Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2023-07-20 Summary

When you work your experiences make sure that you’re dealing with all the worlds, because manifestation is in the Mental World. It is important to bring the other dimensions in through the third dimensional world in a way that brings them into concrete form. It is mental and physical when it manifests. But you’re programming the mental world to manifest in the physical world. It has to be overseen by the spiritual, or it’s not going to resonate. And you must pay attention to how the integration occurs, so it stays balanced. Energy puts you in a different space.

Keep asking a very simple question, and it’s a question that we’ve used in Imago Therapy with couples. And the question always goes back to:

  •  “What does this remind me of from my past”?

And then put it in the proper world. And then instead of being analytically stuck on it, ask:

  • “What God wanted you to learn from it”?
  • “What was so important that God put this in front of you to learn from”?

What I’m sharing with you is ways to work with your psyche. The way to ask yourself key questions that bypass the mind and get to spiritual meaning that can take you to the next level of understanding.

Process is about knowledge and understanding so that you can integrate into the world what you download from higher vibrations.

Well, the sound is going into the belly because we’re breathing into the belly, so it’s activating the sacral and then it’s ascending through the crown. So, all the worlds are integrating in the chanting on a nonverbal level, which is critical because it bypasses the mind.

And Rasaji did point out, which is really interesting, that the portal in Florida relates to the portal of Shiva and the portal of Shiva is like Jesus, the letting go of, the releasing. I’ve heard Rasaji say that as well. So, it really is whether you want to call to spirit, or whomever you want to connect with is present. It’s more experientially available, I think, to everyone who has been tuned in.

For any of you who were at the workshop and part of that experience, and for those of you who weren’t, who are hearing this and are practicing and will experience increased energy from the collective, set your intent as what you’d like to have happen. The key question to always ask yourself:

“What would I like to have happen now?”

Because without setting intent, it’s amorphous.

For those of you who are experiencing exhaustion, relax into more of the energy experience and clear the decks of things to do for a few days. When you’ve had an experience, such as many of us had, usually the body needs to be free to follow its own time because you’ve been out of time, and so you need to acclimate to the new frequency that you’re vibrating on. And if you bring it into the 3D world too quickly, you short circuit it and do yourself a disservice.

Take all the time you need for the energy to adjust to where you are.

Stay in the energy and clear the decks of things you have to do. There’s a song that comes to mind that we used to sing in India…

“Watching the river run,
Further and further from things to be done,
Watching the river run”

It’s important to not push the energy with the mind and to let it be. All of you who’ve had experiences over the weekend, give yourself space.

How to set intention to Manifest Daily

I would ask yourself before you go to sleep the night before, what you want to have happen the next day? Because when you sleep, you’re also inputting the spiritual into the day. Make to do lists before you go to sleep. Make to do lists for every single day. And they’re priority lists. They’re not insignificant. Write down the things that are important for the next day and check them off as you complete them go. And I usually accomplish all of them. But, set your intent and then in the morning when you wake up, read it over and reprioritize based on what happened during your sleep.
When you’re sleeping, you’re in the integrated world. So, if you do it before you go to sleep, then when you’re waking up, it isn’t just your mind activating, it’s all of the worlds acting and coming through your mind and your thoughts. And I’d recommend that if any of you are doing that and during the day you feel confused or stuck, do some figure eights.

Gratitude Journal

Tired after the workshop?

For those of you who are tired after the workshop, your body on a physical level is adjusting to the new frequency, take all the time you need to embrace it. It may just be that the frequency that went through you was so intense that you need the space to rest and probably to sleep and meditate more so that your cells can adjust to the frequency difference. And my guess is that once that cycle of adjustment is done, it’s going to bump you up to having more energy. It’s like taking and changing the wiring in a house. You’re going to blow the fuses if you don’t change the wiring. We’re all having to adapt and change and adjust. There are a lot of cellular changes going on, chemistry and cellular changes.
And watch what you eat. That’s another thing. During this transition period, be really mindful that what you eat aligns with your frequency, your vibration and what your body needs and keep us posted.
If you experience and influx of low frequency energy in your life with someone important in your life,
get some common values that you share that are the same frequency, and then build on that energetically so that you can send and find out what the intentions are and then use that to pray for your loved one. Visualize it. Build the frequency unconsciously by surrounding their energy field with empowered thinking.
Always work with the four worlds and the integrated world. If you begin to think about how you work with it, you want to work with it in a way that can be integrative. And what you’re being told is that you haven’t fully integrated the dimension in which the healing occurred and pulled it through. So, when you’re doing figure eights, begin to integrate. When you’re doing body twists, integrate. Pull it down.
You will not move forward unless you do your inner work. And that has to be integrative, not just mental, not just for thinking, but really integrate the worlds and use some of the materials that you can download from Noble Energy Wellness to work with those materials that are integrative.

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