Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-03-28

Dr. Eleanor | Attunemnet
Find a comfortable place where you can be internal, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you breathe in and the breath goes through your body, release anything that is distracting, anything that you do not need in your energy field, in your body, and in your emotions.

Set your intent to clear away anything that causes you discomfort and to allow into your energy the frequency that empowers you, uplifts you, and heals whatever needs to be healed within you.

There’s nowhere you need to be and nothing you need to do other than receive the divine energy of the breath. Within each breath is the fullness of life. And as you breathe in, that fullness of life circulates through your body. Cleansing, rejuvenating, informing, enhancing, and allowing you the freedom to be who you are.

Take a moment and set your intention for what you want to have happen during this meeting for yourself and from this place here. Send energy to the group with the intention to support each person, to recognize and realize their fullest potential as you do the same. And from this place, wiggle your fingers and toes. Open your eyes, fully awake, alert, and ready to work.

Hi, everyone. I just wanted to share. I have another crazy event, I guess, in my life happening right now. A continuation of events that I’m not sure how much participation I may have had in them, possibly creating some of them, but I’m seeing the difference of the shifting of. Though initially they upset me, and they’re shocking, and I don’t know what to do.
I realize the greater power beyond me, and I hand it over. I seek out professionals who know about that, and I entrust them to do the best job that they can to assist this crazy mistake. I don’t know. I’m being labeled a millionaire right now by the IRS, and I’ve never made a million dollars. I have no idea. It’s the wackiest thing, but I don’t know how to take care of that.
So I’ve hired a team of accountants to… I mean, it’s very obvious. Since I became a widow, I’ve downsized everything. And so I live a pretty simple life. So there’s nothing really significant there. I’m happy, but I don’t know why it’s happening. The whole Social Security thing, too, is still ongoing, but it’s happening for some reason.  I feel myself maneuvering through the world daily, sometimes in the moment.
Dr. Eleanor
But Pamela, you’ve already learned to distance yourself from it and to recognize that it’s really not about you. It’s something outside of you. Those are big awareness’s that do a lot to show you that emotional reactivity is only transformed spiritually.

So very true. So very true. Because when you get the initial shock, the reaction is mental space, you know? And any time that I choose to play around in there for too long, it does nothing but spiral out of control. And that’s not what I want. And instantly, I start to feel like, no, no, love wins. You know, it’s like I’m going to do battle with something that I don’t see. And in my head and outside, I will say, no, love wins. I don’t know what the outcome is going to be, but I know it’s going to be whatever it’s supposed to be for me.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, you know that you don’t have a million dollars to pay the IRS.
I wish I did, but, I mean, not if they’re going to bring this kind of hassle, but, yeah, I have no idea. I have no idea what’s going on. It’s the craziest thing. But, you know, we’ve all been kind of informed about a lot of crazy stuff happening more and more and more. So I just never thought about it in terms of, like, that. So that’s a new one for me. And. But I just wanted to say that there’s, even though that we can face times that seem really, really scary, you know, that we don’t know how you’re going to get through something. We do. We do.
You know, if we’re not going to get through it, then I guess our out is leaving this earth or whatever. But we do get through it. We think we can’t get through a dark night of the soul. We got up the next morning; we moved forward.
Dr. Eleanor
You know, it’s very interesting that you use that term because Marvin and I were listening to a video about this time in history. It was actually David Wilcox who came out in the last couple of weeks talking about this period being in our history, cosmically, of being the dark night of the soul. And he gave a really nice example of it. And the storyline is always the same in terms of process.
And even if we look at the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which, as you know, I use as part of my work, there’s always the movement up from the root up to higher and higher consciousness. At each stage, and especially as you move between the personality level and the level above the personality level, where you have the perspective of what’s going on in your life, that path is called the Path of Probation. And when the tower is coming down, when all of our false beliefs about reality come down, a lot of people go into a deep depression.
When you said the path of the personality, right?
Dr. Eleanor
The Path of Probation
Probation has to do with like, the personality kind of thing. And I could definitely relate to that and see how that plays out when we’re going through trials because, for instance, what I’m going through. So even though I just related it all into the mental, that personality thing you just spoke of…yeah, cause initially, the government isn’t helpful to me. I’m just trying to make sure they have the correct stuff. But you’re being responded to like you’re less than or you’re a thief. And I’ve never been accused or even treated that way before.
That insult feeling is depleting, right? And so that’s like an attack on the personality or the truth of who I am. But I realize that’s in my mental or ego or personality, whatever label I want to put on that because I know that I’m not what they think of me. They’re entitled to have their opinion of whatever conclusion they draw about me, but I’m not entitled to claim that with them.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, you wouldn’t want to.
No, no.
Dr. Eleanor
You’re keeping a higher frequency and recognizing that that is part of the mental world and it’s out there. It’s not who you are.
Right. It’s a simple answer. Our answers are simple. But I’m not by any means saying that it’s a piece of cake all the time because it’s not. But even that is part of the process in order for me to see it at a different, deeper level, you know, and realize that I always feel supported, even if everything was physically to go away.
Dr. Eleanor
So, Pam, what would you like to have the outcome of this be? And as Pam tells us, let’s all send energy to that intention.
I would like the situations just to be rectified once and for all, to know and be able to see the truth. Wherever the mistake was done, whoever created the mistake, whether it was a typo, you know, too many digits or whatever, that they find it quickly and rectify it, you know?
Dr. Eleanor
So you want them to be done with you?
Oh, yes, yes. But I want clarity, you know; I don’t like being accused of things that are just untrue. I don’t know how anybody could even see crazy numbers like that. It’s obvious, looking at all my past records, that I’ve never in my life made that kind of money. So I don’t know where it’s coming from. Just that could be clarified and quickly fixed.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, let’s all set that intention, that Pamela’s situation is clarified and quickly fixed so she’s free of this. So be it.
Thank you. Thank you, everyone.

Dr. Eleanor
Kathryn, you had your arm. Up next.

Thank you, Pamela, for sharing. Because what you have shared pertains a lot to my current situation. Living in this house where I don’t feel safe. I’m being controlled and blamed for things I’m not doing. And so I’m learning in recovery about sanity and that I don’t feel safe being here and need to get the heck out of here because it’s affecting my sanity.

The person that I’m dealing with, she’s insane, making accusations, and she’s attempting to control my life. And it’s just like I was allowing myself to be a doormat. And now enough is enough. And so to use my voice and to say, you know, to take command of myself and my life. So I made arrangements to speak to a woman from the local senior center for health, and she works with elders. And so I got the paperwork for applications to apply for housing so I can get out of here.

Dr. Eleanor

It’s not safe. I’ve been dealing with this cold and the stress in dealing with the situation and all the backstory about relocating and the potential of being evicted and blah, blah, blah. So the stress has got me, and I’m purging, and I take all this stuff that’s coming out of my my lungs and my sinuses because this is an old house. It’s full of unseen toxins. And so I’m taking this as a position of toxic, of detoxing and purging. And so what’s very curious came to mind is that now I’ve taken the position I wasn’t really thinking about this with the purging that I was making, taking that stand that I feel like I’m claiming my power back.

Dr. Eleanor
That’s excellent.

Been a while since I’ve stood in my power. And I’ve had some very, very strong people to say, you know, to tell this woman to go fuck off because she’s been abusing me. So I probably won’t do that until I get a place to live and I can go. So, I guess I may ask for loving support that applications are processed and the waiting list is not very long. Because I am really concerned about my own sanity here.

Dr. Eleanor
We will all pray that you get your housing ASAP, okay?

And one other thing. I was crying, and she. She had the nerve to come to my door and tell me what I was doing. Oh, poor me. It’s like, what? Yeah, more control stuff is just really insane. But anyway,

Dr. Eleanor
We’ll be sending energy for you.

All right, dear. Thank you, babies. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you all so much. I’m so glad. And excuse me. I’m going to mute out so I can blow my nose down.

Dr. Eleanor

Yeah. Hi, everyone. I want to thank you, doctor, Eleanor, and Marvin, for all your support. I realized that my biggest challenge is to accept and love myself, and I’m running away from that. But those sessions bring me back to myself. I look at myself, and, like, once a week, I’m coming back to myself and starting to look at myself. So thank you very much.

Dr. Eleanor
Oh, you’re welcome, Elizabeth.

I would like to share a miracle that I was participating in just so that people can hear the possibility. A young man associated with us was killed in a terrible car accident, and they brought him back. And then he, of course, was broken in his body, and, you know, he had to fight for his life. So they had him in the hospital, and I received word that we needed to pray for him and see him return.
This man is 22 years old. I did not know him personally, but I began sending angels to the doctors, the support staff, and the family. And then I went down to the bay with my shamanic drum, and I journeyed to him, and I saw him talking to God, and they were discussing his return. I was drumming, and I was, you know, surrounded in love and sharing and projecting the outcome of this young person returning to life. And the next thing I saw was this little, small, energetic, beautiful little being dancing on, on top of this, his body. And I felt that he was, you know, his spirit was returning, and, of course, he wasn’t out of the woods. They actually airlifted him at that point to Harborview, which is the place where people go when they’re in very bad trouble. And they kept working on him. And then today we got the new. Yesterday afternoon, we got the news that he’s doing well.
Dr. Eleanor
That’s wonderful.
Dr. Marvin
He’s doing well.
Dr. Eleanor
That’s great.
I just know that prayers and gratitude and intention and the power. I mean, I was recruiting people to get on this, you know, prayer wheel, so to speak, and then we heard. I just think the work that we’re doing here is supporting this type of connection with, with the divine and with the soul of people who need help.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you.
So I want to thank you.
Dr. Marvin
So where, where in the States are you located?
He was in Seattle. I’m in Washington state.
Dr. Marvin
I see. Okay.
Harbor View is in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Marvin
So I don’t know how broken his body was, but they operated on him. And I know, I know I will hear more, and I hope I get to meet him someday.
Dr. Eleanor
Yes. And you’ll keep us updated?
Yes. I could just, I’ve already envisioned, you know, being by his side and looking into his eyes and just the joy of his parents, you know?
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, there we go. I’m on the phone. It’s always tough. I have big fingers. Something interesting I wanted to mention. It kind of follows up with talking about last week we had the lunar eclipse, and I’m not sure where I read it. I read all day long. They said, this is a really good time to tune in to your family dynamics when you were a child, and things will become revealed in this kind of window. I guess we’re in between the two eclipses about things that affect your behavior.
And it was really interesting. Got all this stuff from my parents and realized, you know, a lot of things. I mean, the question with an expectation of an answer is very powerful, and it’s just a question of when you get the answer and if you pay attention. So, yeah, it was really neat. And I was getting the same thing for other people that I know as well. They know well.
Oh, now I understand, you know, you’re frustrated, this, that, or the other thing or the kind of relationship you get or whatever. And it’s interesting. I mean, they, they said in, there was one specific example, you may have had an alcoholic parent, for instance, but what you end up doing is marrying somebody who’s not necessarily an alcoholic but has the same problem that caused the alcoholism.
And you begin to get that deep into it. It’s kind of like, well, why am I attracting these people in my life? And it’s really about the underlying traumas they’re experiencing and not the actual act as to how they express it, I guess, in a physical sense. Anyway, I thought it was really interesting, and I’d suggest anybody. It seemed to work for me. I don’t know, and maybe it’s because I expected it to. It might be a good time to really try to get into those subconscious things you ran into as a child, especially if you’ve got other frustrations in life. Did this come from my parents or whatever your family dynamic might have been?

Dr. Eleanor
Well, I do have the charts that I wanted to go over again for the eclipse that’s coming up. there’s a lot of doom and gloom coming about regarding the eclipse and what’s going on in the world, and it is not all doom and gloom. I’ll share the eclipse charts.

This last week I had the chart run for Mount Pleasant, and here’s the solar eclipse. Oh, wait a minute. Well, there’s a page missing, but this is the description of the April 8 eclipse, which is part of a Saros cycle. The Saros cycle refers to the path of an eclipse, and the eclipses are always part of a set. And there are different sets depending on what the path is, and they occur for this one started in 1501.

The description of it is –  inventiveness and flashes of genius are the hallmarks of this Saros series. The individual will have intuitive leaps and insights, as Jeff mentioned, good ideas, visions, and vivid dreams. This newfound inspiration will pull the person away from his or her social life or relationship, thereby causing strain in the private life. This is a time when a person needs to be free, if only for a few weeks.

Multidimensional Human Design Chart-April 8, 2024 EclipseIf we look at the design chart, what is most active; note that the self-center is active in all prenatal and postnatal layers. So setting intention for what you want to have happen over the next three months is a good idea to do right now. As you can see, we end up with the integrated chart for the eclipse having a strong Manifesting Generating path from the goals we set for ourselves. And when you set goals for the Human Design people, the 54/32, and then we have the 48/16,  we connect up between two of the channels between the root and the sacral center, and both of those are in the Emotional Angelic Matrix.

Notice that the solar plexus is not connected except through the root. So, from a personal standpoint, this eclipse is about transforming your emotional reactions into higher octave consciousness that recognizes who you are and what your skills are. Use your intuition. Use your sense of who you are and what is meaningful to you. This is not about other people. This is about you.

This is the United States chart that I’m pulling up on the screen. What you see is that the eclipse was done for Greenwich, so it’s on the zero meridian. All of the eclipsed planets are activating the United States chart, sort of behind the scenes, and in a way that has to do with collective energy. And it’s strong.

There’s a very strong push toward gathering the community together in a way that is part of the destiny of the United States. There are some good aspects coming up. The fact that Chiron is hitting the sun, in my view, is a good omen. And the fact that we have Pluto in zero of Aquarius coming up, and this is my hope as well as an interpretation that as we move from Pluto in Aquarius over the midheaven, we come back to the uniqueness and the brilliance of our constitution and the United States.

I’m going to stop the share. In 2000, when Pluto was getting ready to move into Capricorn, I wrote a paper based on that. I predicted at the time that since Pluto is a planet of transformation, the transformation in the sign of Capricorn would have to do with grounding who had and held authority and what we really wanted to have happen from a reality perspective in terms of functioning and who were we going to put as our authority.

We’re now in a battle between good and evil. The battle, if you look at it as a battle between Capricorn and Aquarius, is between the new and the innovative and the freedom that Aquarians like versus the set pattern that is very grounded and not always looking for the creativity and the uniqueness of Capricorn. That’s Capricorn’s characteristics.

So begin to think differently about the future and take David Wilcox’s advice. Recognize that we’re in a story, and the story is the hero’s journey. Now, in this case, you’re the hero. Each one of us is the hero. And what we’re going through is a collective time of trauma and decision-making.

It’s about values. So we’ve been in a relationship, each of us in our own country, each of us in our own self and each of us with our whole history. And we have to decide who we are, what our values are, and what path honors that.

Having grown up in America, I no longer recognize it. I want to go back to the values that are written in our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence. So think about your own freedom and how you manifest that and what, over the next 20 years with Pluto in Aquarius, you’re going to use those innovative, creative energies to build your future. Any reactions to what I’m saying?

Dr. Marvin
Pluto’s going to be in Aquarius for 20 years?

Dr. Eleanor
20 years. We just came out of a 20-year Capricorn cycle. If there’s no sharing, then I’m going to share another document. I’ve shared this one in the past. In working with the body map and energy and the different matrices, it became very clear to me that there are axes, I call them the Axes of Awareness, and that it’s very helpful to think about who we know ourselves to be. Through the central column that goes, it’s our spine, and around our spine is a double helix of energy.

Axes Of AwarenessThe path that coils around, and it’s the DNA, so when you get a sense for yourself, you have a sense in your body. And I call that the Body Instinct Mind. You have a sensation in your body, and you interpret it in terms of who you are and what you know. And that sensation that you feel in your body gets translated instinctively and it gets translated into meaning through the mind.

Over the next couple of weeks, while we’re going through this eclipse, it’s especially important for all of you to identify if what you’re feeling has to do with your physicality and sensations you’re getting in your body or whether it has to do with feelings, emotions.  If it does have to do with feelings, you need to send it back through yourself and reinterpret it in a way that takes it away from reactivity into spirituality.

Here’s the diagram of the pathway. Feelings are felt in terms of who you are instinctively, and then your mind interprets it. When you have physical sensations, again, they come into your body instinctively, and your mind interprets them. And what’s so critical over the next couple of weeks and into the next three months is that what you set your intention for over the next couple of weeks is what you’re going to live out. The mind is powerful. You want to use it carefully. Charlotte?

Yeah, I was wondering if, if you show the paths and you talk about them, every individual is capable of transforming the emotional to the spiritual.
Dr. Eleanor
Yes. Every human being is designed to do.
Do we need other people or specific transits to do it?
Dr. Eleanor
No, Charlotte, you know that in your integrated design, most people are manifesting generators. Every single month, everybody becomes a manifesting generator at some point. And once we have an experience, we do not need to have an experience again to run it through our circuitry.
Okay, so even if there are pathways that are not…
Dr. Eleanor
If we were not all manifesting generators, none of us would have learned to walk. None of us would have learned how to feed ourselves. None of us would have learned how to go out and do something by ourselves and drive a car.
So think about the limitations that you’re placing on yourself if you deny that what you think and what you feel is complete, you’re a complete human being. You may have some predisposing tendencies. You may be better at some things than other things, but we’re all capable of magic and of achieving great things. And it’s simply a question of allowing ourselves to do it and not standing in our own way.
A lot of times, people ask me, how do I do everything I do? I just wake up and do what I love and one thing in front of another. You know, there are deadlines in the mental world, but we’re all capable of rising to the occasion and meeting those deadlines. As Pamela said, when it becomes intrusive to In addition, parents, relatives, and friends of Projectors need to pay attention to the Projector and recognize and acknowledge their perceptions of the Projector. Such recognition is extremely important to the Projector. [We cannot verify this at this time.] ourself, find other people to do the dirty work for you. There are people doing that. So, outsource. How does this affect you personally, Charlotte?
I think I often feel obligated to help other people transform their emotional energy. By telling myself that story, I don’t allow myself to always transform my energy and stand in my power I think
Dr. Eleanor
Maybe, can I make a suggestion?
Dr. Eleanor
Maybe state something like this. I help those people whose energy aligns with mine in such a way that both of us learn and grow, and transform.
That’s beautiful.
Dr. Eleanor
Then, you have a choice as to who you align with and who you don’t.
I think that’s something I need to learn. Now, I feel that because I can, I have to align with everybody I feel needs it, but they’re not us.
Dr. Eleanor
You also want to align with people who are receptive because, remember, you came from a family with some narcissism. So helping people who are not open to being, to embracing change is something that is familiar to you. So you want to avoid helping people who do not want the help.
That’s a lot of people I can get off my list, I think. Yeah, sounds so liberating.
Dr. Eleanor
Do that experiment and then tell us how it works because we’re all going to be interested.
Cool. Thank you.

Dr. Eleanor
Elizabeth, is your hand up again, or was it still up from before?
Yes, it’s up again with a question after what you shared, which I took notes on and was very aware of. And my question is, it does seem like I have a lot of physical pain issues right now. You know, I’ve been dealing with the long-term process of fibromyalgia and everything. And then, recently, my neck went into an old injury stick.
Dr. Eleanor
Tell me what your question is.
And then I bruised my ribs, and it’s like, so physical. I’m just not understanding what the physical thing is that I need to transform.
Dr. Eleanor
Use your breathing and your drumming to do a clearing of any energy you picked up that does not belong to you.
I think it’s that. okay
Dr. Eleanor
Since you did it so well for this young man, we will all pray that when you do your drumming to clear your physical contamination, it clears from your energy field. And I forgot to mention that one of the reasons I brought up the axes of awareness is I refer to it in today’s daily wisdom.
Okay, I’ll do it.

Dr. Eleanor
Marvin’s going to read the Cosmic Guidance 28th.

Dr. Marvin
Mental:  Challenges that push you to rethink your ways of perceiving the world also push you to achieve more for yourself.

Spiritual: Your inner voice whispers gently, like a breath. You can easily miss hearing it. Take time to listen by setting aside time for meditation.

Emotionally: Your balance between body instinct, mind, and feeling instinct, mind is important to understand. Take time to reflect on it.

Physical:  Physical overload presents some dangers today.

Integration: Words, once spoken, take form both inside you and in other people. Be careful in how you communicate. And always ask if your communication aligns with what you want to have happen and how it might impact you, the other person receiving it. Be mindfully alert.

Dr. Eleanor
When you talk to yourself. I believe it’s one of the resources connected to the Cosmic Guidance book. It is an Empowered Self Talk Audio. That’s about a five-minute audio.

Dr. Marvin
Some people don’t.

Dr. Eleanor
We’re talking about this book, Cosmic Guidance for Mastering Your Life, which is available at bookstores and on Amazon. Cindy offers empowered self-talk on the resource page for Cosmic Guidance.

Yes, it should be. I was getting ready to look for a link for it. I was trying to respond to Raven. At the same time, she commented that she would like a lot more information on Multidimensional Human Design. I was trying to let her know that we were probably getting ready to start having classes as soon as we got a few more things worked out.


Information On Future Classes

Dr. Eleanor
I can talk to the group about that. Starting, I think, in May, we’re going to move to a membership site. And what we’ll do is continue to do these webinars for free. They’ll always be free. But we will put the archives for people who want to listen and not be here live. We’ll put that behind a paywall and it’ll be $47 a month to get all of the archives and materials.
Then, I’m planning to teach two classes. One will be a class on Human Design using the 13 books I wrote with Ra between 1999 and 2001. Since I’m now ready to release all of my research, I am writing a commentary in those books. You’ll be able to read exactly what Ra said and then my commentary about the science that is valid and the science that is not valid.
That will be one course, and the second course will be the Four Worlds. And it will be, the Four Worlds Class will be taught weekly. There’ll be room for some exercises with the idea that in the fall, at some point, I will do a Five Day Retreat on the Four Worlds so that we can have experiences of moving and communicating appropriately to the world with some exercises that show what happens when the worlds are mismatched.
I may be able to do some of that in Zoom. So one class,  to attend one of the classes, it’s going to be $350. And to attend both classes, $700 a month. And then I am putting together a mentorship program to teach people how to read the charts the way I read them. And that will be much more costly. I will limit it to ten people. The people who sign up for the mentorship will have access to both courses of course.
Dr. Marvin
To read the charts the way you do.
Dr. Eleanor
Yeah, it’s really not complex. Do you think it’s complex? It’s not complex.  Any questions or comments? And if anybody loves these webinars and has gotten a lot from what we’re doing, please leave testimonials. And if any of you have had a reading that’s been valuable, leave a testimonial. And for anyone who’s a beginner and doesn’t understand all the multidimensional, you won’t have to wait long. I think I can start to teach in June.

Links Discussed

Dr. Marvin
Where do they leave the testimonials?

Dr. Eleanor
There’s a page under the resource tab on the website to leave testimonials.


Cosmic Guidance Resources

Blogs with Cosmic Guidance Resources

Which one of the meditation posts were you referring to again?

Dr. Eleanor
Was it the Empowered Self Talk?

Dr. Eleanor
And then there’s one called Transformation Synthesis.

You may have to get a free membership to this site to access that, but like I said, it’s free right now. Enjoy it while you can.

Dr. Eleanor
Elizabeth, I have the two books now that I… well, I’m still waiting for the one.  I’ve just approved the updated version of the Second-Degree Reiki Manual and Journal, so I’ll put that together with a Cosmic Guidance and send it to you.

Oh, thank you so much.

Dr. Eleanor
But for, especially for you, the Transformation Synthesis Meditation that’s linked was a meditation that I did standing in front of the tree of life when I broke my clavicle. So I did it to heal.

Thank you for that, too.

Dr. Eleanor
I would highly recommend to all of you that you don’t take this so seriously, that you have some fun, that you laugh, and that you laugh at yourself when you do stupid things. We all do. You know, I walk into things, I drop things on my toes. I, you know, so what, it’s, you know. Charlotte, do you want to say something else?

Yeah, I just wanted to ask one more question, if that’s okay. Do you have any tips or practices for understanding what the body is trying to say and make clear? I get these really clear signals from my body in feelings, like tingling in my spine.

Dr. Eleanor
When you have strange sensations in your body, and you’re doing the work on your inner self, it’s most likely the Kundalini energy that is activating and coming up your spine. Anyone who’s opening to a wider consciousness and evolving their frequency is likely to have symptoms in their body that are uncomfortable. During some of my Kundalini experiences, I had one that went up and up my spine, and it lasted for 8 hours. And it was worse than childbirth labor. And for childbirth, I had no anesthesia and no sedation. But this, that was. It was in July before I went to India, and it started spontaneously, and it was excruciating pains up and down my spine. And the next day, you could see, like a serpent, a double helix.
Dr. Marvin
And I’ve seen that redness in your back also.

Dr. Eleanor
And another time, I was paralyzed for 3 hours while the energy was moving up my body. And then, when it came out of my head, I knew things that I hadn’t known before psychically about my clients. So, I would guess the tingling or funny sensations that come and go are energy-clearing in your body. Say, thank you, I love you, you’re doing good work. And then let go of it.

I tend to get afraid of them, even though I feel like this is. I have to trust it. I know that. At the same time, I wake up with my entire left arm paralyzed, and I panic, and it starts tingling. And then I’m like, I snap myself out of it. But maybe I just need to relax and trust the process.

Dr. Marvin
Let me just add one thing. So many of the symptoms that we have can be transient, but if you focus on them with fear, they stay longer. So I’ve had all kinds of symptoms. I’ve even actually had heart rhythm symptoms where I’m in an abnormal heart rhythm. And if I breathe in a certain way, or if I stand up and do the figure eights, or if I do the cross and say a prayer, it changes the heart rhythm.

I mean, just be open to all possibilities. If you’re in a mode of evolving rapidly, you’re actually being given a lot of power. You can be proactive and modulate the way this affects your physical body. And if you begin to trust it more and more, and then you let go of the fear, these symptoms go away a lot faster.

Okay, thank you.

Dr. Eleanor
I need to do the attunement.

Closing Attunement

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, allowing the breath, the energy of the divine to move through you, releasing any tension, any negativity, and anything extraneous to what’s important for you.  Continuing to breathe and setting an intention for what you want to have happen over the next week and the next three months.
Add to your intention the intention to self-regulate and self-correct any disempowering language, and it will transform into empowerment as you set your goals and set your intent.
As we breathe, we join together in frequency, sending the love and the energy of love to each other to support the evolution of consciousness and healing from within. We support each other fully and completely as we support ourselves. Wiggling your fingers and toes. Coming back into your body. Opening your eyes fully awake, alert, and ready for a phenomenal day. Take care, everybody. See you next week.

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