Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2024-03-07

What and how you think is important in how you feel and what happens in setting and reaching your goals.

MYD: 2024-02-29

Path Between

“I am a multidimensional being, and I move seamlessly between the worlds as I integrate the information from each World into my daily life. And from each day, I grow in integration as I move between the Worlds because the more adept, I become at navigating the Worlds, the bigger and bolder and more empowered I am in living as a divine being.”

MYD: 2024-02-22

Cosmic Guidance Excerpt-2024-02-22

If you create an environment within yourself that loves your own frequency, that loves who you are, and that settles into who you are, there’s no need for any anxiety because you will be surrounded by those people, tasks, and ways of being that resonates completely with you, allowing yourself the time and the space to be with yourself

MYD: 2024-02-15

2nd Degree Reiki Workbook

Dr. EleanorWelcome, everyone. We’ll start with an attunement. Find a comfortable place where you can be internal, closing your eyes and breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. And with each inhalation, experience the energy coming in through the crown, radiating through your body and releasing any negative energy – energy that does […]

MYD: 2024-02-08

Jay Gerber Cloud Flow

Learn from your insights about yourself to break down illusions that may be standing in your way of manifesting your highest dreams and goals. And when in the way, what do you want to have happen next?

MYD: 2024-02-01

Pluto moves into Aquarius

The change in the planet is bringing a shift in consciousness. So those of you who have been discouraged by the world situation, generate some hope, create some imagination that the healing can occur for the groups that have been hurt, that healing can happen for the planet, and that the work is being done to strengthen and to make a difference

MYD: 2024-01-25

Endless Wall at New River Gorge

Be free from any negativity that can be sent back to its source. That’s an important piece. Because what you want to do, instead of just moving forward to what you want, you also need to go back and reframe what tripped you up. To do that, you need to do it with love, self-forgiveness, and acceptance of the people who were not conscious.

MYD: 2024-01-11


Take a moment, and have any of you noticed that your thinking shifts when you’re with other people today? And if so, how are you influenced by them? Do they pull you off yourself, away from yourself?

MYD: 2024-01-04

Happy New Year 2024

So when we rise to the challenges of stress, we feel empowered and have a sense of self-satisfaction and spiritual awakening.

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