Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-03-21

Dr. Eleanor Attunement
Find a comfortable place where you can be relaxed and internal and breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, allowing yourself to release any negative thoughts, any stress, any mental obsessing, anything that makes you feel less than.
And as you breathe in, allow the divine energy and light to infuse yourselves with the light and the optimism of moving forward. We are at a time that’s very critical. From a cosmic level, you are a vehicle of light and divine energy.
As you center yourself within, you have power, and that power can pervade your life. It is a time to set values, to be clear on your path forward, and to be clear on what you value. So with each breath, set your intention for clarity, for your clarity to increase moment by moment, and feel the energy of relaxation move through you with each breath. Relax your neck, relax your shoulders, letting go of anything to do or be or know you are right where you need to be, doing just what you need to do. And no one and nothing can interfere with who you are and how you connect to your own divinity.
From this place, breathe energy into the room, feeling support for yourself and the energy of support coming toward you from the group as you send energy to everyone in the group for their well-being and clarity of purpose. From this place, wiggle your fingers and toes and come back into the room fully awake, alert, and ready to go to work.

Dr. Eleanor
One of my close friends who has a copy of the Cosmic Guidance book called me this week and said she’s been reading it every day since she got it. It’s made a huge difference in her life, and she had the breakthrough awareness that the reason I was so pressured to get the book out was that as everybody’s reading it every day, we’re joining in a circle of consciousness and changing the consciousness on the planet.
So if you’re all reading it, we’re banding together, sort of like the TM people said. When 1% of the population are meditators, crime goes down. I personally experienced that when I lived in Chicago, in Hyde Park. So if all of you are reading the statements from cosmic guidance every day, we’re making a thread of consciousness as we connect through those words. And it was a really beautiful thing that she said, and it made me feel so happy to have released the book. So Marvin’s going to read it for today.

Mental World

Identify some areas of expertise you have and consider how to build on it.

Spiritual World

How you treat yourself is how you treat others.

Emotional World

Moods often transparently reflect your inner balance. Use the clues.

Physical World

Your stamina and physical energy throughout the day reflect your health.


Because you live in multiple dimensions, you continually need to realign and readjust to internal and external circumstances and chemistry. Remaining dynamic and accepting of changes and instincts is healthy. Holding on to past ways of being may stifle your consciousness. How is your knowing different now from how it was a year ago at this time, five years ago, ten years ago? And what do you know now from this point here now? What do you want to have happen?

Dr. Eleanor
I gave you all an assignment to think about stepping stones in your life and what you learned from them. Did anybody do that assignment and want to share?
Hi. Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the wonderful attunement, Dr. Eleanor. I thought about this, and during my years, so many years of searching and struggling, I had this one amazing thing that I did that I literally think back as each book, it was a steppingstone. Throughout all that time, I had a journal, and I would take my day in my hands every time I picked up that book, and I’d reflect and I would write about how I felt. And I felt this grounding experience with that. I didn’t really know what. I didn’t have a direction, but I had a companion who was part of myself.
Dr. Eleanor
Part of your soul.
Part of my soul, absolutely. Actually, I have all of those right now, and I cherish them because even at the time, they gave me evidence that I was in one piece. It was a strange experience of being fragmented but becoming whole with that. And today I think of that because of your exercise as something that led me to an ability that I innately possess, which is creative writing.
Dr. Eleanor
It’s one thing I have.
Dr. Eleanor
And how are you coming on getting it together to publish it?
Well, I’m focusing on doing the first chapter book, which is a book of poetry. And I have an editor who’s very strict, actually, who lives in my apartments, who’s been watching me overseeing my work for several years. And right now I’m just really focusing on that book, and I am gaining more confidence. Yesterday, I read one. Well, in February, I wrote a peace poem, a poem for peace on the planet every day. It was a special thing that I did. And then yesterday, I read one of those pieces to a group of women, and I just felt so empowered. They really liked it. And so, anyway, I’m taking steps daily, amidst all my other chores and tasks, to keep that, as you said, one thing that I believe in about myself.
Dr. Eleanor
Wonderful. Elizabeth. And you look different. Your energy field is beginning to get clearer and cleaner.
I’m glad you’re witnessing that. I feel that.
Dr. Eleanor
If you see that, raise your hand. This is external confirmation that you’re on the right track, Elizabeth.
Well, I’m on a track that makes me feel good and whole and holy because I pray every day for guidance in this way. And I also am. I thank God, Mother, Father, and God in the morning and at night. And I think what we’re doing here is so subtle in a way and so specific and gentle that it really is making its way into my aura. Yeah, so thank you
Dr. Eleanor
I’m so glad, Elizabeth. Thank you.
I’m working on it. Thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you for the hard work you’re doing.
Oh, thank you so much. I think it affects the collective, and I’d like to know what you think about that. How does that happen? That what we do affects the collective?
Dr. Eleanor
When we are in the spiritual realm when we sleep and dream, we lose the mind, and we lose emotion, and we become one with the universe. So, we’re all part of a cosmic soup when we sleep, and it impacts us, and the energy around us impacts us as well. Where you live, we talked a little bit about you clearing a space in your apartment so the energy can flow around you better. That’s always important. And I have in my home, in every corner, not the squared ones, but any angles, I put feng shui crystals, just the hanging crystals that have a red string. So, if you look up at my ceiling, I have crystals in every room, hanging and keeping the energy moving.
Oh, wonderful.
Dr. Eleanor
And outside the house, on every wall of the outside of the house, there are at least two eight sided mirrors pointing away from the house, and those are also keeping any negative energy away. So those are some energy tips that you can use in your own space. we move forward with other things?

Dr. Eleanor
Nobody. Did anybody else do their stepping stones?
I’ll give you one, but it might not go the way you think it will. I decided to take up skydiving around 1987 or 88. I’m trying to think if that’s. No, it was more like 82, I guess. Through that process, I ended up going to various locations and finally ended up in San Antonio, where I met the man I’ve been married to for 35 years. And if I hadn’t taken that step, chances are I would not be married right now at all.
Dr. Eleanor
It’s a big stepping stone.
It’s a very big stepping stone. And I’ve met all types of wonderful people in the process, people that both of us have been friends with to this very day. And it allows us to have lots of fun and good entertainment. So just one little choice. And the interesting thing about it is when I did that, I was supposed to go skydiving with my uncle, and he bailed on me at the last minute. So I went ahead and did it anyway. After, I was nice enough to go whitewater rafting with him in freezing temperatures.
Dr. Eleanor
He did you a favor, Cindy.
He did do me a favor. But it has made for a very interesting and exciting life all along the way, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it.

Dr. Eleanor
Excellent. Suzanne?
Hi, everyone again, it’s a delight to be here today. And getting into this path of the work that I’m doing was totally going in blind, taking that first step. I was working for a nonprofit. It wasn’t working for me anymore. I was 48. So it was during the Chiron return, which I knew nothing about. And this magazine comes out and says, and I see the word chakra, and I’m going, oh, I love the sound of that word. And just followed the Polarity Institute, and then everything showed up for me. I never searched for anything. You showed up when you needed to in. And just different things happened, and different pieces of work came together. Again, these are all the stepping stones that I consciously did not put in place, but they were put in place for me, and I followed each one of them.
Dr. Eleanor
And they came from the core of your being.
Yeah. And I’m going, why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?
Dr. Eleanor
So when you know, because you know and you follow that knowing, things fall into place in a different way than when you are doing it mentally. Yeah.
And I never forced anything to happen. They were just there, and it was kind of like, ok, let’s try it. So thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
Thank you!
Good morning.
Dr. Eleanor
Good morning.
This is Jay, everybody. That’s my husband, so he’s joining us. In my past careers, they’ve all been so different, and they seem to be leading me down a completely different path. But what I didn’t realize at the time is that they were giving me big insights into people, the environment, and energy in general. And now that I’m primarily teaching Tai Chi, that’s led me to continue along that path. So, it didn’t seem like there was any connection at first. But then, as I’ve just continued, that stairstep continues to rise and give me further insights.
Dr. Eleanor
And those insights, what difference do they make for you?
Well, it enables me to see people in the world in a whole different way. Before, I was really critical of people and kind of suspicious of people. And through this whole journey it’s enabled me to open my heart. I’ve found some really dear friends who are just very close to me and touch my soul, and I would have never allowed that before.
Dr. Eleanor
So, what you’re saying is that, if I’m hearing you correctly, you followed a path that was very diverse. It wasn’t one straight line, but things that seemed disparate that you followed, and they came together almost like a flower with different petals that you could relate to.
Well, you said that well. That’s exactly right. You think that things are so disassociated, yet they were evolving the whole time. Thank you.

Dr. Eleanor
You’re welcome. I would like to share some of my stepping stones with you. When I decided to go to graduate school, I couldn’t decide between psychology, religion, and anthropology. And I applied to the University of Chicago in a department called the Committee on Human Development. It was the first integrative social science department in the world. It was sociology, anthropology, biology, and psychology. And I was always a very compulsive student. I would read everything that was required and everything that was recommended, and I did that even though I had major learning issues.
I had no depth perception. I had auditory sequencing issues, and my eyes didn’t work together as a unit. So, I studied a lot when I was in school, and I’ve had all those issues corrected. When my kids were in vision training because they had visual issues, I realized that I did, too. So, at the time, I didn’t know, but I knew that I couldn’t limit myself to a purely psych program because it would leave out the spirituality. I didn’t at the time want to be a clinician because I thought all psychologists were crazy. I still think that to some degree. So, I went a different route.
But looking back at it, I realized that even my dissertation was dealing with the Four Worlds. My dissertation was on religiosity in conservative Orthodox and reformed Jewish families, mainly because that year, we moved from Chicago back to New York. So, my then-husband could do an internship, and I thought it was going to derail my Ph.D., but my committee said, “We will support you to do it anywhere. You just do what you want to do, and we’ll support you.”
We were in New York for that year when I was writing my dissertation proposal. It was a study of 83 families, mother, father, and child. And I looked at religiosity, family interaction pattern, child rearing, and child guilt. It was the first study that looked at the personality of the child by interviewing the child, not the parent, about the child. I had 295 variables, and I had one child on each knee.
My kids are eleven months apart by choice, and I was punching IBM cards at the computer center with one kid on each knee. You know, I just did it. I didn’t think about it. I just did what was in front of me. And when I finished, I realized that I couldn’t be a researcher. I didn’t like teaching college because I didn’t want to be stuck. I decided I needed to help people using the skills I had begun to acquire outside of my traditional, non-traditional University of Chicago education because I had two young children. The communication skills for therapy didn’t work with kids. So I studied communication.
Looking back now, I see that when I studied hypnosis when I studied Clean Language, when I studied Parent Effectiveness Training, Imago Therapy, Guttman Therapy, and on and on, Masters and Johnson, I was gathering the Four Worlds skills. As I look back, I think, “Oh my God, how did I not know that?” My goal as a child I would say, “I must get a Ph.D.,” so what I do could be credible because I was psychic during childhood, and I knew that I would be ostracized if I talked about that stuff.
I needed legitimacy to be able to teach what I wanted to teach or do what I wanted to do. So, looking back at my education and the hard work I put in through the years and still do studying, it was my mission. And a sort of amusing thing is that over the last couple of weeks, I pulled out the 13 books I wrote between 1999 and 2001 with the man who developed the Human Design System. He tasked me with the science of it and with validating it. It’s 20 years later and I’m ready to make the science public without knowing that for the past 20 years, I was collecting additional data.
15,000 readings later, I’m ready to say, “Yes, I have a system that I’ve worked my whole career to document,” and it’s not the Human Design stuff, which I will show you because of the eclipse coming up. But it is the Four Worlds and how people must really see themselves on a spiritual journey, and that the mental world is secondary, not primary. My message in this webinar to all of you is that what we’re unraveling here is how you use the Mental World, the real world, to empower your inner mission that has been driving you your whole life.
That’s why I say, look back at stepping stones, because those stepping stones, the events in your life when you decided to get married or have children or go to school or study something or change your job, all of those fit into a beautiful puzzle that’s your life. And looking back at how you learned from those different experiences and how they empower you, and even illnesses or accidents, as I shared with you in a past webinar. When I broke my collarbone in the ocean, I said, “Okay, God, what’s so important that you would do this to me?” And I got the voice. “You’re taking on too much responsibility. Delegate.” At the time, I was president of the Hypnosis Society and teaching and had a full practice.
So God said, “You’re doing too much.” I got the message, and I did delegate. Didn’t go over too well with some of the people who had to take on the work that I was doing that was their job, but it freed me. And when you hear that inner voice, follow it, listen to it. It is most critical that you not ignore it. And those of you who don’t know what you need to know to move forward, don’t. Meditate, stay still, journal, go on walks, and do whatever you need to do to find what inspires you. Because without the love and the inspiration in your work, you’re wasting your life. And the only thing you have is time.
 I’ve said very frequently I’ve never worked a day in my life because I love what I do, and I do what I love. And some people have said to me, do you really want to work so hard at your age? And I can’t imagine not working and doing what I do because I would do it. It’s not work, it’s love. I’m telling you that because if you look back at your life, you’re going to find a thread. Follow the thread. Follow the thread of your choices. When I follow the choices of what I’ve studied, I can see that there was always a piece of the Four Worlds that I needed to learn.
Go back through your life and also look at paths taken and paths not taken. Where was the choice you made? Had you made a different choice, you would have ended up in a different place. And then ask yourself, would that place have been as good for you as where you are now? This is an important question. What was so important that I took this path instead of this path? So that’s my little rant for the day.

Dr. Marvin
May I add something?
Dr. Eleanor
Dr. Marvin
Eleanor and I met in India, and that’s another story too long for today. But I only went there by chance because I heard a voice on a tape. But I wanted to say that the voice on the tape was from a man named Osho. And talking about following your inner self. He describes this in the most beautiful way in a lecture called The Wisdom of the Sands. That’s number two. Lecture number two. And it’s called The Man with The Inexplicable Life. And it’s a story, very beautiful, the way it’s described, of a man who was a Sufi and heard the voice guiding him to do all kinds of strange things, including going into a river and just trusting that someone would find him. And at the end, he continued to evolve, and he became a great Sufi master. And when I heard that tape, I really felt so moved that I was moved to tears. And the first Wisdom of the Sands. Number one. Number one is also an amazing one.
Dr. Eleanor
We can post them. We’ll post them with the video and the transcript.
Dr. Marvin
Wonderful. Anyway, when she was working with Ra and doing all these books, I was there as well, not doing much participation. But she would produce books like this. This is number, you know, covers, perfectly done. And I could never understand, really, honestly, why she was doing so much work. And it only became obvious more recently.
Dr. Eleanor
I had completely blanked out on them. And then two weeks ago, I thought, oh, let me look at what I have upstairs on our third floor in my library. And I went up, and there were all these books. And I thought, oh, my God, I can republish these. I own the rights and I own all the graphics and the trademarks. So I have, over the last two weeks, edited all of them, and I’m ready to teach from them. So I will be doing that. Sean, you had your hand up.
Oh, I didn’t. I was just giving a thumbs up to you, sharing the links. But, yeah, no, I mean, I’m super excited those books are coming as we talked about, so looking forward to seeing where that plays out.
Dr. Eleanor
So does anybody else want to say anything? If not, we have an eclipse coming up. And for fun, I did the charts. So I’m going to share my screen and show you what the eclipse looks like. And it’s a pretty interesting eclipse. We got something this morning about it from the biblical perspective. And from the biblical perspective, the Bible has predictions for different times. And it’s very interesting that the path of this eclipse goes across the globe, hitting cities that are biblical cities.
Dr. Marvin
Nineveh, Salem, many different names.

Dr. Eleanor
But I’m going to share my screen. Here it is. And I want to start with this. Let me get it bigger so you can see it every eclipse. Oh, wait a minute. Why can’t I see this? There we go. Okay. Every eclipse is part of what’s called a Saros cycle, and it takes hundreds of years. So this is part of a Saros cycle that started in 15. And this is the completion of that cycle. This is from Bernadette Brady’s book The Eagle and the Lark, which is one of the most beautiful astrology books that I’ve ever read because she talks about the science and the art of astrology.

She said about this eclipse:

Inventiveness and flashes of genius are the hallmarks of this Saros series. The individual will have intuitive leaps, insights, good ideas, visions, and vivid dreams. This newfound inspiration will pull the person away from his or her social life or relationship, thereby causing strain in the private life. This is a time when the person needs to be free, if only for a few weeks.

 Astrology Chart for Eclipse 2024-04-08I’ll show you the eclipse chart first. Now, this is the astrological chart. Notice that this is a very strange astrology chart. We have Pluto in one degree of Aquarius, which makes it extremely Aquarian. Pluto is a planet of transformation. It happens to be in the 6th house, which is the house of health and work. So, it’s bringing transformation in how we think about what we do and how we think about ourselves as human beings.
Then what you can notice is we have 6 planetary bodies, and I did this for Mount Pleasant, which is where we live. If you live in a different place, it may be in a different house. But the fact that we have six planetary bodies in the sign of Aries, which is a fire sign on a new moon, and we have Chiron, the north node, tells us that this is beyond the personal; it’s transpersonal energy. So don’t take this eclipse as a personal thing. Recognize that it’s a collective thing.
Reading about the Saros cycle, it’s telling us that we’re waking up. We’re waking up to ourselves. The 9th house, at least for those of us on the East Coast, the 9th house is values and consciousness and Superconsciousness and religion. The 8th house, which has Mars conjunct, Saturn, is not such a close aspect to Neptune, which is more closely aspected to Venus in the 9th house. It’s telling us that it’s about our core spirit and our values and that if we are open to learning, we will do okay. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. In the 10th house, I think it’s going to be okay.

Eclipse+U.S.ChartNow, if we look at the US chart, this is the US chart. So I put the US chart together with the eclipse chart, and you can see that looking at it this way, the US chart is communicating something on an unconscious and conscious level to the people in the United States. It’s a wake-up call, and it’s an important wake-up call. It’s going to wake up the purpose and the health of the US, and it’s going to be transformational in some way.


United States Chart and Eclipse ChartWe can look at it the other way around. This shows you that how we look at a chart is also a matter of perspective. If I put the US chart in the center, it’s about foundational components and influencing the thinking and consciousness of the community, back to the values that are so important in the founding fathers and the Constitution.

Eclipse Mental World ChartNow, if we go to charts that are probably less familiar to some of you, these are the multidimensional charts that I look at. And what we see is a fairly open eclipse day. It’s about intuition. It’s about the pattern and the life form. It’s about the direction the country is going and where we all are going. The eclipse is about the direction of our choice. Stepping stones. What are you going to choose?

Integrated Eclipse ChartAnd when we look at the composite, which is really the integrated chart that we have the opportunity to orchestrate over the next three months, we see that goals are critical. Freedom is critical. The channel coming from the root to the sacral center is a channel of freedom. And notice that it comes in, in three months. So July eighth, which, interestingly enough, is right around the 4 July, isn’t it?

Now, an interesting little tidbit. When FDR came into power, he changed the inauguration date of the president. Originally, the founding fathers had it set up so that the inauguration date was in March. And it made a triangle between the Independence Day, the inauguration, and the 4 July. So when FDR changed it, he changed the trajectory of the United States from a trine, which is a nice aspect, to a T, which is a hard aspect. So, if we look at projecting ahead, what we can see is that if we get back to the original founding father values,  the heart center connecting to the self-center, which in the body map is the initiating energy, is Chiron, and that is consciousness and values.
This eclipse is about waking people up to what’s really important to them and to our freedom and our country. It’s about spirit and transforming emotional energy into spiritual energy through setting goals for ourselves and for our country.
Dr. Marvin
Dr. Eleanor
Dr. Marvin
When you mentioned the trine, you mentioned the 4 July and Independence Day. But there’s one more something in November.
Dr. Eleanor
March, July, and November would be the elections. So you would probably have the Star of David. Okay, interesting. Do you have any questions or comments about what I just shared? Are you interested?
Dr. Marvin
It’s a little bit over the top for many of us, but in summary, it’s very clear.

I’m really happy to be here, everyone. It’s my first time. I got so used to Dr. Eleanor being on the West Coast that I kept getting up at 12 PST and expecting to join the meetings. Though this is a real treat.
It’s Very fascinating, compelling, these insights and these distinctions that you’re sharing and that you’re bringing to awareness for me,
Dr. Eleanor
I’m glad they’re helpful for you Charles.
Thank you. Thank you. It’s been a really pretty pivotal past couple of weeks, and this is really important because of the calling that I have. Dr. Eleanor and I have talked a little bit, but to the question that I had. I don’t mean to be a boat rocker or a wavemaker, but my positioning relative to some of the points of reference, that these really awesome distinctions are being shared, presents an awesome opportunity to deal with some of what feels like a bit of antagonistic value that it’s because you wouldn’t think it at face value or upfront. But I am not African American. I’m not black. I am actually American Indian. I’m not Native American. I’m American Indian.
My experience of religion and what Christianity and the advent or the introduction of Catholicism and Christianity to the aboriginal people here in the United States and the poisonous effect that it’s had on, you know, I don’t want to be exclusionary and say my people, but on a biological, physiological, physiological level, I guess I could say my people, it’s just been a tool to decay and just contribute to the reclassification of our identity. Right. On a spiritual level. Yes. It’s funny. I’m listening, and I can hear on multiple levels, the atomic Buddhist level, the spiritual level. And I can appreciate all of this in my writings…
Dr. Eleanor
Charles, I think all of us, in our own way, have been victims of the mental world interpretations we’ve been fed for millennia.
Absolutely. And women first.
Dr. Eleanor
Part of my mission is to change that by waking people up to the fact that there are Four Worlds that we live in and that we need to be sharing that knowledge with children.
Dr. Eleanor
We need to be honoring the souls of children. And it’s interesting, one of the things that I valued in my work with Ra and what he wanted to do was he wanted to have an education system primarily for children that would tap into who they were. And he didn’t have all the pieces. He only had one piece. But because of, as I shared the stepping stones of my education, I was able to add the other pieces. And he did not want me involved with Human Design. He wanted me to have my own system.
Wow. Because of what you were doing or because of your direction and your trajectory?
Dr. Eleanor
It says it in the books, which I haven’t looked at in 20 years, but the books say the very beginning. This work is Rave Life Sciences, dedicated to the science and the dissemination of information for healthcare and health professionals. We were supposed to be the professional arm of Human Design. And so I have followed that mission, but it’s really about changing the consciousness as you’re moving forward.

I just want to say that I followed you very closely on that, about Chiron and all of what you said. I will listen to it again. I have Chiron opposing Venus. It’s been a path for me to go down.

Dr. Eleanor
Chiron opposes Venus in, which houses Elizabeth third and 9th. Okay, so it’s about you reframing your early conditioning to align with your soul.

Absolutely. I’m writing a little bit about Chiron, and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your perspective on, you know, that’s all I really have, but very meaningful to me.

Dr. Eleanor
Thank you.

Thank you.

Dr. Eleanor
I appreciate all of you sticking with me because I know sometimes, I talk in ways that are sort of esoteric. So much of it is second nature to me because I’ve studied it for so long, but now I’m integrating it even more. I appreciate all of you being here and opening yourselves up to all of the worlds within yourself. Any other comments or quick sharing before we do an attunement?

I’m just quickly going back. You spoke to Aquarius, Aquarius in Chiron. What was that distinction? Was the 9th something related specifically to Aquarius in the chart? Yeah, Pluto’s in Aquarius, and it’s in the 6th house of the chart. Pluto in Aquarius is transformation. You look at the house that it’s in—it’s in the house of health, it’s in the house of work, and it’s sort of an outlier in the eclipse chart.

So what you bring to it is going to determine how it affects you. And there’s going to be a lot of biblical fear because of where it’s hitting the cities it’s hitting and the predictions in the Bible. But astrology does not compel you to anything. You have a choice. One of the ways I differed from Ra Uru Hu was he believed we had no choice. I believe we have the ultimate choice. We have the choice to follow our path, and we have the choice to not follow our path.

When we are aligned with our spiritual purpose, everything feels good; we feel whole. But when we deviate from what we are spiritually here to accomplish, our lives become a mess.

Yeah, I’m coming off of the mess part and hoping to move into the…

Dr. Eleanor
 And that’s a question of the choices you make. I happen to be a very disciplined person. I met with my nutritionist this week, and she said to me, “I don’t know anyone else who’s as disciplined with their diet as you are.” I do a keto diet. I generally do not deviate. My daughter said to me at one point, “How did you just stop eating sugar overnight?” And I said to her, “It was God’s hand,

I got a message that it was the right thing for me to do for my body. And when I get a message like that, I honor it. And there was no mind involved in it.” It was like, “Okay, this is what I’m doing,” and it’s still, this is what I’m doing. So, I give myself a choice, clearly. There are times I go off my program, but it’s a conscious choice, it’s not an unconscious choice. And that’s the differential. Make a choice for what the right path is for you and know when you deviate from it that you’re doing it with conscious thought and that you come back to yourself quickly.

And for anyone here who’s in recovery, don’t deviate. The deviation can throw you way off.

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal. Closing your eyes and breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. And with each breath, feel that light energy coming in through your crown. Feel it moving down through your body and expand it throughout your body and around your body. 7ft around you and allow that feeling of wholeness, completeness, and beauty to fill your aura.
And from this place, just breathe.
Let go of all thoughts. If a thought comes into your mind, just breathe, and the thought will fly away with the breath. The breath is free. It comes into you without you asking and at no cost to you. You just let it in, and it permeates through every cell of your body, empowering each cell with its integrity and its job to do. You do not engage on a physical level with the automatic functioning and intelligence of your body.
Imagine, just imagine, if you use that intelligence to move forward in your life. You don’t need to know where you’re going. You only need to know what you know you love doing and feel compelled to do.
With each breath that goes in your body, wherever it needs to go, you’re being shown trust. You trust that your body is breathing. You trust that your heart is beating. You trust that if you think to move a finger, it will move. You know that if you think to sit or stand, that’s going to happen. Apply that same trust to your life, to your future. Be clear on your values. They’re the core. Take the time, take the energy to delineate your values.
What’s important to you? Don’t make it mental. Your values are what strikes joy in your heart, what activates love? What you feel when you’re around your animals without thinking about what you’re feeling. Imagine if every action in your life carried that frequency and right now, in this moment, set your intention going forward, that you will feel the love, the empowerment, and the strength of the breath that comes into you. And that breath will move you in your life forward to what is important to you and what you know is right for you.
Sending support to everyone in the group as they send it to you. Allowing the collective energy to strengthen the power that you have as an individual to maximize your potential and to move forward in your life. You are one with the divine, and you know it when you know it, because you know it. And nobody can tell you you don’t.
And from this place, wiggle your fingers and toes. Coming back into your body. Count of three. Opening your eyes. One, two, three. Fully awake, alert, and ready to embrace the world and yourself.
Thank you all. Much love. Have a good week.

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Note  The Wisdom of the Sands Stories  seem to only be available on Audible. For those interested they can be found by searching for “The Man with The Inexplicable Life” 

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