a fashion designer. She went to Rhode Island School of Design, and, you know, she worked really hard to get in there. She got in early admission, and, you know, she did fashion design. And then after college, she got a great job with a designer. A job that any fashion designer would have wanted. And she came home after she was staying with us over the summer, she and her husband. And she came home one day and she said, you know, I don’t know if this really is a meaningful job.
And I said to her, you know, if it’s not resonating with you and it doesn’t feel like it’s feeding your spirit, then quit. If you don’t love what you’re doing and doing what you love, quit. And she said, but it’s such a great job. I said, it doesn’t matter what kind of job it is if you don’t love it. And so she quit, and she didn’t know what to do. So for a while, she started catering, and then she started baking. And she made every recipe in the Maeda  Heater, cookie book. And then she started making tea bags and deboning chickens. She came to me one day, and she said, this is crazy.
So I said to her, you know, Dyan, why don’t you just go to Marvin’s office and help him out? You know, you’re a healer. So she went into Marvin’s medical office, and she discovered that she was a medical intuitive, and she loved doing… she was already a Reiki master. She was the youngest. She and Charles were the youngest Reiki Masters in the west when they were eight and nine. And so she started doing healing work on Marvin’s patients, and she discovered through him that she was a medical intuitive. And she went back to school and got a PhD and is a master hypnotherapist who specializes in chronic health.
Dr. Marvin
Physical, as well as emotional and mental.
Dr. Eleanor
And so she, as soon as she started doing that, it was like she came home, and it took me saying to her, for the Mental World, you know, if it doesn’t fit and it’s not feeding your soul, what are you doing? And so, you know, use your skills as a spiritual, conscious being to empower people in your life.
Dr. Marvin
I remember when you did that, and I, at some level, even though I did that myself and was like, really? I mean, you know, she has such a great job, but mama knows. Mama knows. And, yeah, it was amazing. And let me just say, she not only was a healer, but she used her ability to see energy to help me diagnose patients. And where do you do the biopsy in the neck exactly. Which nodule, for example. And she was amazing.
Dr. Eleanor
Still is.
Dr. Marvin
Still is, right

Well, hello, everyone. Lot of thoughts want to throw in mind. As far as being compliant, that’s not been my nature. But in order to survive, that’s been part of the deal. I’ve been, you know, anti authoritarian and at the same time, recognizing that having a fear of authority figures didn’t really know why. But this is explaining a lot and also about what was said about… let’s see, about integrity… and so, essentially, I want to see if I can put this together before.
So, essentially, what I can say for myself by complying and not honoring myself, and even what I didn’t know better, that there was something that was the source of depression, you know, this undercurrent of depression, because I was not honoring myself and my spiritual self and then even doing my spiritual work along the way up until now, I still was.
Dr. Eleanor
Let me give you a trick, okay? When you’re confronted with something that does not honor who you are, instead of engaging, acknowledge to yourself the truth of your being. And just because somebody says it does not mean that it’s true for you. And as long as you recognize in yourself what the truth is… To keep your boundary internally, the spiritual boundary internally conscious, regardless of what’s going on in the other worlds.
Okay, well, I can say to that what I’ve learned to do is back off and not say anything. And then, because when I have said just a few words, it just carries on what’s going on on the other side. I choose not to engage. And so what I’ve been doing and just stand back. And then sometimes I walk away. Most of the time I just walk away.
Dr. Eleanor
And you’re looking so much. Are you feeling that much as you look?
Sometimes I have my. Like this. You know, I’m a person, a human being.
Dr. Eleanor
And so are you spending time in nature?
Not as much as I could or should, because I have a lot of things to take care of here.
Dr. Eleanor
Kathrine, will you make a commitment to the group?
Yes, dear.
Dr. Eleanor
That between now and next week, you take at least a little bit of time in nature every single day so that you rebalance.
Okay. So to correct myself, I did go out last night and lay on the grass for a house and watch the, um. Our sisters and brother in the stars moving about.
Dr. Eleanor
So there was….
Dr. Eleanor
Will you commit to do a little bit in nature every day?
Yes. Yes. Thank you. I can do that.
Dr. Eleanor
Dr. Marvin
So just one thing, Katherine. The way you handled the intrusion into your space a few minutes ago, whoever that person was, was perfect. You managed it. We all sat and waited patiently, and you came back. And then. You didn’t lose your cool. You didn’t. You didn’t.
Dr. Eleanor
You didn’t lose your frequency.
Dr. Marvin
Yeah, you were just fine.
Yeah, well, um, she’s the lady of the house that. You know my story about that.
Dr. Eleanor
But you’re handling it.
Okay, I am. I am handling. Even though I’m supposed to be out of here by the 8th. So I do have another question. I don’t know if it’s pertinent to what we’re talking about, but do we have time for me have another question?
Dr. Eleanor
A quick one.
Okay, so essentially, I have become aware that people, spiritual people, workers, that they can be integrated by outside forces that are not loving a positive, say, like they’ve been infiltrated. And then I noticed that, and I don’t know what it is. I take it personally. And so I’m noticing that with… and that… so that’s even more reason for me to withdraw. But so I kind of called her on that, and now that’s the reason why I’m out of here. Because she didn’t like me calling her on that. And that because. And then also her reaction to me at that was like, that’s not her. That’s “that: has been reacting to what I called her on that. And that’s why I’m out of here.
So….but I just, you know, how does one handle that sort of thing?
Dr. Eleanor
You handled it.
It’s a big question.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, you know, sometimes the chance and you call somebody out and sometimes, you know, you could send loving energy and see if you could get the negative energy away from her. You have that power.
Dr. Eleanor
Imagine her….
And I do feel intimidated.
Dr. Eleanor
Imagine her being enveloped in a bubble of love. And in that, nothing negative can continue to exist. So you send the negativity back to its source and you can do that. Okay.
Dr. Marvin
And some people…
Even conversation with a family member, some.
Dr. Marvin
Listen. Some people use holy names or mantras or Jesus or Buddha or God or whatever saint you may want to call to your aid. However you believe, what your personal beliefs are, can add, if it’s your personal belief, power to your thought, form and statement.
Dr. Eleanor
All right, let’s do an attunement. Unless. Charlotte, do you have a pressing question? You’re okay.
Dr. Marvin
Charlotte’s back to being bright and happy.
Dr. Eleanor
Yes. Charlotte wrote me a beautiful poem, by the way. Okay, let’s do an attunement.


Find a comfortable place where you can be internal, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. And as you breathe in, breathe in the divine and release any negativity or anything you want to release can be released on the out breath.
So that with each breath you become a more clear channel. And as you breathe the light of love into yourself, allow it to radiate through your body, expanding your energy field 7ft in every direction. Above you, in front of you, behind you, below you. And within this bubble of love and light, only that which you choose can enter that energy field. Words spoken that do not align or resonate with you can stay outside that energetic bubble so they do not touch you.
Any thoughts that are negative disempowering can stay outside your bubble of energy. But within your bubble of energy, expand the light and the love until it completely fills that bubble, as though you’ve just blown up a balloon around yourself.
And from this place here, you know what you know. And when you know what you know, and nobody can tell you, you don’t know. You can stand firm. You can stand tall because you’re aligned with the divine, and you are living in a way that moves you step by step by step closer to the mission you’ve come to earth to perform.
You are a being of light, here to bring light to those people who enter your aura when you so decide to open your aura to them.
Anything that’s misaligned with you, recognize and know that just by thinking that it does not belong to you, it dissipates and dissolves. But what does belong to you and what you want to internalize is the love and the joy and the integrity and the values that spark joy and energy and love within you. And it is your mission to share that in whatever way you can. And it need not be verbal.
Words carry energy. Speak only the words that carry the energy that is congruent with who you are. Sending love and energy to everyone in the group, fellow travelers who have steps and missteps just like you. And yet, through it all, you can send the love and the light and the consciousness that we’re all one being, living the same dream in different compartments.
Who you are matters. And who you share with matters. And how you share yourself matters.
I see each of you as a divine being of light and love energy. And from that place, send the energy to the group, to yourself, to your family, to your community, to your city, your state and your country, and then expand it to the whole world. If all of us do, this, change is possible.
And on that note, wiggle your fingers and toes. Coming back into your waking self, the Mental World, self that navigates the day fully awake and alert and ready to move on with your day. Much love. See you all next week. Take care and have a good one. Thank you. Thank you all.

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