Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2023-07-06 Summary

Axes Of Awareness

I want to go over the concept of the axes of awareness, that I talked about last week, where we have two sides of ourselves. One is the body-feeling-mind and the other is the body-instinct-mind and those operate very differently. When it comes out of the splenic side of your consciousness, it’s instinctive. It’s your intuition / instinct and it talks in an extremely soft voice. In my mind, it’s the Holy Spirit speaking in a whisper. It’s always a whisper. So, you have to pay attention and you have to know your own timing in terms of operating instinctively. Note the image to the left.

The Image on the right, I did a while ago when I was teaching professionals so that they would understand how communication occurs internally. And the reason it’s so important is that the figure eight takes us through the Four Worlds that move us into higher consciousness. But it’s very critical that you bring your awareness of the other dimensions into third dimensional reality, because if you don’t, you’re ungrounded and your life is going to get away from you in ways that may escape your consciousness.

Figure 8 and Layers Of Awareness

Visualize – 

  • Left Heel Emotional Circle
  • Left Toe Mental Circle
  • Right Heel Physical Circle
  • Right Toe Spiritual Circle

Figure 8 and the 4 Worlds

When you do the figure eight, if your right foot is in front, you’re going to move with the left foot from the emotional, to mental, to physical, to spiritual, and then back again. It’s always tracing the dimensionality of the Four Worlds, which are based, in my view, on esoteric knowledge from the Tree of Life. Each energy center in the tree of life has all Four Worlds. We can’t just live in a Mental World. We have to live and be taking our consciousness “up a notch” so that we can actively engage in all dimensions of ourselves and bring it into the 3D World.

My proprietary Energy Maps show the Mental World and the Emotional World as solar calculations. And the Spiritual World and the Physical World are a lunar calculation. And that’s because the Spiritual World is a world that operates on the unconscious level, and it’s related to the cycles of the Moon. It’s also the integrative field of consciousness because when we sleep, we are in a deep state that is unconscious.

Working with the Four Worlds may be challenging because you’re not used to thinking about them. You’re not used to segregating the worlds. And so, when you do, you have a whole other way of organizing what you feel, how you feel it, and you can begin to navigate a little bit differently, including how you make decisions, which is the key. You always want to integrate the Four Worlds. Remember, it’s not just one world. We want to be integrated all Four Worlds.


Deep Sleep and Dreams

In deep sleep, we’re about as comatose as we can be and still be healthy. We have no ego, we have no heart center, which is the ego center. We have no emotions in that state of consciousness. We have no mind. We’re not thinking. Our information is coming from a different dimension and it’s unconscious. However, when we dream, we’re still unconscious but there’s carryover neurologically into our cerebral cortex. So, when we wake up, we remember fragments from our dreams. Dreaming state is state specific and has boundaries. We never can capture every detail of a dream because some of the information is not accessible through the neurological pathways between unconscious and conscious.

Dreams are also activated by the collective unconscious, which means that we’re influenced, when we sleep by the consciousness of the collective. And if you happen to be an empath, you may be picking up on the collective angst or the collective joy or whatever is going on out in the world. That may show up as fragments in your dreams and in your energy field. It may be either contaminating or empowering, depending on what you do with it. So, when I did my Maps, I did it according to the calculations, and I was extremely surprised when I started doing the figure eights, and it traced the same layout.

It was while working at Marvin’s bedside after his heart surgery that the Holy Spirit made it clear it was time for me to bring my work out into the public. It’s not just the Maps it’s what we can do with the information as a functioning being who is here to integrate the worlds. We are designed by the time we are three months old, to manifest our actual potential. Anyone who tells you that they know who you are better than you know who you are is blowing hot air.

And anyone who tells you that you’re doing something that isn’t right for you, needs to put it back to you so that you can determine whether what you’re doing is right for you or not, because nobody is in your shoes. Part of my task is to empower people to their own nature and to not tell them who they are or what they need to do. Although sometimes I can see some clues in their energy map. But in talking to some of you, it occurred to me that in addition to using the Four Worlds in your gratitude sheets, which I hope you’re all doing, it would be really important to do a column exercise using the Four Worlds.

The Column Exercise Explained

This image (Click to download document) is my version of the column exercise. I did it this way because in the first Figure Eight, you put your right foot in front of your left and you push off from the heel of the back foot, which would be the Emotional World. If you start with that you move energy from the Emotional to the Mental to the Physical to the Spiritual Worlds.

The Creative Column in The Emotional World

The Creative column for the Emotional World would be what you’re feeling today. Or use what you’re feeling about something in your life that you’re working on. Maybe it’ a creative project, maybe it’s a relationship issue, maybe it’s something with kids, maybe it’s something with Circle of Chi or your life path. Consider something you that’s operational in your life that you want to understand more about. The Creative column is what you feel empowered or creatively sparked with in that arena.

The Creative Column in The Emotional World: An Example

For me in the Emotional World is doing the webinars, “I love doing the webinars because I can be creative with my work and expand it with input from all of you”. So that would be a creative statement. I’ll be quiet so you can do some writing.

The Sustaining Column in The Emotional World

Let’s move to the sustaining. The sustaining delineates what emotions are somewhat neutral for you. In the arena that you’re writing about, what can you live with that’s not positive or negative? It’s okay; it doesn’t activate you reactively one way or another. It’s just neutral. An example for me in the sustaining Emotional World is: When doing the webinars, I feel relaxed, I feel easy, I’m not stressed, I feel no anxiety about it. I feel like it’s a neutral setting for me. And in fact, if I’m using the webinar, there’s pretty much no negative that I would release.

The Releasing Column in The Emotional World

What emotions do you want to eliminate from this area that you’re working on? Which emotions are counterproductive for you, and do you want to release them, or where are you stuck, and do you want to release the stuckness? An emotional state has to be recognized mentally before you can release it physically and take it to the next level spiritually. So, I just traced a figure eight.


You can have common elements in both the creative and sustaining aspects; they are not mutually exclusive because there may be overlap. If you were to pick, let’s say a relationship, there may be things about a person that are neutral. There are things you’re going to love about somebody and want more of. There are things that you’re going to keep the way they are, and there are things you’re going to want to change. And remember, if you’re dealing with another person, you have three options:

  • Change your Self. 
  • Change the Other.
  • Change the Environment.
There are only three options. And if the other person is not going to change and is a problem for you, you may need to consider changing the environment.
The Mental World

The Mental World is your reality plane. The things you do in the outside world. Reading would fit in that, eating would fit in, studying fits in, the work you do in the world is the Mental World.

The Physical World.
This would be things about your physical state, i.e., your health, your well-being, your exercising, how you stay healthy in your body, and what kind of respect you give your body. What kind of self-care you give your body.

The Spiritual World.
The Spiritual World might be a world that operates on the unconscious level for you. It can also be your beliefs, values, morality, ethics as well as how much or little you feel connected to all living things. For some it can be a deeply personal space based on culture, religion, and personal philosophy. To others it might be a place of consciousness, intuition, empathy, compassion, and self-transcendence.

It might be useful to do the column exercise in the Four Worlds and then do your Tai Chi Gung with awareness of what came up in the column exercise for that world. What’s different about doing a Column Exercise using the Four Worlds is that you’re coming in from a different angle. You’re coming in from the Four Worlds, which integrates with the Tai Chi Gung.  When you consider all the worlds, it is like using a microscope to actually focus on the depths of your inner life. You begin to discern nuances in previously unidentified realms. 
Take an issue and look at it in all Four Worlds.  For example, if it’s a relationship, and many of you have relationships that are a mixed bag, you might look at your own reactions in a relationship in terms of the Four Worlds. 
How does the person relate to you spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally? 
  • Which of those components resonate with you
  • Which ones are okay with you
  • Which ones are areas that may be problematic 
Think about what you want to bring up and talk about. Use Clean Communication and be clear, what do you want to have happen? 
Since consciousness is state specific, if you’re dealing with the Mental World spiritually, you’re not going to get anywhere. You have to deal with the real world in the real world. You have to deal with spiritual issues in the spiritual realm. When we do the Figure Eights, we’re integrating the worlds horizontally. The body twist is bringing the energy up the vertical column and integrates it vertically up the satsuma.
We have to be aware. If we want to ascend, we have to bring the Worlds back into the body because we’re not going to go out of our body and stay out of our body. Even Rasaji, the other day, said he has a hard time staying in his body. Well, that means he has to ground himself. That means he has to be functioning in third dimensional reality in a conscious way. It’s about consciousness; it’s about intention; it’s about really understanding the columns.

Part of the flow of energy is telling us how we have to move psychologically. And my training was so broad that I can bridge between the psychological, the analytic, the dimensional. And to understand the Tree of Life, the movement up the tree is really ascension. Jung described the Tree of Life as the process by which we individuate or self-realize. As you go up the Tree, you’re going through many initiations. And the major arcana of Tarot cards is anchored on the Paths of Intelligence in the Tree of Life. It describes the tasks at each stage. If you don’t have the structure on which to hang the concepts, it’s much more difficult to become self-aware.

I would recommend writing it, keeping a journal in your handwriting, not a journal on the computer. It’s a different experience. Same thing with how you read. If you’re reading an actual book, it’s going to be a different experience than if you’re doing it online.

If you know that you’re feeling it, and it’s the Emotional World, what will transform the emotion for you? In Imago Therapy, which is relationship therapy, we always ask in a dialogue, “what does this remind you of from your past?” Whether it’s an appreciation or a problem, always ask what the origin is, what’s the source? And then, don’t get hung up on the source. Release it. You listen to your own self. And then, you can say, “now, knowing this, what difference does it make?” That is a clean question. Write it down. Or “Knowing this, what do I want to have happen now?”

I would probably add, since the Emotional World is also the Angelic World, you can take what you feel and transmute it into a new form. It becomes empowering as it morphs through the Physical and Spiritual Worlds. All the worlds are intertwined.

No one world can operate without the others being on board. When we don’t talk about the Four Worlds, we’re missing a huge piece of consciousness. The Spiritual and Emotional can transform each other. When you begin to understand and work with the movement of the Figure Eights, as you integrate the worlds, there’s a whole other dimension of power that you come into and bring into the body.

99% of the people on the planet are designed to manifest their actual potential. And when we don’t look at the Integrated World occurring over a developmental time frame, we are not looking at the whole person. I was trained as an astrologer, and I was trained as a psychologist and as a social scientist, where we mostly dealt with the Mental World. Until I began having Kundalini experiences that said, “you have to bring these other worlds in because that’s not where you live”. And for those of you who are here, who have the awareness that you’re not just living in the third dimensional reality, trying to speak the language of spirit to people who don’t live with spirit or don’t want to be in an integrated whole. It is knocking your head against the wall. Literally.

You don’t want to live in the third dimensional world of consciousness that denies spirituality. When you begin to recognize that the Four Worlds are alive and well, and when you get to the body twist you’re integrating, then you have something to work with.

And when you move to a bird’s eye view of yourself, that’s your Integrated Self. If you’re in it, and you’re not seeing it. You have to have perspective.

Thoughts and Suggestions

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Download Column Exercise DOCX

This image (Click to download document) is my version of the column exercise. I did it this way because in the first Figure Eight, you put your right foot in front of your left and you push off from the heel of the back foot, which would be the Emotional World. If you start with that you move energy from the Emotional to the Mental to the Physical to the Spiritual Worlds.

Download Column Exercise PDF

This image (Click to download document) is my version of the column exercise. I did it this way because in the first Figure Eight, you put your right foot in front of your left and you push off from the heel of the back foot, which would be the Emotional World. If you start with that you move energy from the Emotional to the Mental to the Physical to the Spiritual Worlds.

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