Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-04-04


Find a comfortable place where you can be internal, closing your eyes and breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, allowing yourself to relax and release any thoughts and tension. There’s nothing for you to do and nowhere for you to be other than where you are right now.
And from this place inside yourself set your intention for what you want to have happen in this webinar for yourself today. Think about the Four Worlds.
Think about the Mental World, the world of reality that you live in, and breathe into your day. Think about what you have on your agenda for today and which parts of it in the Mental World bring you ease and which parts in the Mental World might bring you some stress. And based on that dynamic of ease and stress, think about trust, faith, and ease. And let’s set the intent that you will find ease and trust in the Mental World today.
And now move to the Emotional World inside yourself. Are you calm? Are you at ease? Are you emotionally reactive in your life about any area, person, or thing? If so, set your intention to release the stress and emotional reactivity and transform it, and that will be your work for the day.
And now, move to the Physical World. Do you have an intention today to do self-care? For taking care of your body? Do you have a plan for exercise? Do you have a plan for what you’re going to be eating today? Do you have a plan for nurturing and taking care of your body in a way that will give it pleasure and ease, and health?
And finally, let’s move to the Spiritual World, the world where you integrate consciousness and where true faith in a higher power and a higher knowing within yourself orchestrates your life, your future, and what you manifest in the real world.
And from this place here, bring all the worlds together in a tapestry of beauty woven within the spirit of your soul, giving you on an unconscious level the knowledge, the wisdom, and the understanding of what and how you need to move forward today to integrate all the Worlds in an empowered way within the core of your own self and in alignment with your purpose and meaning in your life.
And from this place here, set your intent to support everyone in this group, allowing your energy to help empower them. Wiggling your fingers and toes, coming back into the room fully awake, alert, and ready to work.

Dr. Eleanor
Does anyone want to share anything? Any ideas or wisdom come up from the meditation that we did? Or any areas in the Four Worlds that you notice being a little bit confused or stuck as you go through them. If so, I can help you.
It’s something I’ve been noticing often, that when I go into meditation and connect with the Spiritual World and the Physical World, it almost feels to me like time is slowing down. But at the same time, when I come into the Mental World again, it’s speeding up. And I’ve been feeling like these shifts in how fast time is moving within my awareness and the awareness of the outer world. I don’t know if it makes sense, but it’s something. I’m like the timelessness, but at the same time, the pressure of time.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, I think that many people experience time speeding up. I don’t have an answer as to whether it really is. I know that as we move closer to the galactic center, the 24 hours clock is not the same 24 hours clock we had 50 years ago. I think time is speeded up on a reality level, but in different dimensions of time and space, we’re going to have different experiences.
So, you know. Play with it. Make fun, have fun with it. And don’t be too serious. You know, this is not a serious business here. It’s very serious, and it’s not serious at all, because we are co-creators. We’re not the creator. We’re co-creators.
Hi, everyone. Again, it’s such a delight to be here today. And it was as you were going through the different Worlds, it was all good. And then it was interesting. Then you said, and then incorporate this and your life’s purpose as you move forward. And I’m going, “Okay, now, that just became a really tall order to combine all of them, so”. But, thank you for that.
Dr. Eleanor
What about it was difficult?
It was interesting. It was like one thing at a time. You know, you had the Mental World and all the different Worlds, and then the life purpose. You know, how you’re talking about the seriousness of it. It seemed like suddenly, that made it serious. More intense. Yeah. More intense. Yeah.
Dr. Eleanor
And if it were less intense, what difference would it make?
Probably none, but it just seemed like one extra one. It was kind of like that one extra layer that made it a lot.
Dr. Eleanor
Take it one at a time, and then at the end of the day, see how it comes together and see if one World can inform another World. We want them Integrated. We don’t want them separated because the power comes in the Integration, and I separated them out.
W I want to address today is faith and trust. And we often put that outside ourselves, but it’s also inside ourselves. So, if you have a plan in each World and that works, then you can begin to trust and trust the integration.
I had another question because last night I was very inspired in my dreams. Like, all of a sudden, something you told me about the Physical World, the Biological World, meeting the Emotional World. And it all in my dream, it made sense for all these puzzle pieces and matrixes that started clicking. And I feel that that’s the thing that happens to me a lot in my dreams. I get all these insights and answers. How do we work with that, Because sometimes….
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, you work can work with dreams, and you can work with spiritual process by doing a dialogue. And you write it as a script. You write your name down and you ask your question of the higher power of the higher consciousness. Jung talked about it as active imagination. Ira Progoff talked about it as he founded Dialogue House. And I was thinking about it the other day. The way in which you can be creative with your own self dialogues gives great insight into all components of your superconscious, conscious, and unconscious and all Four Worlds.
If you pull out the Clarity Exercise (will add link) that I did with the Four Worlds, what you love, what you can live with, and what you want to get rid of, you could use that to do a dialogue. For example, you could say, “I’m trying to integrate the World’s higher self. What am I missing in doing that? And then you write down higher self and then let the higher self talk to you, and it becomes like automatic writing.
And I think the piece I’m missing is exactly what you’re planning on giving today. How do I trust in what I’m writing down? How do I have faith that I’m not just imagining it or making up the story?
Dr. Eleanor
And if you’re imagining it, what difference does that make?
It makes me doubt my own sanity in a way, I think.
Dr. Eleanor
And what would make you trust it?
I know I tend to look outside for people to confirm me. And I know that’s exactly what I need to learn, that I…
Dr. Eleanor
There’s only one place you need to look for confirmation, one place, the higher self. When you know because you know, because you know, nobody can tell you you don’t know. That is the divine speaking to you. That is faith. When you know because you know, and you act with that, knowing that what you are moving toward is exactly where and what you’re supposed to be doing, that’s faith.
In each World, you need faith. Faith that the program you’re on in the real world, what you’re doing to earn money, for example, is it something that feeds your soul? If it doesn’t feed your soul, you’re not going to ever trust it or like it or believe in it. , if you’re not in your Mental World doing things that feel like they align with you, go back and look for a higher purpose, a higher frequency.
We’re here to be divine beings. We are divine beings. The breath, every breath we take breathes divinity into us. So where is your faith each of you? Anyone want to speak to their faith or how faith and the orchestration of the divine in their life has orchestrated events in their life, the timing of things. Have you had that experience?
Yeah. I know that when I experience synchronicities, I just feel like I’m on the right timing. And actually, it’s a really nice story. The first time I experienced. It’s 18 hours. 18, right here. Now, while I’m talking. The first time I experienced synchronicity, I was driving my car towards a photo shoot I had to do. And all of a sudden it seemed like time slowed down and I experienced in this slow motion feeling that I was driving 111 km an hour. It was 11:11. I had done 1111 kilometers on my car, and I had to take the exit number 11. And I know that I just, in this second, I felt like, what’s this?
And then a year later, the pandemic happened, and I had just met my current boyfriend and I moved in with him. And it was not until after the pandemic we went on a road trip. And I realized that exact time and moment I felt all those synchronicities were on the exit where he lives. So ever since, I know the moment I see synchronicities, for me, it feels like this.
Dr. Eleanor
You had the experience of synchronicity and you had God’s hand show you that there was an orchestration bigger than you are. Yes?
Dr. Eleanor
Now, what would stop you from believing that that happens every moment of every day?
Nothing. I just forget. And then I get off track and then I panic and I’m like, I need to see the synchronicities now to be confirmed again, that I’m on my path.
Dr. Eleanor
So, how about this affirmation?  “Since I’ve experienced synchronicity multiple times in my life, I trust that they are always guiding me and moving my life forward in exactly the way it’s meant to be”. How about that affirmation?
Sounds spot on. Thank you.

Dr. Marvin
We have a cat. That cat you saw before is Ari. I call him Ari dog because he hangs out with the dogs a lot. And when I call, the dogs to go out, he comes. He’s not allowed out, though. So right now, you can’t see it, but he’s sitting with Sam the dog who actually raised him when he was a kitten. That’s another story. Okay.
Page From Cosmic Guidance for April 4, 2024In the Mental World, “You know more than you think you know, open new pathways in your thinking.
Dr. Eleanor
That is a statement that is asking you to trust what you know and more than you think you know and to have faith in how you function in the Mental World.
Dr. Marvin
In the Spiritual World. During meditation, limit your attention by stilling your breath until you feel that the divine breathes you.
Dr. Eleanor
When the divine breathes you, it’s as though you’re not even breathing at all. The breath seems to permeate through the boundaries of your body. I love to feel the divine breathing me. It’s like an infusion that just envelops you.
Dr. Marvin
One of the keys for me with the breathing is that it’s very. –  it’s almost silent, and sometimes it seems to stop, but I’m actually breathing, but it doesn’t seem to be happening in my own consciousness. That must be what you mean by the divine is breathing you.
In the Emotional World. Consider the importance of your nonverbal tells and pay attention to them within yourself.
Dr. Eleanor
Do all of you know what a tell is? A tell is a nuance of body language or expression. We’ve had experiences with people who we’re talking to and they start fidgeting, or they might close their eyes and fall asleep on you, or they may do something that tells you that they’re not telling the truth.
Watch body language, because a lot of times when you don’t trust another person, you’re picking up nonverbal cues that are called “tells”, that are giving you information that may be going in on an unconscious level. And there are tells for yourself as well that might let you know that you trust something or don’t trust something. So, watch for the subtle signs, because things are not always apparent. They’re nuanced. And if you’re going to have faith, you want to pay attention to nuances as well.
Dr. Marvin
Physical, you are sensitive physically. Use your body tells and listen to your body.
Dr. Eleanor
Listening to the body is tricky for people, especially when it comes to food. A lot of people eat for taste instead of nutrition, and they eat things that are junky and not taking good care of the needs of the physical body, especially in our contaminated world. Sara, by the way, is extremely skilled at knowing about growing things and purity. Right, Sara?
Dr. Marvin
Integration of the Worlds. You are likely to feel most empowered when you send time with yourself internally prior to going about your day. Time to recognize your deep self is time that empowers you at your core.

I just wanted to mention there’s a pretty fascinating TV show. I don’t know if people have ever seen it before, but it’s called Lie To Me and it was a series from 2009. I think you can stream it on Hulu. It’s got some pretty interesting information about tells. And it basically is based on a true person, a person that trained people for the FBI or the CIA or something.  LINK – Lie To Me
Dr. Eleanor
If you find a link, we can put it into the transcript.
Dr. Eleanor
The place that you need to focus a fair amount of energy every day is the Spiritual World. And if you’re not doing that, then your life won’t work as well as it could. Meditation every day is important. And I’d say Mitation when you’re not getting input from outside.
I personally use Transcendental Meditation and have for decades. What I found with Transcendental Meditation is that when people did Transcendental Meditation, they tended to stick with it, whereas when they did other forms of meditation, they didn’t necessarily stick with it.
Think about the faith that you have spiritually. Where does it come from in your life? Where did you learn about it, and what do you know about it? And what kind of direct experiences have any of you had with the divine? I’ve shared some of my direct experiences of the divine. Marvin shared some of his that have changed us. What about some of you, Charlotte? You shared the synchronicity. If you weren’t a believer in a higher force, that would have done it. Right? What about some of the others of you?
I was never encouraged because my grandmother is very, very religious. And as a child, I loved going to church. And then my parents started making fun of me. Oh, are you going to be a nun? Are you going to be holier than the spirit? So, I was shamed out of it. And every time spiritual stuff came on my path, I rejected it because I was afraid that my parents and other people would reject me for being crazy and believing in that.
Dr. Eleanor
Are you still afraid?
No. Afraid, yes, because I feel that there’s such an incredible power behind it. And, yeah, there’s still fear not.. because I don’t believe,
Dr. Eleanor
Talk to the fear. Because the fear, if you’re afraid of the power of the divine in your life, then you’re going to limit yourself, because we’re capable of all possibilities. Oh, just got dark.
Dr. Marvin
The cloud just went before the sun, that’s all.
Dr. Eleanor
I’d like you all over the next week to do a dialogue with your higher self and ask your higher self what in your life is aligned. What in your life needs to be adjusted to be aligned. And what do you do in your life every single day that you really love doing?
Some of you may not have anything in your life every day you love doing, and some of you may have very many things in your life that you love doing. Where do you fit?
I wanted to kind of chime in here on a few things that have been brought up in terms of faith and looking for divine moments. And all that cultivating faith has been a new thing for me that I, you know, I’m working through and putting surrender and faith into a higher power. I mean, I was raised in an evangelical household, so I feel like, you know, there was a certain amount of spiritual trauma that, you know, occurred from that, and, you know, went into an atheistic life, and then now have kind of come back.
But, you know, there’s moments now that even this morning, like, when I was journaling and trying to, you know, put affirmations into surrender and everything, there’s this other voice that comes in that’s like you’re just trying to game the system. It’s kind of like that addict mentality of, like, you’re just trying to one up or you’re just trying to figure a shortcut into obtaining the life that you want. That’s sort of like this insidious voice that, like, kind of counterbalances, like, what I’m trying to lay down, like, the foundations that I’m trying to lay down.
Dr. Eleanor
And does that voice come from inside of you or outside of you?
I mean, it’s Mental. I mean, it’s all up, you know, all up here. But, yeah, it comes in sometimes, you know, when I’m, again just trying to release and, you know, sink into these new ideas, a lot of new ideas for me.
Dr. Eleanor
Have you talked to that voice directly?
I did. When I was journaling, I wrote down, like, I have this voice coming in that is telling me that I’m trying to work. Work over. You know, that was the first time that I shifted and addressed the voice of, like, when I’m trying to be positive and set positive affirmations of surrender and release into faith. I did address it just this morning, when I was journaling.
Dr. Eleanor
And keep addressing it because it’s not your voice. And tell the voice who you are and let it know that it’s not welcome in your home, that when those tapes come in and try to derail your progress, they’re not welcome. And the nice thing about journaling is you can do that in journaling. Whereas, if you just were to mentally do it, it’s not as powerful because it doesn’t have the tangibility of the Mental World.
Thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Your Spiritual voice will never do anything to damage you. Remember that. It will never undermine you. It will never use things that diminish who you are. And if anything does come up that is diminishing, address it and tell it to fuck off.
Precisely. Thank you. Thanks.

I really appreciate you. You’re being like, yeah, just say it. Fuck off. And so.

Dr. Eleanor
You know, Osho had a whole tape when we were in India on fuck being the most beautiful word in the English Language. So, if you do a search on YouTube for Osho fuck tape, Osho, the fuck tape. It is an hour of sheer, delightful exploration of the word fuck. Laughter yes, it’s really brilliant. Continuous laughter Kathryn, back to you.

Great. I don’t know where to begin. I’m just hurriedly making notes and that, and the voice, the voices in particular. And so, I wanted to say upfront right now, to get this out of my, off my plate, is that I’ve been wanting to move out here because I don’t feel safe and have been diminished by the lady that invited me here. So now, I’m being supported to do so by her and her two sisters. And so that’s very different for me to have. It’s like a family, but also about faith and trust has been a really big issue in my life and that I recognize just recently, last day or two, that trust and faith is just like, it’s been so absent in my, we’ll say my training, because it’s essentially, and I’ve heard when one doesn’t trust themselves, they cannot trust anything or anybody else.

And I really get that. I’m getting that now. And I don’t trust her because she’s done some very, very awful stuff. I don’t want to be judgmental with this. I’m being very mindful about more of what I say and what I think and being involved in the twelve step programs, I’m learning a different way to do that. And part of me wants to dive in and get it done, but that doesn’t work, that pattern that I did. So, I’m slowing down and watching everybody and now talk.

Dr. Eleanor
You’ve made from what I can see from where you were when you started sharing to today, you’ve made a lot of progress.

Thank you. I love that encouragement because I feel relieved, even though I have no idea where spirit wants me right now.

Dr. Eleanor
Ask it, Kathryn, do a dialogue. You write down “Spirit, I don’t know where you want me right now”

Give me some guidance.

Dr. Eleanor
Okay, you want to dialogue with your spirit and come into trust and faith, that spirit has your back.

Dialogue. I’m writing this down. I wish I knew shorthand to make it much easier. Dialogue with spirit. Question is where…For some reason, I just don’t have enough time to fit in my day for all this because I have all these options. And so, I am in the process of learning and training myself to pare down. But the behavior is…
Dr. Eleanor
Kathryn, you need to give priority to your spiritual self…. All of you need to make your spiritual time sacred time every single day. The time you take for meditation, the time you take for self-care, the time you take for inner processing is critical to mental and physical health.
When you say mental processing, I’m uncertain what that means because I like to have a format or a recipe rather than just, you know, sit down and so…
Dr. Eleanor
Make a list. Make a list of things that are essential for you to do for yourself every day or well- being, and then follow it with discipline.
And the discipline part is very challenging because I’m a free spirit.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, if you make the list of the things you value that advance your consciousness, then the discipline should come naturally because you’re doing things that enhance you. And what would be more important than doing things that build your health, your stamina, your spirituality, and open your heart to receive the love of the divine? Nothing’s more important.
And I believe I’m doing that. It’s just this that tends to…
Dr. Eleanor
Then slow down and breathe and do it more kindly with yourself.
Oh, be kind to me. Okay. So also, a very dear friend who’s, like, very, very, like, you know, forth with what she thinks and says, and she wasn’t supporting me and to move forward from here. So, but also, I have been spiritual, but the opposite. Being grounded in this world or worlds is the challenge. I don’t like it, and I must deal with…
Dr. Eleanor
Find things in this world you do, like, start noticing the things you do like, not the things you don’t like. That will change everything.
And that’s a challenge because I feel limited here, because what I really love to do, I don’t have access to those things, but things I can do is go outside, as I’ve mentioned before, and even my creative artwork is sitting in the closet, and I haven’t even touched the material.
Dr. Eleanor
You have some homework.
Yeah, I’ve got lots of homework, honey.
Dr. Eleanor
I need to move on because we’re going to run out of time.
I apologize. And so, I’m learning about how. How to not be self-centered, too. Thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Sara and Jay.
Sara and Jay
There we go. And thank you for your kind words. That was really; that was sweet. How fun. I mean, I’ve been really finding myself doing a lot of dialogues with my higher self. So much has been going on around me that that’s the way I can make sense of it. But I thought it was so interesting. I pulled three tarot cards before we started. Would you like to see them?
Dr. Eleanor
Sure. Okay.
Sara and Jay
It’s pretty amazing. So, I did, I did a goal, an obstacle, and an action of these cards. Here’s, here’s the goal. Wow. Here comes the sun. Right?
The divine is with us and all around us. So, we have to embrace that, right? Or understand that. The interesting one was the obstacle – the High Priestess, which is an inner sense of knowing and being able to bring that into our being and trusting it, right because it’s so well aspected.
And then this one is the action card. And boy, it’s a little chaotic there, right. So, I pulled two clarifiers on that, and it was exactly what you said, building a solid foundation. And what are you manifesting? Can you see? It’s the Nine of Cups. This one here is building on a solid foundation. That’s exactly what you just talked about, bringing in the Worlds and how to navigate that. And this is what are we manifesting? Isn’t that amazing?
Dr. Eleanor
What are you manifesting?
Sara and Jay
I’m manifesting. Wow. So much. A beautiful Healing Center. Doing healing work, educating myself in the different Worlds and becoming more familiar with that so I can Integrate that into myself.
I mean, even though it’s been chaotic, so many magnificent things are happening, it just. And that’s this thing that spirit has done for me. Right. The divine is present even though things are crazy around me, they always show me what’s going to be better, what’s going to be great. So, it helps me to remain centered.
Dr. Eleanor
Sara and Jay
Say hi. (Jay)Hello.
Dr. Eleanor
Hi, Jay.
How are you?
Dr. Eleanor
Good to see you.
Charlotte is about to ascend. She…
Dr. Eleanor
She has a cat now.
Dr. Marvin
She’s in a bliss state if she leaves the room. We understand.
I just wanted…  Sarah, that was so beautiful thank you for sharing that with us. That gave me gooseies. I got similar cards today when I did mine, so I love that. I just wanted to share something with, with some that maybe are, you know, newer into the journey. Sometimes we can get into our mental space and think that because we hear others share and talk like we should be so much further along than maybe where we’re at at the moment, right. And then get caught up in our head that much more. And then that little voice is saying, “Oh, you’re just not doing it right. You’re not doing enough. You’re not doing any of that stuff. That’s disserving to us at times”.
I just wanted to add a little simple, little thought that helped me that somebody told me many years ago was, we know we’re not supposed to compare with each other. But if you’re having a doubting moment or you feel, I don’t know, not worthy, whatever it is that’s just a choice, is fear and love. I’m in a state of fear, and it’s pretty strong. You’re acknowledging, and it feels strong. Well, instead of thinking you have to conquer everything completely right here, right now, because you’re in your head space and you’re sabotaging yourself, isn’t it a little bit simpler at the moment just to say, “Well, if you. all you have to do is just love, even just a little smidgen more than you fear, and you’ve won”. Just that little bit. We keep thinking all got to be completed and here and now, and we’ll all have moments of that.
And the goal is for more and more of that. But when you’re struggling, just whatever that is that feels so insurmountable, is that trust and that faith you were speaking about before, it’s just. Just do a smidgen more of the trust and the faith. Then you doubt, and that gets you through the next moment. The next moment, the next moment.
That’s it. It seems it’s so simple, but that’s attainable, right? And your proof is in your actions because that will just help you to lighten up. I think sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves, even spiritually, sometimes get caught up in that whole comparison thing, and it’s. It’s really simpler than that. You are unique. You are a beautiful soul, and you are nothing but love. And you can see that love of who you are quicker and easier.
Dr. Eleanor
Pamela, what you’re saying when you say you are the love, is that the other emotions other than love are coming in because you’re not trusting and having faith in yourself as a divine being. Turning back to –  wait a minute I am more than the emotion. Remember, emotion is the Mental World only. It has to transform. So, thank you. What you’re saying is transform from that emotional feeling back to recognizing that you have the love to activate.
Right. And sometimes our headspace makes that seem insurmountable, too huge. So, I’m saying to simplify and just love a smidgen more than you doubt or than you fear or whatever. And it just all applies, you know? So thank you, everyone.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you. I see we have another four-legged participant whose name is Willow. Sean has a puppy. That’s Willow.
This is Willow. I’ll make sure I talk so I appear on screen here. Big puppy.
Dr. Eleanor
It’s a big puppy.
Yeah. I think she’s probably 65 pounds when she’s done.
Dr. Eleanor
All of us who have furry ones are very blessed and having them when you meditate. Some people want animals away from you when you meditate. I encourage people to keep their animals with them when they meditate, because the animals have a design that puts them in the Spiritual World. So, our animals live in the spiritual dimension, and when they’re with us, we can be in that spiritual dimension more easily. So any of you who struggle to stay aligned, if you have an animal, it’s easier, much easier.
I was extremely blessed yesterday when I was meditating; Ari came and sat on my lap the whole time. It was so wonderful. I usually have the animals next to me, but he actually came and sat on me. Much better. Much better, much better. Let’s do an attunement.

Find a comfortable place, ideally with your animals, where you can be internal, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth and allowing the breath of the divine to just breathe you. Nothing for you to do other than allowing the consciousness of your higher self to cleanse your body of stress and tension.
And as you breathe, on each inhalation, the breath moves through the body, eliminating tension and stress so that in the exhalation, you are more balanced, more aligned, more one within yourself than before you closed your eyes and went inside.
And as you experience the core of your being, the words to say to yourself are, “I am who I am as a complete and fully aware human being made in the image of the divine with a purpose and a mission in this life that I am living fully. I know what I know and what I don’t know, I ask and receive.
In my being, I am complete. In my being, I have faith in the totality of my consciousness. I know who I am. I know what my mission is. Whether consciously or unconsciously, every day, in every way, I come closer to the totality of my purpose for being here. I love myself. I love who I am. I love how I am, and I love that I am.
Recognize the blessings and the luxury that you have of being in a space where you have the luxury to go within, to explore the inner self in great detail and in some ways, with more awareness and texture and creativity than you could ever explore in the outer world.
And this inner world empowers you with an energy that comes from the divine. As the divine lives within you. The mover, the seeker, the knower, the brilliance of being in a body and managing your body every day so you wake up every morning to start a new day and recognize the intelligence that you have in that very existence of yourself.
You have abundant energy and the beauty of it is when you begin to run low, the divine automatically fills you up again and all you have to do is take another breath from this place of knowing your power and your possibilities that are endless possibilities, you open to the faith of being and you carry that faith in every way, in every world, every day.
Sending love and energy to everyone in the group. Encouraged by the changes you see, and the consciousness being brought to us by the sharing as it enhances everybody who listens and understands. So, send love and energy to everyone in the group, supporting their process, unique in its own way, as they support you in your process, unique your way. And from this place, wiggle your fingers and toes. Take a few deep breaths coming back into your body,

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Cosmic Guidance

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