Noble Energy Wellness®

MYD: 2023-07-27

[ELEANOR: Attunmenet]
Take a moment to find a comfortable place where you can be within yourself and go deep within. Getting comfortable and closing your eyes so you can go inside without being disturbed. And from this place here, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, getting deeper and deeper into relaxation with each breath. Going deep within yourself, relaxing, releasing. There’s nowhere else you need to be right now. Nothing you need to do right now other than be present with yourself. And in this deep place within yourself, allow the energy to move, circulating throughout your body like a running stream, clearing away any stuck places, as though the stuck places are just pebbles that can easily be washed away. So, the energy flows freely through you, cleansing you, clearing you, and allowing you to be fully present within yourself as you integrate all the worlds, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional and Physical, and allow them to integrate your consciousness at a level you can almost not even comprehend because it is so integrative and complex within you. And you open to trusting your wisdom, your understanding, and your sense of self. Integrating new parts of yourself, parts that you’re only coming now to understand. And allowing the energy to move and flow, expanding and contracting, as it will. And you are just an observer, allowing, enjoying, feeling uplifted, and knowing that every day, in every way, you’re becoming more conscious, more aware, and more true to your internal self. Connecting with the Divine in you and allowing that to radiate outward as you go through your day and through your week. And for right now, you’re going to come back to this room fully present, fully alert, and sending energy and love to all the participants in support of their highest potential. Wiggling your toes and your fingers. Opening your eyes. Fully alert, awake, and here in class.

Hello, everyone. It’s good to see you all. Thanks for hosting this meeting. I got to say something, Dr. Eleanor. Both you and the Lama are absolutely right about the Four Worlds. It’s pretty wild. I was doing a mirror meditation and it felt right, but something didn’t feel right at the same time. And I just remember what you said many, many times about integrating the Four Worlds. And in meditating with Rasaji, Rasaji says, the spirit, the mind and the emotions come before the body, right? But the body is still a part of it. And I said ah. So, I’ll just integrate everything here in this moment. And it felt like there were four children and it’s like lovingly round them up so they can focus to eat dinner or whatever. It felt exactly like that. And when it happened, the level of peace that I felt. Wow. So, you’re totally right. Thank you for your teachings.
You’re welcome. And currently, I’m writing all of the Channels, all of the Gates, all of the data in my Maps, in all Four Worlds and the Integrated World. So that should be ready for release, we’re hoping by the end of August to be safe, maybe before that, And Sean, I know you want to work with me, and I’m happy to do that. I’ve just been inundated writing and when I get through what I have to produce in the next week, I’ll be in touch.
Am I on?
Yes, you are on and we want your update because you look so totally different.
Yeah, thanks. I have to say, it is absolutely related to the relationship that I’m in.
I always attract wherever you’re at and whatever you need. Okay, so there’s that. But coming now with the background of Tai Chi Gung and the healing that you did for me that was so profound, releasing all kinds of stuff, it’s just amazing what now the law of attraction can attract. And in that, whatever this man does, I have a new 45 day thingy.
I call it 45 day focus. It’s called the human mirror. I mean, it’s one thing looking in the mirror, and I do, of course, do the mirror meditation. But now when it’s a human mirror. I have this man who happened to love and that triggers all. I had no idea how many more fears I had and how judging I could be and how I could turn into the worst perpetrators of my mother and everything else. Looking at this loving man, judging him, and he’s not budging. He’s not buying it; he’s not responding to it.
It’s the most clear, beautiful mirror, and I’m left with this little pile of shit in my lap that I get to then have all that I need to get rid of it. So that’s been going on and it’s quite amazing. Yeah. I guess I’m going to be on the mirror thing a little bit if that’s okay. Is that all right? Just for a minute. But he has come to my Tai Chi Gung classes, and we’ve been doing that a lot anyway. But last week, in front of the full length studio mirror, the two of us, we were alone, stood together in front of this big, huge mirror and did, like, a mirror meditation side to side and holding hands, and then through time, I mean, changing sides and then standing in front of them. It was profound. So, I’m adding the human mirror experience I mean I know that they always are, but when the other person really isn’t moving and really is the mirror, wow.
Anyway, and then just a thing about the worlds and everything that you’re teaching. I just want to say, and this isn’t putting me down and you would probably know this by looking at my map I am the slowest learner. I mean I love Sean, that you can integrate this. I’m still trying to figure out and I’m doing it in my own know which is which. But just so y’all know, I mean I’m like grinding about knowing. But I’ve created these really cool teaching tools for myself and it’s just the way I need to do it. I have one, I could try to hold it up, but I don’t know if it’s going to work. I’ll just try it quickly.
I don’t know, but whatever the case, they’re poster size Tai Chi Gung. They’re covered in plastic so you can really stand on them. So, when you’re really going from the different worlds I need the cues visually, like the colors and the words, everything. So, it’s really helpful to me. So, if there’s any other slow learners out there, just know that you’re not alone. But also, the other one might be even more slow. But it’s okay because I know it’s a gift.
You learn in a very visual way, and you’re being given information cognitively. You’re translating it, which is internalizing it for you.
Exactly. I’ve learned over time not to judge that because a lot of my really cool teaching tools have come from that. But right now, I’m still really just barely getting it. I think it’s awesome if others like Sean can already get it, but it’s okay. Yeah. And I’m so grateful
Look at the changes in you because your energy is so much cleaner, so much lighter.
And it’s continuing. It is ongoing almost daily. It’s just like oh my God. That’s great.  Thank you for letting me burst a little bit. Burst with joy.

I just wanted to share a little bit and I don’t know that it’s on any well, it’s on topic of me, I suppose. So, you and I had and thank you so much. Your wonderful teachings and all of your knowledge and everything that you shared with me on Tuesday makes so much sense and pretty much to a better well, not better yet on the other side with our Master Lama Wednesday. I’ve had a few Zooms with him and then had the one on one in St. Pete. I don’t know if I shared because I didn’t want to boast, but I even got to ride in the car to and from Kare’s house with Lamaji and the and sweet Mida so what a blessing. But when I spoke with Lamaji on Wednesday, after you and I had shared for about an hour Tuesday, he’s never shared with me about my aura. He did share with my husband about his aura in the little 15 minutes Zoom we had together one time. And I know with all the moving and the stress and all this stuff, my aura has probably not been very light and bright. But he told me the other day that my aura was just filled with blues and purple. So, with healing and transformation, like, he could see this just radiating out of me. Since we’ve been speaking on Zoom, him and I personally. So I didn’t ask. I never would. Lamaji, what does my aura look like? So, I’ve been waiting patiently for him to mention something about me, and so that made me feel really good, and he told me, yes, I do have many people waiting for my teachings and my healing. So he was, like, giving me that little shove like you suggested. Also, this week, get it done. Get it done. Thank you.
Do you want to make any commitment about getting it done?
I’m getting it done this week.
For the week, I will submit my video to Master David.
So, we’ll hear from you next week?

Eleanor On The Axes of Awareness

This image of the Axes of Awareness I feel is one of the most important concepts for all of us to understand. And at the top of it, I would put Self-Care. I want to bring you back to looking at your self-care in all Four Worlds and to understand that there’s a difference between the body instinct mind, and the body feeling mind. They are two different axes. One is emotional, and one is intuitive.  The image is downloadable, by the way, from the website.  And a lot of times when you’re emotional, you may not be grounded, because you can see that the gut, your gut instinct connects to either intuition or emotions, but it may not be grounded. So, when you bring it into the Four Worlds and how it integrates, that allows you to use your mind to sort out what you’re feeling or what emotion is going on, and that gives you the ability to transform it.

When you’re working with the four world sheets, whether it’s the (LINKS) column exercise, or Gratitudes, what’s so critical is to know where it is hitting you internally. And things can be operative in more than one world. And the key is, are you integrating? Are you keeping your whole self-involved or is it a mental thing? If it’s just mental, it’s not integrated.

Is this making sense to all of you? How many of you, show of hands, have been working with the Four Worlds? And have you asked the question internally? What difference does it make when I work with more than one world? And I’d love to hear some of your insights about it. Pamela, is that your hand up?

Axes Of Awareness

I haven’t asked the question and I love the simplicity, the beautiful simplicity that you bring to this. It’s always those simple little things that I forget to do. So, thank you for the reminder, but I sort of did it without asking that specific question. I just been turning it over to the Holy Spirit.

It’s like when you mentioned this and you were describing it, it all just made sense. It’s like listening to Rasaji speak. I may not understand everything he speaks about, but there’s something that just resonates with me as truth. And I think about his saying about the thumb on the moon, right? Just don’t block stuff out. Just listen and be open and whatever I can absorb in the moment, take that and be thankful and grateful for that and don’t shut anything else out. When it’s vibing at the same level for me to receive or, you know so for me, it’s just pretty much kind of handing my very life and soul under the care of the Holy Spirit. Pretty much. It’s like I know that all of this is incorporated.

So, I don’t have a specific prayer or just as I’m going to sleep, I can feel or hear myself somewhere deep down just handing it over and waking up at odd hours of the night knowing that I went somewhere and there’s some conversation taking place or some download whatever. I don’t even worry about the details of it. But I have woken up hearing a thought in my head. Maybe I spoke it out. I don’t know about asking the Holy Spirit to repeat that, say that again?

It’s like I’m trying to grab and hold on to something. So, for me, I’m a pretty simple person and so if I try to get caught up in the details, I’ll go down a rabbit hole that I’ll be stuck on one thing forever. You know what I mean? So, I’m just going with the flow. I’m loving everything and thank you for everything. And I do want to say, whoever had a reading of a chart done by you, I did find mine. I sent you an email. I don’t know if you found it, but whoever had one done when she first offered this to you and everything, try to go back and play it a year later. I did on Sunday; all my readings and it was a beautiful gift. It took all day and most of the night, but I cocooned in my house and everybody’s fed into the next and the next and the next and the next. And yours was at a deeper level, but everybody else’s fit in there. And so, it was kind of like light, right? All these little different levels of receiving and absorbing in the gentlest way. So that’s all I have to say. Thank you so much.

Thank you!  Sara?

When I find it really helpful to bring in all Four Worlds because according to the charts that you did for me, my initial reaction, or the way the energy flows many times is for me emotionally. And by being able to put my quandary or questions or situations through all Four Worlds, I get a much different perspective and then I can put it all together and the whole thing will make sense for me instead of just one aspect.
Are you saying that because in the past when you had an emotional reaction, you stayed with that reaction. Now as you’re bringing the other dimensions in and they’re informing the emotional world, you can move beyond it and integrate it in a whole different way?
Well said. Perfect.  That’s exactly right. And it’s helped me in so many ways. Even in my Tai Chi Gung teaching, with my classes, it helps me with my students. So. I think it has so many aspects. It’s amazing.
How has it helped you with self-care?
Even to allow it, Even allowing self-care. Because before I wouldn’t have taken the time. And now I take the time and I’m like, “okay, what do I really need” So not just doing the exercises, but really incorporating and balancing the spirituality, the emotional and the physical. So, kind of integrating everything.
And when you’re doing your Tai Chi Gung and you’re doing your figure eight, you’re moving through the Four Worlds. It becomes a natural flow that’s awakening. It’s almost like awakening the sleeping giant within us to an integrated being.
Absolutely! And the outcome to me is always phenomenal because every time I do it, it’s new again and then I incorporate something else that I wasn’t aware of. But I think just the way you describe it and the integration of all the Four Worlds, I had no idea how influential that was going to be on my life.

Marvin On The Four Worlds

I want to add something about the Four Worlds. David has always described two ways of doing it; right brain or left brain. I have a Virgo Moon and that got me through medical school and chemistry, all this very exacting situation. But I’m also Pisces so I’ve always moved between being overly specific, the way David talks about being left brained, or the casual Piscean being in the fog of the Neptune, which it’s kind of hard to reconcile.
What I came to yesterday was a pretty interesting experience. I had a number of appointments and I had hand surgery in the morning. I had a skin cancer. It was a local thing, not anything serious, but they have sutures. And so, I had other appointments and I planned, am I going to go to all these appointments or not? That’s the way I sort of started the day. Then I let go of the major stressor in the afternoon and I just released into letting the spirit guide me. And I’ve been singing chants as I ride in the car, different kinds of “ohm” and so forth. And yesterday. I found one with Babaji. You can look him up on the web, on YouTube. He has sayings. But also, there’s chanting.
I’ve been doing chanting in the car for a number of days. I was driving through stressful traffic, but connecting to spirit through the chanting. And I came around this curve and the truck on my right slammed on his brakes. I turned to the right and couldn’t understand why he was stopping. And then as I turned straight, something caused me to slam on my brakes. And then a kid went right in front of my car with a bicycle.
It’s almost like talking about the instinct mind, the rattlesnake example, when I heard a rattlesnake and I elevated off the ground and went to the other side of the creek, it was a similar experience. I did not consciously put on the brakes. The brakes were put on and I was aware of it, but something else told me about it. So. I have been hearing the spirit on and off during the day, especially if I chant or do other things. So that’s an example. The Four Worlds got integrated, but I didn’t do it. It happened because I was connected to spirit. So that’s another path and that’s sort of what Sara was just talking about. Everybody’s talking about it.
But in other words, if you’re connected through spirit, through the fifth world, the higher self, it channels right through all of them at the same time. And I think that saved me and it was quite an experience. I asked someone who I trust about whether angels intervene in things like this, and he said, “yes all the time”. And that caused me to look back on my life and other times when I’ve almost gotten into crises or ran out of air underwater when I was in the Navy, scuba diving. There’s a number of times when something has come in, I didn’t know what it was. I’m beginning to explore more what it is, and I think it’s spirit coming through all the worlds.

Record Prayer In Your Own Voice

I want to thank you very much for Jim Goure’s prayer (  I think for me, that helps me to unify the Four Worlds, reminding me to release it all and my body is also telling me the same thing because I’m healing a fractured olecranon in my elbow, and so I’m getting it from a lot of directions. But Jim Goure’s prayer, I think, is extremely helpful.

It’s a beautiful prayer.

I listened to it. I have the audio, but I also found it online on their website, so I can read it wherever I am. And thank you again.

It’s always good to take those prayers and record them in your own voice and then listen to it, and that will, in a sense, separate the worlds for you and then bring it back to integration.

Exactly. Thank you.

Yes. I have a question. What I just heard, pretty cool. Record doing the prayer and listen to it. That’s very interesting. This is like, kind of two questions. Would you recommend doing that and also chanting and listening to it?


Would that be the same as doing it?

No, not exactly the same. But you’re feeding your unconscious with your own voice, so think about how powerful that is, since self-talk often is self-critical and judgmental. So, if you’re listening to something that’s uplifting, your voice is affirming what you want. And giving you guidance about what you want, then it’s more powerful because it’s changing yourself talk, and it acts on a hypnotic level.

Hypnosis is something all of us use every single day. The habits when you’re driving your car, for example, are automatic, like what Marvin said. When we’re driving, we’re in our own hypnotic loop. We’re operating from an unconscious perspective, and it’s somewhat automated. That’s what hypnosis is. It’s going to the unconscious and giving input that we bring to consciousness. And we do that all the time, in little ways throughout the day.

So, using your own voice to give yourself suggestions is a powerful way to impact, especially the Emotional World. Remember, the Emotional World is on the side of consciousness, waking consciousness, the dreams and the Spirit. And the Physical World is the unconscious side. So, you’re always playing with the dynamic between those four. And when you’re doing your figure eights, you’re putting a form to it which gives it a pathway for flowing and integrating within your body and within your mind in a whole different way than you’d ordinarily think about it.

That was amazing. Thank you. That answers it perfectly. Thank you.


All these things, what I found to be really interesting, I really got into looking at grounding lately, and I had a bad sciatic. I got a grounding pad, and it went away within 30 days. And I started looking at the scientific stuff associated with what our bodies are picking up. I mean, these things are nice, but they don’t solve the problem.
Now when I walk, I walk barefoot all the time now. And the ability to connect is amazing because all that irritation energy, that static that builds up, I mean, you’ve got cell, satellite and all this stuff, and a lot of these frequencies in and of themselves, depending upon the strength, are dangerous or not. So, I saw a study yesterday where they took a person and looked at their blood under a microscope and then took them outside and let them ground for 20 minutes and came back in and it was so orderly and beautiful. It was amazing.
When I am able to get into that real grounded state where I’m really grounding to the Earth, it’s amazing how much easier it is to line up to this, which is one reason why I think people have so much happenings in nature, because it just permeates in. But getting rid of those rubber shoes and stuff, boy, what a difference. It’s just amazing. You will look at me like I’m crazy, but then you find the odd person out there is like, oh, wow. Yeah, I see you get it too.
Grounding really is beneficial. I agree. When you begin to analyze things from the perspective of the Four Worlds, especially when I’m out walking and stuff and kind of meditating, it’s amazing how much more clear events become and how much more information you actually get confusion. I mean, today when I got out of the car, just bugs here in Florida, I thought, oh, I should I spray, like, rosemary on my feet, right, so the bugs don’t bite me and like, oh, I don’t need it today. So of course I got bitten. But I got that message as I was getting out of the car. And it goes to what Marvin was saying. There’s so much information out there we kind of just don’t even pay attention to. But when you begin to do that, when you’re analyzing everything from a Four Worlds, you know these little insights seem to come in.

One of Marvin’s patients told him this morning, this is a patient who owns a farm and is a farmer. And he said that when he gets a bug bite, he puts a little bit of ammonia on it, and it takes the sting away right away. We haven’t tried it, but you can.
Add this to your list. I wanted to add something as an example of grounding. It’s something that I’ve been working on intensively. I go to the beach once a week and do my Tai Chi Gong in the water like I did in Israel in the water. And depending on where the tide is, my feet will sink into the sand in various ways. So that’s one thing that I do. Walking barefoot in the yard, trying to avoid the snakes that might be there. There aren’t too many snakes in our yard. We have fences, we have signs up. Also, no snakes allowed. So that’s no problem.
But the other day, and this is one of the things that I think connected me up to spirit in a way that helped me get by. What happened yesterday is I was in the pool, and I was feeling emotional, and I decided that I was going to do my Tai Chi Gung in the saltwater pool, which is up to this level. I usually start out doing walking, doing Tai Chi swim as I walk, and I heels down and then moving to the toes. I did that for about ten minutes, back and forth, and then I did the warm-ups in the pool and I did all the rest of the standing exercises, but I didn’t do, of course, the crane, because you’d have to dive down.
But that was an amazing experience. Again, it’s grounding. And it’s grounding into the water. And with my feet on the cement, it’s really grounding. So, however, you’re able to do it, wherever you are, if you’re inside and it’s winter and you have a pad that’s grounding. I’m considering getting some shoes that are made of leather. I think that’s a great idea. So, yeah, I think it’s an interesting experience to try the grounding in your own way.
I just wanted to share that “yes, for grounding”, for me, barefoot has always been my preferred choice. Obviously, when I worked in factory you can’t do that. But that was many moons ago. But yes, you just got to watch where you step. If you’re walking and there’s place where other animals are doing their business or whatnot and if you’re in a parking lot you don’t want to step in the oil spots from the cars and things like that, obviously. But yes, definitely, as much as we can be in the grass and in nature and toughen up our feet but yet still have taken care of them. We got to take care of our feet.
But I wanted to share that’s definitely my preferred way. I always feel the energy much more strongly that way. And in the ocean we did do Tai Chi Gung I think it was Sunday morning and I hadn’t done Tai Chi Gung in the ocean yet but to get grounded when the tide, I think, was going out so then the ground, the ocean, the sand is pulling out from underneath your feet you’re sinking down in 1 minute and the next minute you’re off balance because it’s pulling out from underneath of you. But I just wanted to share that.
And then also with bug bites, with Young Living, I use peppermint or patchouli, lavender. I think PanAway is a great one. Actually the other night, and I’ve only probably been stung by insects a handful of times, like bees and wasp and things, and I was out sitting by fire and it was dark. I have no idea what stung me, but it flew down like a rocket, right in my leg, like, bam. And I was like, oh. And I just swatted. So, I guess I didn’t kill it. There was no stinger, but it was definitely a little red mark there for a couple of days and got a little itchy from the histamine, but I just used my oils. Haven’t tried the ammonia thing, but that’s something to think about too.
And then Dr. Marvin, your snake incidents happened twice in my life. Once was on a houseboat when I was six, seven, and the other I was maybe in my late twenty’s. I stepped over a water moccasin on the houseboat, didn’t even know it. But my family came out behind me, and they were like, “how is this child at the edge of the boat?” And the snake is right here coiled up. I stepped over it. I don’t know how I wouldn’t have seen it. Just being a kid, I guess.
And the other time was out hiking, same thing. I stepped over a copperhead, it never moved. And my boyfriend was behind me. and he had to jump back because the snake then moved after I cleared. So. I don’t know, guess something with the animals, but I wanted to share that. I had two incidences with snakes before too.
Why do you think you weren’t bitten? And why do you think you didn’t step on the snakes?
I don’t know exactly. Maybe my energy, I suppose.
Well, I don’t know, but that’s an important question because after the incident yesterday, I’m beginning to look at times in my life when I could have had a very severe outcome with an event, and it didn’t happen.
I think we can look at the fact if you’re connected up to Spirit, are the angels, and I never even thought to speak about that until a few years ago, are the angels playing a role? And that was a question that I asked one of my colleagues this morning, who knows more about angels than I do, and I think we should look at that. And if we stay connected spirit, there’s more of a chance of you’re going to have some help.

Given the experiences that many of us had in St. Petersburg with the opening of the Portal, I think we’re all more primed to the realm where the angels are watching over us. And bringing that into consciousness is a pretty important thing because we can relate to the other dimensions in a much more active way.
And how does that relate to the angelic world and the way you describe it?
Well, I call the world the Emotional World, but it’s also really the Angelic World. It’s a 33-Gate Matrix. And the Angelic World is related to the Mental World because it’s on a plane where we can conceptualize, whereas in the Spiritual Realm, which interfaces with the Aangelic Realm, that’s more the Holy Spirit.  And it’s more the parts of our brain that are not fully accessible. There’s overlap between the worlds, but there’s also differences in terms of where it hits our cognition. Does that make sense to all of you? Sean gave me a thumbs up. Two thumbs up.  
Hi! So, yeah, that all makes sense. And I wanted to touch on last week’s webinar, which I feel like is connected to a lot of what is kind of circulating here in this moment of conversation. I had such a wonderful experience listening to so much of the webinar last week. And one thing, there were several things that really stuck. I don’t want to use ‘stuck’, but there were several things that really stayed with me, and one of them was I can’t remember who it was. But this conversation about this experience of consciousness, I think Eleanor talked about it also. Someone here in the group talked about it.
An expansion of consciousness and having this radical expansion of consciousness. And then I’m paraphrasing here and kind of not wanting to deal with it, not wanting to really deal with this expansion of consciousness or having this expansion of consciousness really interrupt your life. And so I kind of started asking myself, like, oh, are there places? Are there spaces? Are there areas of my life where I am resisting an expansion of consciousness? And the answer was very much yes.
And so then I played a little game of, okay, well, let’s just pretend that I did have this dramatic expansion of consciousness for a second. And I kind of just allowed myself because I’ve been so resistant, I thought I’d take this baby step of, well, what if I just for a moment kind of thought, hey, maybe this did happen. Maybe this is a thing. What would my life look like if I did have this extraordinary expansion? And it changed my orientation towards the Four Worlds in a really dramatic way. And it was really interesting.
And then I started to wonder if maybe it just took me down this beautiful thread. So that was one thing. So, I wanted to share an appreciation for that conversation and the way it touched me so deeply and then reoriented me. And then the other thing related to this grounding space, a grounding goes in all the worlds. And also what I’m hearing I don’t know if this is exactly what is being said, but what I’m hearing in this moment is this beautiful capacity we have to ground into the divine, which also can take care of the Four Worlds in a moment and even at a moment’s notice, as sort of demonstrated with this car event, with this child in the bicycle, which is so beautiful… makes me want to weep. Because…. that we can also be disrupted in the most beautiful way possible by the divine.
And so yesterday, it was just so interesting because two things really happened that were so fascinating to me. One was I had a difficult thing happening yesterday. And before, I would have really worried about it. I really would have stewed in it. I really would have gone down a little trail of concerns. And I sort of was having my coffee with my husband, and I just said, “it’s not my project. This problem is not my project”. And that felt so good and so clear.
And then the weirdest thing happened. I got a new phone recently, and I’ve been working on a project that is definitely my project. And I’ve recently set a deadline for my project, which is exciting. And my new phone, which I had set with a background of a beautiful lake, spontaneously on its own, changed the background, the wallpaper to the logo of the project that I’m actually working on.
So I just wanted to share that beautiful through line kind of from last week, where I started to experiment with, “okay, well, what if this is true?” “And then what?” “And then what?” “And then it brought me to this place of, well, this is a project for the divine”. I’m too sort of small for this. This is a bigger whatever this thing is, is like, too big for me. I’m going to practice this thing. I’m going to work on this thing. And then my phone was “yes, yes, you are, actually.” And it was just very cool. I wanted to share that.

I wanted to share something kind of in line with everybody’s talking about I went to the seminar in Florida and I didn’t want to speak too much about it because I didn’t get any overt visions or anything that I could go, wow, I enjoyed it. I met so many of you and it was such a treat. But I didn’t get one of those AHA moments, as grateful as I was to be there.
But what did happen for me is it was over on Sunday. A lot of people left Sunday. I didn’t leave till Monday morning, and I got back in St. Louis about 9:30 in the morning, so I had an early flight. But in the middle of Sunday night, around three or 04:00 in the morning, my house was struck by lightning. So, when I got home, there was no electricity, nothing in my home. And now it’s been a week or so, everybody cannot believe that my house didn’t burn down. All the TVs, the computer, the alarm system, my water pumps, because I have a well, were fried. That was their word, not mine. Lights in my house were burned up. It hit the roof and came down so forceful that the telephone pole that held the electric company’s generator was blowing off the telephone pole. They had thought initially that the electricity struck the pole and then came into my house. It was the other way around. It struck my roof, which has all kinds of lightning rods across it, melted the one it hit and came down through my attic and just blew everything electrical in my house up. And I still have a house.
It’s good you weren’t there.
I know. And what I’m saying, I think I did get something really big out of that.
You know, your point is and this is what happened at one of the CIA meetings when I talked about my experience in India. And this guy came over and kept touching me when I was in crisis. And Judith said to me… well maybe I said he looked like Jesus in some ways, so she said maybe he was. And that opened up a whole new perspective. I think what we have to do is if we believe that we’re on a path and even though we’re imperfect and no one’s perfect, the Lama’s not perfect, which is what he says, he’s the Forrest Gump of Lamas. So, we all have our issues, but we need to be looking all the time at events and recognizing that there might be a higher power with us, protecting us, because we’re seeking, all the time, to be hooked up to the higher Spirit. And the more we do that, I just read something from the Bible this morning, the more we look to God, to Jesus, whoever it is that you’re looking to, the more that’s going to open the channel. Your seeking opens the channel. And if you’re seeking all the time, every day, you’re connected up all the time, every day.
The Holy Spirit is within each of us, and we are divine. Our self is divine. So, when we look only outside of ourselves for the divine, we miss the integrated self that is divine. And I think it’s really useful to start paying attention to all the ways God’s hand operates in our life, in our day. There are so many ways that we can see the divine intervening in our life daily. People we meet, people we connect with, the way we might walk into a supermarket and there may be exactly the food we need. Or it can be the simplest, most seemingly insignificant thing and it can be God’s hand. \
I just wanted to say thank you. I have been going through all your past videos. I spent the past two weeks in Kyoto, Japan, visiting my son and taking another son with me and listening to all your videos. And unfortunately, I did the pay per view for St. Pete, but only made it through the first half. It’s a twelve-hour cycle and I passed out with the ShaktiPat for the second half. I’m looking forward to coming to Charleston and seeing you in person.
But I want to say that I just finished the two-volume set of Paramahansa Yogananda’s, Second Coming of Christ. And your voices, both Marvin and Eleanor, both of your voices resonate at the same tone that comes through that book. I have to say, having spent the past three months really tearing that book apart, there’s definitely a dimensional relativity to that. And the last paragraph of that book, really ties into what you just said, which is that the Christ consciousness is speaking through all the molecular and atomic electronic structure of the Earth. Not just people, but everywhere you go, the Emotional Spiritual side of the Angelic Realm is speaking to you through the leaves and through the insects and through the grass and through the soil and through the rocks. And we tend to look for something similar to the incarnate structure that we are when it’s speaking to us everywhere, not just through us, but at us and in us and everywhere around us,and taking the time to just absorb you’re so connected to the Divine you, you don’t even realize it. Thank you.
Thank you. On that note, let’s do an attunement.

Thank you. On that note, let’s do an attunement.
Find a comfortable place where you can go inside. Closing your eyes and breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth, and settling into the core of your being. Allowing the energy around you to come in through the crown traveling down through your body and grounding you as you feel gravity connecting you to Earth and allowing the breath to cleanse and release any energy that is still in your body. Getting it to move and cleanse and release anything that is stressful to you, anything that is confusing to you, and allow the breath to go through your body as if you’re a hollow bamboo. Without any thoughts, without any agenda. Just allow yourself in this moment — to be.
And from that place, activate the love of the Divine and move it through every cell of your body, every aspect of your being, and let it expand and glow and light you up with the light of the Divine. And moving that outward to everyone in the group connecting all of us as one being of light. And from that place, sending love to each other, and as one group, sending love out to the world, for healing, for peace, for consciousness. Bringing light into the darkness and lighting each other up with love. And from this place, wiggle your toes and your fingers, open your eyes, come back to the room, awake, alert, and ready to move on with a glorious day.

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