Noble Energy Wellness®

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal. Close your eyes. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. With each inhalation, experience an uplifting energy that empowers you with light and love. And on the exhale, release anything that is stressful, that is not wanting to be in your energy field.

With each inhalation, you are empowered by the divine. And with each exhalation, you release anything that wants to be released from your unconscious, your conscious, your physical body, your environment. And as you settle into yourself, recognize that there’s nowhere else you need to be and nothing you need to do other than what you’re doing now.

You are a multidimensional being who lives in multiple worlds.

The Mental World is the World of your daily life. Your mind attaches to what you need to do, what you need to be, who you need to be, how you need to be, what you need to be, all kinds of things that you’ve been told about who and how you need to be in the World. Let all of that go, just for now, and tune in to your spirit.

The Spiritual World the World where you know who you are, you know when things resonate congruently with you, you know how you want to relate and what resonates with you. The Spiritual World is the World of the core of the self, the you who feels whole, who’s empowered, who’s creative, who soars beyond the mundane reality of life. Where you imagine your spirit that can bring information from other dimensions into the self.

And in this place within yourself, you are whole, you are loved, you are empowered, and you feel joy within your heart. This is the place you seek, and this is the place where you are most alive. Keep it protected by breathing energy, pure white light energy. And let this place within yourself take precedence over the Mental World you interact in.

The Emotional World is a world where you can get triggered. All the emotions other than love can be reactive and they can be transformed. Emotions can transform to love. So, when you feel stressed, when you feel confused, when you feel out of sorts, overloaded, put upon, et cetera, et cetera, stop. Close your eyes, breathe in spirit, and allow yourself to transform into who you really are and who and what you want to be. In any given moment, you have choice.

The Physical World is the World of the body. It’s your friend. Take care of your body. Take care of your eating, your drinking, your breathing. Be kind to your body by giving it time and space and listening to it spiritually.

These Four Worlds integrate as a unified whole within you, and as they do, you can move seamlessly between the Worlds. Set that intention for yourself now. The Worlds might be,

Path Between

“I am a multidimensional being, and I move seamlessly between the worlds as I integrate the information from each World into my daily life. And from each day, I grow in integration as I move between the Worlds because the more adept, I become at navigating the Worlds, the bigger and bolder and more empowered I am in living as a divine being.”

Take a few moments to breathe as a complete, integrated being. From this place here, wiggle your fingers and toes. Come back to the room fully refreshed and, alert and supportive of everyone in the group.

Welcome, everybody. Hello. I’ll open it up for anyone who wants to share.

Hi, I’m Adrienne.

Dr. Eleanor
Hi, Adrienne. Welcome.

Thank you. I am grateful to have found this group. This is my second time, so I appreciate that meditation because that speaks to a lot of what I’ve been struggling with: integrating the mind, body, and spirit.

I’m in recovery from drugs and alcohol and also added on another layer of recovery, probably about nine months ago, of trying to detox off a psychiatric medication. So, there’s been a lot of mind-body disconnection as a result of that, starting on those types of drugs when I was 14 years old. So, it’s been most of my life. I’m 40 years old now, so I am coming to a lot of grief and realization about how disconnected I have been from those years. I guess I’m just sharing to try to garner any insight into that process. Obviously, that’s sort of the long short of it, but it’s been a very challenging process.

Dr. Eleanor
As part of that process, Adrienne, recognize that I’m trying to think how to say it. We’ve all been taught to live in the Mental World and to not give energy to the other dimensions that are so crucial in who we are. I know that from my own experience and why we each live, what we live is karma, choice, or lessons we need to learn.

But I saw auras from the time I was born, and nobody around me understood what I was responding to. But for some reason, I just registered it and kept quiet. In your case, you probably didn’t keep quiet, so they needed to quiet you down by putting you in a mental box and labeling, labeling, labeling.

And the pain of that is excruciating. When we’re not acknowledged for who we are, it’s painful. And if you’re sensitive and conscious, it’s more painful. And some of you had one person or more. I know I had a few people in my life growing up who recognized my consciousness and saved me. Not everybody has that. But you can forgive yourself because it wasn’t your choice consciously, and that’s important.

And think about what was so important for you to learn that you allowed that from a higher level. And that’s where the healing is, in the forgiveness and the appreciation for what you learned about yourself, and that will heal. And then you’re still young. So, think about the next 40 years and what you can do with what you’ve learned from your own experiences, and that will be a gift for many people.

Yeah, I’m hoping so. I’m hoping to move forward in acts of service because I feel like everything that I was doing for a career, I can’t do anymore. Because of my awakening, because of my spiritual awakening, I can’t go back to doing the types of jobs and things that I used to do because I am conscious now. So, yeah, that’s kind of where I’m at this existential crisis.

Dr. Eleanor
Well, any of us, including myself, the work we’re doing is not the party line. And I will catch a lot of flak, and I always have. But that doesn’t matter. If you know you’re telling the truth, and you know you’re doing what resonates with you, then you do it, and you have courage. Now, this guy (Triangle Badge) Noble, who I talk about all the time, it’s my logo, but Noble, I got Noble my second year of graduate school.

He gave me courage because he loved me so much that I thought he was so pure and amazing that it gave me the courage to stand on my truth. So, look for where you gain the courage to stand with truth. And don’t ever let anybody take that away from you ever again. And this group will support that in you.

Thank you. Thank you for that. I appreciate that.

Hi, everybody. Thank you, Adrienne, for sharing. I want to share what I heard Dr. Eleanor say about forgiveness. It’s a thing that I’ve been working with a lot, and I thought I had to forgive the people in my life who did something to me. But then last week, Dr. Eleanor, you told me to look for the things you’re grateful for, the things they gave you. And I realized I see all those things, and I recognize all those things, and I have never blamed them for the stuff that happened, but I realized I was blaming myself for allowing it all to happen.

So, I was working this week, focusing on the assignment you gave, like noticing the Hand of God in everything that happened every day. And I noticed so many Hands of God in the smallest things. Like an hour before this call, I was in a parking lot, and I couldn’t find my car. And suddenly, there’s this security guy, and I’m like, “Hi, sir. I can’t find my car”. And he starts talking to me, and he’s like, “Yeah, it’s difficult to find your car here.” He finds my car in no time. And he’s like, “Thank you. You made my day shift nice”. And I’m like, “So you’re thanking me because I’m asking for help when I need it.”

Small stuff like that is gratitude and distrust that I don’t have to please people to be good enough. I can just be myself, express my needs, and add to their day and joy in the World. So that was a very beautiful insight I got.

Dr. Eleanor
And the Hand of God is operating all the time. It’s so amazing and so much fun.

Dr. Marvin
So, Charlotte, how do you think that that’s happening? What do you think is the underlying dynamic?

I think it’s, in the first place, me paying attention to it because if I’m too busy being in the Mental World, I don’t think I will notice it so easily. And it’s by taking the time to be aware in the moment and be grateful and notice the small things. Because the Hand of God is not like I win the lottery, those small things guide me and give me this feeling that I’m exactly where I need to be despite everything that’s happening.

Dr. Marvin
So that’s a good description. And what World is she describing it in?

Dr. Eleanor
Ask her.

I think it’s a Spiritual World.

Dr. Eleanor
When you’re looking for the divine in your day, you’re transforming every action and every moment into spirit. And when you relate to people in the World from that spiritual openness, they respond because the World is hungry for love and spirit. And when you come from a spiritual place and you’re loving and you’re generous with your energy, people respond.

One of the things that I wanted to ask all of you to do today is to pick a relationship, perhaps, or a situation you’ve been in and identify the World. I’ve been using the World therapeutically, with my clients and what I’m recognizing one thing, in couples, if the Spiritual World is not aligned, the relationship has issues. So that’s one thing to look at, but look at which Worlds are functional, in which parts of your life. Tying to think the best way to do this, I think. Why don’t we start with “what in your day is solely the Mental World?”

What is solely in the Mental World? I could bring it over into the Spiritual, but we’re thinking about it. But chores, daily chores, paying the bills, cleaning the house, doing whatever. Yeah.
Dr. Eleanor
And so that Mental World, are there things in it that you experience as being able to move you more into the Spiritual World than other things?
Yeah. It’s very subtle how it happens. I could be doing dishes and I’m not aware of thinking anything, and then all of a sudden have this sensation wash over me of like a deja vu kind of feeling. Of course, I’ve done dishes a thousand times, but it’s different than that. The feeling of it feels almost as if you just stepped out of that World into the spirit.
Dr. Eleanor
If I say when washing dishes, “the mental identification about the task seems to dissolve into an energy of alignment as you’re one with the water, one with the sensation of the dish, and there’s a joy in the process of being and doing.” Does that describe totally?
Totally. Because just like Charlotte was talking earlier about having the awareness, it’s like the awareness and the clarity just comes. It just comes. And it might only be seconds turning into a few minutes, but it just feels so good. It feels good. It’s like taking that pause. I could be doing it if I’m walking and I’m on a mission to get to wherever in a certain time frame, and I’m just not paying attention.
But other than reaching my goal of arriving on time and no thought of anything else, just arriving. And then, boom, something could stop me in my tracks to get my attention, and it could be something as subtle and small as, has that flower bush always been there? Have I passed by this every day with noticing it? And boom, why did it stop me right here, right now?
I think there’s a reason for everything. Even if I don’t have an answer coming directly to me. I honor the process of that pause because I know it brought me back to the awareness for the moment, for a reason, for a purpose.
Dr. Eleanor
Begin to ask when those things happen. Which World?
Good point.
Dr. Eleanor
As I’m working with some of my clients therapeutically and I’m beginning to ask them, “Which World is this”? The transformations are astounding. And I was thinking, as you were talking, remembering going to Harv Ecker’s millionaire mind seminar, and he said, “how you do anything is how you do everything”. And that became one of my mantras, especially when I’m cleaning. If I’m organizing or cleaning, which, it’s sort of a mindless, mindful task, I think “how I do anything is how I do everything”. And then there’s great joy and pleasure in every single task.
Dr. Marvin
When it goes from mindless to mindful, that’s what happens in Zen monasteries. Okay, so there’s a great Zen story, which is very quick. There’s this Zen master who became enlightened, and then he continued to do his job. His job before he was enlightened was to walk down to the river and carry water up the hill. And all his disciples asked him, “master, why are you doing this”? “You’re still doing this. You’re enlightened. You don’t have to do this”. And his answer was, “but now I’m fully present basically in all dimensions while I’m walking down the hill and bringing water up”.
It has to do with the energy in which you’re existing in that moment. And when you’re in a spiritual or multidimensional state, people respond to you because you’re radiating energy way out, and it’s a higher vibration energy, and it can be seen, and it can be felt and it can be experienced from your voice. It happened to me in choir. Suddenly, the choir would get into this state, if we were doing Handles Messiah or something like that. And everyone together gets into this group energy. And it’s amazing as a group.
So powerful your message. Thank you for sharing that. I mean, we literally have the control. We have the power to do all of that. And it’s almost comical of all the times that we choose otherwise.
Dr. Eleanor
I think forgiveness is really important here because we have grown up in a society that doesn’t talk about the multiple dimensions and doesn’t encourage children to be spiritual. As a parent, the key is to tune into the soul of your child and to empower that soul. Most of the western culture is about behavior, not about soul. And we don’t speak the language of consciousness from the beginning.
That’s what my work is dedicated to, opening the door on the Four Worlds and saying: Wait a minute. We’ve ignored the integration that needs to happen for us to live as spiritual beings, because everything we do needs to have that spiritual component in it, and we need to recognize it to feel the energy and the joy.
Can you explain? I’m not sure what the Fourth World is. So, you’ve got Spiritual, Mental
Dr. Eleanor
Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical. And remember, the Emotional World is sort of a subheading of the Mental when it’s emotional reactivity. But when it’s emotion that is transformative, it’s bridging the spiritual realm. And that’s where people get really stuck, because they don’t understand that emotional reactivity is a lower frequency. And when you feel emotional in any way, whether it’s stress or joy or anything else, you want to ask yourself, what needs to happen here to transform? You know, a good place to practice is what Pam was saying. Mundane tasks that are in the Mental World that we generally don’t enjoy doing.
Is it simple enough to say… if it’s emotional, that yuck. A yucky kind of emotional, the feeling is yucky, then that’s obvious Mental, right? I would tend to think that if it’s a feel good, Emotional, it’s always Spiritual.
Dr. Eleanor
Maybe, and may not be.
Okay, I’m really intrigued by that one.
Dr. Eleanor
Depends on your language, depends on where it’s residing within you. It can be excitement and fun. Like, I’m thinking if I were in a bumper car in an amusement park, I might be enjoying it, but have I really taken it to the Spiritual level, where I’m breaking through something or letting go of something, or is the body tensing up? If the body’s tensing up, it’s not completely transformed.
That’s such a good point, because that could be a little tricky, because that could be so subtle, that little shift.
Dr. Eleanor
But bringing it up and wanting to really have you begin to work with the World in your life to see how we can get lost in the day and not take it to that finer vibration of spirit, and then we miss God’s hand.
Dr. Marvin
What I do, if I know I’m in a state that’s uncomfortable, is I say a prayer, I tune in, I hum a song, you can do it in all kinds of different ways. I can change my breathing. if you just move into a different dimension. Seeking… also, what I do often, perhaps most commonly, is I say a prayer and ask that the Holy Spirit come into me. When that Holy Spirit comes into me, and I’m aware of it, it changes all of the different dimensions and all of my experiences.

Yeah. Hi, everyone. I just want to share something because it’s just, you know, while you’re talking, it came to me. You know, I’m from different cultures, so I’m Russian. And you know that Russians are like, they’re not, like, we are not smiling and stuff like that. And it’s a cultural thing because they’re saying if you smile, if you’re excited, if you’re happy for no reason, if you’re too emotional, so evil going to happen to you.
And the church teaches, like, if you’re in this state, so you have to pray. This is probably like they’re trying to bring you back into spiritual when you get too high into Emotional World. This is what just came to me because they were teaching. I was like, why I cannot laugh? Why I cannot go and being excited, and this is bad.
Dr. Eleanor
So now you’re saying they keep you from being in the Spiritual World?
No, they’re keeping you from being in Emotional World. They’re teaching you like, if you get overexcited, you have to pray because evil going to happen to you.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay. And what difference does that awareness make for you now?
Now it makes sense because before it didn’t make any sense to me. I was like, why you have to be so negative, so depressed and stuff like that? Why cannot just be happy?
Dr. Eleanor
And so now you know, you can be happy.
Dr. Eleanor
And how are you doing with the negative, the epigenetic stuff.
Working. And actually, your last assignment about seeing the God’s hand everywhere, it’s helpful. And also, I came back to my relatives, to my ancestors, and I see many things that I saw negative first. And right now, I’m saying that it’s not all that negative, and some of them are actually helpful, and they making me who I am
Dr. Eleanor
Excellent. Excellent. You look different, Maria.
I’m tired. I have like renovations.
Dr. Eleanor
But you just smiled. Yes, but there’s a different energy around you. Do other people notice?
Yes. Also from the last assignment, trying to transform low frequency into high frequency. I’m trying to do that.
Dr. Eleanor
And you’re succeeding.
Thank you.
Dr. Eleanor
We can see that you’re succeeding.
Okay. And thank you for teaching those things. Thank you.

Yeah, I think part of my Mental World is something about supporting a network of friends, and it’s a give and take situation. I’m basically single, and recently I had the experience of supporting a friend who was very smart. She’s very consumed with the Jewish heritage and situation in the World. And I have to say that I met her where she is in her fears. However, I lost my sense of sovereignty in that conversation because I became afraid of some impending doom based on world events. I know this is kind of big. So, I felt the downward pull of it all, and I had to rest because it was really hard on me.
Dr. Eleanor
So, Elizabeth, you lost your boundary.
Well, it was through the mental understanding of meeting her and providing the beauty of what we are talking about into all of her doubts and fears. And I think the boundary that I lost was somewhat imperceptive of it. It was almost like I got so drained.
Dr. Eleanor
Yes. Part of what all of you need to learn is how to communicate in each World. And each World has its own language and its own communication style. And partly, Elizabeth, you’re picking up energy from other people and not realizing you’re doing it. And then you lose yourself. So, when you go in to help a friend, be very aware of the boundary between you and your friend and recognize that you can love someone and be empathic to someone and still create a separate space for yourself and that person.
Sure. I guess what I lost was that I believed she was saying a true thing. Reading all these sophisticated theories about the war and everything like that.
Dr. Eleanor
And given all of that, what would you have liked to have happen in the World?
Well, surely, I believe that we create our own reality and that we can support and protect ourselves by being in the bubble of light and love and being with the hand of God.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, so if that’s a strong belief, you could say to your friend, given all of this, that’s that belief. But if we continue to believe that we can make a difference, why don’t we put the energy we want out and bring about change?
Well, I did produce that. It did seem like the Mental World of understanding what happened on October 7 was like, why did those people end up in that situation? And why are we so special that it can’t happen to us?
Dr. Eleanor
Well, the why isn’t a useful way of thinking, is it? Because it’s all hypothesis.
Yeah. I really want to bring the Spiritual World into my friends who are afraid.
Dr. Eleanor
Then you stay in the spirit and don’t pick up the energy of the other person. And then you say what you believe and let it go. Okay?
Dr. Eleanor
Okay. Elizabeth, are you okay with us moving on?
Yeah, sure. I believe what you’re saying is what I need to adopt. So, I’m not going to go any further into the good. Thank you.

Everything that has been spoken has just been so applicable. And especially with the Deja vu, it’s like all these little tasks, it’s like, oh, that’s deja vu. Isn’t that interesting? Something as simple as washing my hands, maybe sweeping the floor or something of that nature. And I’ve always done that to sidestep. And so, what I’m hearing is a different perspective. My emotions, like many of us, have been not to express our feelings.
And I’m doing the best I can to express this now is that to be in the Mental World and it feels like a trap. It feels like a real trap. And being discounted for who and what we truly are and being afraid to express that and be in that place. And I’ve been experiencing that a lot and more, seems pointedly in more recent situations and that being told how to communicate, because the person that the lady of the house wants me to communicate and I feel like I need to ask for everything, for permission. And it’s like, hell… no. It’s controlling. It feels very controlling.
Dr. Eleanor
It’s controlling and abusive because it’s not allowing self-expression. But what you can do is you can identify that you need to pull back and not be vulnerable to someone who cannot receive the multidimensional perspective. And what you end up doing is you end up… playing the game. You play the game without emotion and without it touching your soul.
Okay, I’m making a note.
Dr. Eleanor
I don’t know about any of you. I did not like school. I hated it. And I would count the number of minutes left before I would be free. But I was a perfect student. I handed all my assignments in on time. I never had anything late. I did all of the required, all of the recommended. Why? Because I wanted to accomplish something. And I did not pay attention to any of the constraints that were being placed upon me because I had a goal. So, you set your goal and you keep it strictly Mental World. You don’t put any soul into the interaction, and then that protects you.
Okay? Now, the individual, that is the lady of the house, she’s had some intense spiritual training, and she is using that on me. But the thing is, beloved, she’s not asking me questions. She’s just being like a parent.
Dr. Eleanor
Do you have room to say anything to her?
I don’t feel comfortable in doing that because this might be part of my experiences of having repercussions on some level of my being. And I shrink. And I have come to, let’s say, a form of compliance and to follow the house rules rather than being a free spirit. Where I was previously living in New Mexico, I had my own space. And now I also remember from my early exposure to Human Design that I am designed to be a loner.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, we don’t know that because the human design chart is only one eight of the total pictures.
Okay. I’m more comfortable living alone, not having roommates and things of that nature.
Dr. Eleanor
You just need to pick what you say and begin to seed that you’d like some questions.
Kathryn Okay. All right.
Dr. Eleanor
Try that this week. Just very gently say, it would be helpful to me if you ask me questions.
Dr. Eleanor
Say, “I do best when I have something to respond to”. Okay.
I’m making notes here, and you make.
Dr. Eleanor
It very non-threatening.
Yeah. Neutral.
Dr. Eleanor
Also. Yeah, go ahead.
Dr. Eleanor
Why don’t you try that and give us feedback next week?
Okay. Well, my response is fear and to cry and to leave the building. So, it’s being to a major avoidance, and I know that’s nuts. I get some relief.
Dr. Eleanor
What World is that, Kathryn?
Dr. Eleanor
You have an emotional reactivity coming up. So, if that’s your emotional reactivity, how do you transform it spiritually?
I’m reintroducing myself to this modality. And that transforming usually means for me to step outside, to step outside and be in the fresh air. I feel very confined. It’s been, like, three or four years. I feel confined in a building.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, so can you go outside today?
Yes, I can.
Dr. Eleanor
So go outside, breathe the air, get your strength. And then when you come back in, share what a difference it made.
Okay, I can do.
Dr. Marvin
Also, let me just add, Kathryn, what you did was your higher self gave you an option, and you went outside and breathed fresh air. What’s in fresh air? The prana, the chi. Just like in first book of the Bible. Lord God breathed life into Adam and he became human. So, the energy comes in through the breath. You go outside, you breathe fresh air, you walk.
That’s one transformation that’s been my primary activity growing up and as an adult I would go outside and do some kind of exercise. Walking, hiking, climbing, sports.
Dr. Eleanor
Marvin, generally, since I’ve known him, and we’ve been together 46 years. He has always needed to go out alone into the nature at least two or three times a week. And if he doesn’t, he’s not in balance. And when, like yesterday, I think he went out in the yard, just with the dogs because he needed to be outside by himself. And then I walked out to go swim because it was finally warm enough, and he was out there in the yard doing Tai Chi Gung with the dogs. And I even got a picture of one of the dogs and Marvin doing it together.
Dr. Marvin
Well, Mac sits there in the yard and waits, and he appreciates the wind. He’s just like breathing in the wind. I mean, it’s amazing the wisdom that animals have naturally.
Dr. Eleanor
So those of you who need nature, make sure you go and get a dose every single day. Okay? I’m somewhat different. I’m allergic to everything outside, so my worst thing is being outside. Give me my computer game and something to think about and be creative with, and that’s my remedy.
Dr. Marvin
And she loves it hot, and I like it cold.
Dr. Eleanor
And we’ve navigated it. But the key in a relationship is spirit and spiritual values. Remember that and make a list of what you value. What are your core values? Those are what make you you. And in a relationship, if the core values are not aligned, there’s going to be difficulty, and that goes for work as well.
If you’re in a job and the core values are not aligning with you, you can’t be there without sacrificing your soul. And I don’t know anyone in this webinar who’s going to thrive if they sacrifice their soul.
And to be transparent. It’s been several months since I’ve actually taken care of myself properly, with exercise and practices and everything. And it’s like I spent so long in a fog, and now it seems to be transforming, using the language that we’re using. And I’m feeling better, bit by bit.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, so, Kathryn, can you make a commitment to self-care every day, going out and breathing, doing what you need to do for all four worlds.
Dr. Eleanor
Self-care, meditating for spirit, or praying or reading the Bible, Emotional World, being clear on the messages you give and how you communicate, and the Mental World, ideally, doing what you love and loving what you do.
Well, I’m very skilled at basic house maintenance, and in all this relocation, I couldn’t bring my carpentry tools with me. And there’s a part of me that loves sawing boards and making things of that nature, and that’s not available here now. And I really got the message strongly, I don’t know, probably a year, eight, nine months ago, that I’m starting over, major starting over.
Dr. Eleanor
Well, how nice. You can design what you want.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, so you’re going to be balancing the Four Worlds and you’re going to focus on self-care so you have the energy to do what you love.
Balancing sounds like something we should all do.
Dr. Eleanor
Okay, so just to check here, the Four Worlds, there’s mental, spiritual, emotional, and what’s the other one?
Dr. Eleanor
Oh, physical. Okay.
Dr. Eleanor
Exactly. Where you’re not taking care.

Find a comfortable place where you can be internal, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, knowing there’s nowhere you need to be and nothing you need to do other than what you’re doing right now.
With each inhalation, allow a cleansing to occur throughout your body. As your breath removes all debris from your energy field, allowing you to tune in and recognize and feel who you are, how you are, and what you need.
And feel the love coming in through the breath. And the words that might be attached to that spiritual breath that cleanses you of debris is you are divine and you are perfect. You are an instrument of love, of light and of consciousness. And you have gifts unique to you.
And over the next week, set your intention. Those gifts will become visible to you. And as the gifts of who you are become visible to you, embrace them. They empower you to do what you love. Do what you love, no questions asked. Even if what you love doing makes no sense to you whatsoever. Trust it. Trust the hand of God.
And almost in this moment, feel as though there’s a pat on your shoulder encouraging you to do whatever it is that strikes joy within your heart. Every day, feel joy somewhere in your day. Maybe it’s petting an animal. Maybe it’s a walk in the park. Maybe it’s walking outside your home and looking at the sky. Maybe it’s hugging someone you love, looking into somebody’s eyes, helping someone who needs help, who you don’t even know.
Let every action and every moment of your day be a gift of light and love and beauty. And when facing frustration, look at it as a gift of growth, a gift from God to grow you stronger, deeper, more conscious, more awake. And the words, internally, “I am who I am and I know who I am. And God speaks to me through the moments of my day”.
Let the light of love move through your body and let a creative spark emerge. And when something creative comes to your mind in the next few days, give it some attention in the way you wish someone had given your soul attention when you were a child.
Let the tentative thoughts, the tentative creativity, and the tentativeness of breaking out of a mold empower you to do so. And from this place here, expand your aura 7ft in every direction as a bubble around you, protecting you from anything you choose not to let into your aura.
And from this very secure and very peaceful place, send love to everyone in the webinar, supporting their process wherever they are, and supporting your own process wherever you are. Sending love to your family, to your community and to the World, and joining together in a prayer of peace and harmony and consciousness, as many people who’ve been asleep are starting to wake up and they will need support and love. And you are the beacons of light, there to support those who need it. Wiggling your fingers and toes, coming back into your body, fully awake, alert and ready to go about your day. Thank you all. Thanks for being here and see you next week.

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