Noble Energy Wellness®

My Dark Night Went into the Light

Ariel Libre

When I joined this webinar, I already had met Dr. Eleanor and Dr. Marvin on-line from something special we share in common which is the practice of Tai Chi Gung. I reached out for help through the webinar and with private counseling during what I called a Dark Night of the Soul. As with any good Dark Night, I lost all bearings of what was true for me, my trust in myself and my connection with the Divine.

Through private counseling with Dr. Eleanor, which included powerfully transformative energy work along with practical processes taught as part of the webinar, I landed in the most empowered place in my life now; and it is a place I have never, ever known in this lifetime. Not only does my life look different, but I do! The mirror affirms that as well as other close friends as witness.


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